Just A Friend- Yoonkook 💜

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Summary: Yoongi and Jungkook are friends. Just friends. Jimin insists there must be more going on no matter what Jungkook and Yoongi say.

Word count: 12,099


It's a Saturday and it's Yoongi and Taehyung's turn to host dinner for their friends at Yoongi's place.

Yoongi doesn't mind at all when their turn comes. He looks forward to it actually.

So does Taehyung because he gets to play host, which he loves doing and is very good at, while Yoongi makes the food.

Yoongi loves being able to cook for everyone. Loves watching them eat well while they smile and joke around with each other.

He just likes when they're together. He's often joined by Seokjin or Hoseok if they feel like helping and he appreciates them of course, but there's one person who without fail will join Yoongi in the kitchen, ready and willing to assist every time.

He likes having his friend here to work alongside him.

It makes him happy even as they're stood in his smaller than he'd like kitchen where the stove and the oven are on, making the space just shy of too warm.

He's chopping vegetables currently, swaying slightly to a melody that's stuck in his head.

Just as he finishes cutting the last of the vegetables for the salad he realizes he forgot to bring the bowl with the chopped lettuce to where he's been cutting.

Before he has even set his knife down to step away from the counter to retrieve the bowl he sees the tattooed hand of his trusty sous chef place it down beside him.

"Thank you," he comments gratefully, getting a sound in return Yoongi knows means "you're welcome" as he lifts the cutting board to slide the vegetables into the bowl.

Yoongi hums under his breath, low and quiet as he moves with practiced ease, mixing the veggies into the salad with a pair of tongs.

He hears the quiet bubbling of hot water as well as the lyrics to the song he'd been humming are softly sung from just over his shoulder.

It surprises him that he was even heard because of the complete chaos coming from the other room which is just meters away.

Or they just have the same song stuck in their heads at this moment by coincidence. Jungkook is the one who had showed it to him after all.

Yoongi can see into the living room from where he's stood at the kitchen island and it is a spectacle to say the least.

Soekjin, Hoseok and Namjoon are playing Mario Cart, taunting each other about who's going to win, while Jimin and Taehyung are in the corner choreographing a cheer to the background music with a surprising amount of hip movements and grinding on each other, cheering on Namjoon.

(Yoongi isn't sure exactly why they've chosen Namjoon to cheer for.

Perhaps it's because he's the least likely to win and could use the extra encouragement.)

It's a very different vibe from that in the kitchen.

The scene isn't all that unfamiliar though. Especially when it comes to Taehyung and Jimin together doing their own thing.

The two kind of always end up together, usually dancing and being silly like this, more often than not leaving Jungkook and Yoongi to either watch them or entertain themselves.

As he keeps his eyes on his boyfriend and Jimin, Taehyung basically bent over with his hands on his knees while Jimin stands behind him, Yoongi meets eyes with Jimin.

Something in Jimin's expression is colder than usual– he's been giving Yoongi this look of almost indifference lately– as he looks back at Yoongi.

Yoongi can't really put his finger on what the look on Jimin's face says now but he doesn't look as happy and carefree as he did moments ago.

Is he mad at Yoongi? Yoongi doesn't remember doing anything that could have offended him... in fact during the time Yoongi has been dating Taehyung Jimin hardly ever interacts with him one on one so he doesn't even think he's had an opportunity to offend him.

If Yoongi is around Jimin it's because he's come with Taehyung and no one else really matters to Jimin when Taehyung's around.

Sometimes not even Jimin's own boyfriend.

When Taehyung and Jimin are together it's not uncommon for them to get lost in their own little world, hardly paying attention to anything or anyone else.

Which is fine. For the most part Yoongi's used to it.

It's a little disheartening sometimes but at least when the two friends run off together he isn't left alone.

When they're off together it usually means he gets to spend time with-

"Hyung," he suddenly hears called just above the noise and he immediately turns his attention away from the living room towards the voice.

He's met with a puzzled looking Jungkook, brows furrowed tightly, eyes glued to the ramen simmering before him on the stove.

"Can you try this?" He pouts his lips out.

Yoongi wipes his hands on the apron tied around his waist as he shuffles over, grabbing a clean spoon from one of his drawers on his way.

He uses it to gather some of the liquid, bringing it to his lips, blowing on it for a few seconds before giving it a taste.

The younger watches Yoongi's expression closely.

Yoongi swallows, thoughtful expression in place before turning to Jungkook with a soft, approving smile.

"It's perfect."

Jungkook beams.

After that Yoongi picks up the plate of meat that's been resting and makes his way over to the dining table.

Jungkook joins him shortly after and within a minute or two the table is ready for everyone to sit.

Their friends eat gratefully, praising and thanking Jungkook and Yoongi for their hard work.

Yoongi and Jungkook meet eyes across the table.

They make a good team Yoongi thinks. They kind of have to really.

Their boyfriends have been best friends for over a decade while Yoongi and Jungkook came into their lives much later.

They'd been basically forced to spend time together but honestly they don't mind. They never have.

From the first day they'd met they've gotten along wonderfully.

It's been almost a year and a half since Taehyung introduced Yoongi as the guy he was dating to Jimin and his boyfriend Jungkook, Jimin's boyfriend of three years at that time, and in that time Yoongi and Jungkook have gotten quite close.

Jungkook is introverted just like him so when the couples hang out, which is multiple times a week because of Taehyung and Jimin, and do things their boyfriend's choose like open mic night at a packed bar, or when they go to a club with their friend group and everyone but he and Jungkook choose to jump in the middle of the chaos, they stick together.

They enjoy conversing amongst themselves or just sitting in comfortable silence as they observe what's going on around them.

Opposites attract and just like how Taehyung brings the best out of Yoongi and visa versa Jimin and Jungkook seem to do the same for each other.

They are really good together, Jungkook and Jimin.

Yoongi likes to watch the way his friend's eyes light up when he talks about his boyfriend.

(Jimin and Jungkook had met years before Yoongi came into Taehyung's life but he hopes he and Taehyung can have a love like Jungkook and Jimin have one day.)

It's cute. They're so in love.

He tells Jungkook he's happy he's met him and Jungkook tells Yoongi the same thing.

The two don't get mushy and sentimental all that often when they talk but nothing makes them softer than talking about their boyfriends.

Dating a pair of friends as close as Jimin and Taehyung are was going to require their partners to be able to get along because they would be spending a lot of time together.

Yoongi and Jungkook feel lucky that they get along so well.

They care about each other. They're best friends.

And their friendship means a great deal to Yoongi.


The sound of rushed footsteps coming from the entrance of his apartment that abruptly followed the slamming of his front door is the only warning Yoongi gets before a body is draped– or dropped more like– onto him where he's lounging on his couch.

The book he'd been reading gets pressed against his ribcage, one of the corners of the hard cover uncomfortably digging into his skin, but he can only bring himself to be mildly affronted.

"Hi Tae."

He feels Taehyung's body relax against his, him letting out a deep breath as a sigh escapes him.

Taehyung has done nothing but nuzzle his nose against Yoongi's cheek, humming appreciatively when Yoongi begins running his fingers through his disheveled bright blue hair.

(Yoongi adores Taehyung with any hair color he chooses.

When they first met he had pink hair and several months ago his hair was half blonde half faded pink.

This most recent color choice though has been his favorite.

The way it accentuates the tone of Taehyung's skin is beautiful. Taehyung is beautiful.)

"Have you eaten?" Yoongi asks with a chuckle when he audibly hears Taehyung's stomach growl.

Again, Taehyung doesn't speak, just shakes his head slightly.

Yoongi gently nudges his shoulder, prompting his boyfriend to sit up in order to allow Yoongi to get to his feet.

Taehyung immediately settles into the cushions Yoongi has been snuggled against, relishing in the warmth that's been left behind.

It's comforting. Taehyung needs comfort.

He needs Yoongi.

With this in mind, Taehyung pushes himself up from the couch to shuffle off to the kitchen where Yoongi now is.

When the room is within view Taehyung sees his boyfriend reaching up into one of the cupboards in search of something.

Without any hesitation he makes his way to over, wrapping his arms around his waist, probably too tightly, pressing his nose to the back of his neck.

Yoongi stops his movements, lowering his hands to rest over Taehyung's arms that are secured around him as he leans his body against Taehyung's chest.

Yoongi was warned that Taehyung might be coming home in some sort of mood.

With a small exhale Yoongi turns in Taehyung's arms.

Once turned around, he gazes up at Taehyung's face, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Baby bear, as much as I love when you're all cuddly, I want you to talk to me so I can better help you," Yoongi searches his eyes diligently. "Can you do that? Can you talk to me?"

Taehyung stares back silently, sulky expression in place, for a few beats before he nods in agreement.

"Words, sweetheart." Yoongi reminds.

"I can do that."

"Good," Yoongi smiles, leaning up on his toes to place a kiss on the freckle just under the tip of Taehyung's nose.

"Now, I'll start with an easy question, okay?" Yoongi smiles softly, fingers combing through the hair at the nape of Taehyung's neck. "Just a simple yes or no will do."

Taehyung watches him expectantly, waiting for him to continue with his question.

"Did you and Jiminie have a fight?"

His eyes widen in surprise. "We didn't fight with each other but Jimin was upset. How did you know about that?"

"I was talking to Jungkookie earlier today-"

Taehyung's arms loosen from around Yoongi. His lips set into a tense line as his eyes narrow.

Yoongi's taken back by the change in his posture. In his expression.

"All he said was that he heard you and Jimin talking pretty loudly while you were hanging out over there. Like you were upset, then you left suddenly."

When Taehyung doesn't say anything, only makes a petulant sounding whine Yoongi adds, "Please don't be mad at Jungkookie for telling me. He just wanted to give me a heads up in case you needed some comforting-" Is all Yoongi manages to verbalize before he's interrupted.

"You and Jungkookie, hyung! That's what Jimin is upset about."

Yoongi slowly removes his arms from Taehyung's shoulders.

"I don't understand."

"You and Jungkook, hyung," Taehyung repeats as he takes a step away from Yoongi, removing himself from Yoongi's space entirely.

"That doesn't really explain anything. What did we do?"

"Nothing I hope!" Taehyung voices, his volume a little higher than before. More whiny. "I've never really thought about it before but Jimin is pretty convinced something is going on..."

"Jimin thinks- he thinks something is going on between me and Jungkook?"

Taehyung moves his head up and down quickly in confirmation.

"He says Jungkook gets all weird and defensive whenever he asks about what you and Jungkook do when you hang out or what you guys text or talk on the phone about."

Yoongi blinks at him incredulously, still not fully grasping what Taehyung is explaining but his mind is trying its damndest to break down and interpret the information.

"I-I," he gulps despite his mouth being dry as a bone. "I don't really know what to say..."

He looks at Taehyung, worried. "Do you think something's going on with me and Jungkook?"

Taehyung doesn't answer, just stares back, biting the inside of his cheek.

Yoongi's heart drops when even after several seconds Taehyung still doesn't answer.

Yoongi and Jungkook haven't done anything alone beyond getting food on occasion.

They do text. Usually talking about their respective boyfriends on occasion of course, but mostly about music, books and sharing funny memes they come across– or calling to talk about something when there are just too many words needed to get a point across or too much to say in general.

Neither of them really like talking on the phone but sometimes it's just easier.

It's not like they're talking is a daily thing either. Via text or phone call.

They certainly don't hang out more than once or twice in a month just the two of them.

Yoongi doesn't understand where Jimin is coming from with his assumptions.

"I don't think of him that way, Tae. We've never done anything," Yoongi assures sincerely. "We're just friends."

Taehyung exhales deeply. "I've never thought anything was going on, hyung. But when Jimin told me how weird Jungkookie is when Jimin brings it up I didn't really know what to think..."

"You're my boyfriend and you mean the world to me, Tae. I'd never cheat on you with anyone. Ever."

Taehyung doesn't offer any words of acceptance or assurance that he knows Yoongi would never do such a thing as m cheat and Yoongi can't help but to be offended by his lack of trust.

He doesn't believe he's ever given Taehyung a reason to suspect him of being unfaithful.

He doesn't understand where-

Yoongi stops.

No, he does know where Taehyung is getting these wild ideas from.


Taehyung said so himself. Jimin thinks and Jimin says and Jimin's upset.

Jimin. Jimin. Jimin.

Yoongi's eyes harden, the softness leaving his irises as he bares into Taehyung's.

He can't help but wonder why Taehyung is looking at– speaking to– Yoongi like he believes what Jimin has said.

"Let's go," he states curtly as he steps around Taehyung.

He stalks out of the kitchen in the direction of the living room, intending to retrieve his phone where he'd left it on the end table by the couch– seeing a few notifications once it's in his hand but not paying much attention as to who they're from– before he stops by the key hook near the front door, putting on his shoes and a jacket.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung follows behind.

"We are going to talk about this," Yoongi slides his socked feet into his sandals before turning to Taehyung. "The four of us."

"We're going to their place?" Taehyung blinks, eyes wide.

"They should be home," Yoongi reaches for the doorknob as Taehyung hastily gets his shoes on. "If they aren't we'll try again tomorrow but we are going to straighten this out because there is nothing going on between me and Jungkook."


Jungkook scowls, watching as Jimin paces the living room as Jungkook sits on the couch with his arms folded across his chest defensively.

He's so sick of having the same conversation every other day.

What do you two talk about? Why do you talk to him instead of me? Is something going on between you two? Do you have feelings for him?

Over and over the same things are repeated and Jungkook is exhausted.

He can only take so much of this. He's about at the end of his rope.

"How many times do I have to tell you that nothing is going on," Jungkook groans, exasperated. "We've never kissed, never slept together, he hasn't ever so much as put an arm around my shoulders. I don't know what else I can tell you!"

"Cheating isn't just-"

"-oh, we did share an umbrella once," he shares mockingly. "I'm sorry if that crossed some sort of line, us being shoulder to shoulder while he walked me to my car so I could leave the place we'd just met up with Namjoon-hyung and Hobi-hyung so I could be home for dinner with you on time."

"Emotional affairs!" Jimin shouts abruptly and Jungkook stills.

His face contorts into confusion. "Emotional what?"

Jimin takes consecutive deep breaths, trying to stabilize his increasing heart-rate.

"Even if I did believe you haven't slept together there is such a thing as emotional affairs, Jungkook."

"You're being ridiculous! Yoongi is my friend. Just like Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung are my friends," Jungkook defends. "Just like how Hobi hyung and Tae hyung are your friends."

He narrows his eyes ever so slightly as he adds, "Am I not allowed to have friends now?"

"You have to admit that you and Yoongi have a different type of friendship than you have with anyone else. You don't share the same things with them you do with him."

Jungkook's jaw clenches.

This is stupid. So fucking stupid.

"And you aren't as close to Hobi hyung as you are with Tae. You two are way closer. Share the same brain practically! Does that mean I should be worried about you two having an affair?"

Jimin rolls his eyes, scoffing with his arms crossed tightly across his chest.

"You're being so hypocritical! You and Tae are way closer than I am to hyung. Need I remind you of all the times before Tae and hyung started dating that he would just show up upset or tired or stressed or just fucking bored and you would kick me out of our bedroom to sleep on the couch so you two could have the bed?"

"...That's not the same."

"You're right, it isn't! I've never cuddled in fucking bed with hyung."

"You're being ridiculous."

"You're being ridiculous!" Jungkook groans. "You and Tae are all over each other when you're together and basically ignore hyung and I but I've never ever questioned your relationship with him because I trust you. Why can't you trust me?!"

"I'm trying to trust you!" Jimin yells back. "I know Tae and I are close but that's just how we are. How we've always been. It's different."

"What does that mean?!"

Jimin takes a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves because he feels himself ready to explode.

Jungkook stares daggers at him as he does so.

"I just wish you would try to see things from my perspective," he grits out finally.

"Your perspective?" Jungkook huffs in disbelief.

He's raising his voice and he knows he shouldn't. There's no need for that. They can have a mature conversation.

He takes a deep breath.

"Okay. Please explain your perspective because obviously I'm not getting where all this is coming from. Where it's been coming from."

Jimin narrows his eyes, puffing out his cheeks as he organizes his thoughts.

He wants Jungkook to understand. To see how he does act differently with Yoongi and he isn't crazy for questioning how close they are.

He wants Jungkook to finally get where he is coming from, but before he can get the words out he's interrupted by pounding on their door.

Their attention abruptly snaps to the door from where they're both stood defensively in their living room.

Jungkook manages to snap out of his surprise first, stepping around Jimin to make his way to their entryway.

Jungkook's body covers most of the entrance but Jimin is able to catch a glimpse of electric blue he instantly recognizes.

He rushes forward, dozens of questions rushing through his mind about why Taehyung has shown up so urgently, they'd just seen each other after all, when he stops just behind Jungkook as his eyes fall on the man Taehyung is standing– or hiding more like– behind.

Great. Jimin frowns. Fucking fantastic.

"Hyung?" Jungkook questions in a voice much softer than the one he'd been speaking to Jimin in moments ago.

Jimin's scowl deepens.

"The four of us need to talk," Yoongi states moving his eyes away from Jungkook to lock with Jimin's.

Jimin raises a brow, eyes flashing from Yoongi to Taehyung. The guilty expression on his friend's face is all the confirmation Jimin needs to know exactly what this is going to be about.

Taehyung has never been able to keep things to himself.

Why should their mildly heated conversation earlier today about their boyfriends' suspicious relationship be any different.

"Yeah we do." Jimin deadpans, annoyed, before turning away from the three of them to make his way back to their living room where he drops himself onto their couch with a huff.

In reality it doesn't take long for Jungkook and their visitors to join him in the living room, but it feels like hours.

Jimin doesn't take his eyes off the black screen of their TV that's mounted to the wall across from him but he sees Taehyung come to his side in the corner of his eye, sitting close to him.

Taehyung has never done particularly well with confrontation so it isn't surprising to have him squished against Jimin's side seeking comfort when things are tense.

As Jimin finally moves his eyes to Yoongi he sees that he is angry and confused.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook speaks first, looking incredulously between Taehyung and Yoongi.

Yoongi squares his shoulders, facing Jimin from where he stands across from the couch.

"Jimin," he begins. "Do you think I'm fucking your boyfriend?"

Jimin's brows shoot up against his will. He didn't expect the elder to be so blunt.

Neither did Taehyung, or Jungkook for that matter, if their quiet gasps are anything to go by.

Jimin presses his lips together tightly, not breaking eye contact before he speaks.

"I don't know."

Now it's Yoongi's turn to be surprised.

"You don't know if you think we're fucking?"

"No," Jimin repeats. "I'm on the fence about whether or not you could be fucking, so I don't know that, but I do know you're having an affair."

"He thinks we're having an emotional affair," Jungkook frowns, still looking at Yoongi.

Yoongi's attention moves to Jungkook briefly before going back to Jimin.

"How long have you felt like this?"

"A while." He answers shortly.

Yoongi shifts his weight from hip to hip, arms raising to cross over his chest.

His eyes are narrowed but more so in thought than in anger or annoyance.

He's trying to understand the accusation rather than just dismissing it.

Jimin isn't too proud to recognize and admire that. He is too proud to voice the compliment aloud to Yoongi though.

He sits silently instead, expression purposely blank.

"First and foremost I want to make it very clear that Jungkook and I are not and have never slept together," he looks pointedly at Jimin, then Taehyung.

Neither of them look at him but they don't argue either, so Yoongi continues, voice calm.

"Now, can you explain why you think that we're doing anything intimate, sexual or otherwise, behind your back?"

"He's just- he's different with you. You must see that too," Jimin insists. "He's way closer to you than any of his other friends. And I know he tells you things he doesn't tell me."

Yoongi is quiet, studying Jimin in silence as he thinks.

Jungkook hasn't said a thing to him about Jimin being upset about his and Yoongi's friendship so that's proof right there he and Jungkook don't tell each other everything.

He doesn't voice this observation aloud though.

His eyes flash to Taehyung and Jungkook briefly before looking back at Jimin.

"Do you tell Tae things you don't tell Jungkook?" Yoongi questions.

"Well yeah, but-"

"Jiminie and I have known each other for over a decade though," Taehyung speaks up next.

"I understand that," Yoongi nods, "but the point is that Jimin you also have things you tell Tae, your best friend, that you don't tell your boyfriend."

Jimin sulks, glaring at the floor.

"What, in your opinion, makes Jungkook and my's relationship seem like anything more than us being close friends? That's the part I want to understand because honestly he and I aren't nearly as close as you and Tae are. And I can't speak for Jungkook but I know that I've never questioned you two in the whole time I've known Tae."

"That's what I told him..." Jungkook grumbles shuffling to the couch to sit down next to Taehyung.

"So please help me understand why you're feeling this way so we can talk it out and resolve this," Yoongi encourages and God, Jimin's so annoyed that he's being so mature about this.

He wishes he would have come in here screaming and outraged, not calm and ready to talk about their feelings.

Jimin would much rather be yelling but now he feels the need to be on Yoongi's level and that's- annoying. Because that means Yoongi has taken charge of the situation.

It's really annoying.

"He just," Jimin gestures vaguely in Jungkook's direction. "It took me months to get him to talk to me. To open up, but with you it happened so fast. And he's only gotten more open with you. You had chemistry immediately and I don't like the thought of him feeling like he can tell you things he can't tell me."

"That's what friends do, Jimin. They talk," Jungkook practically whines, obviously tired of having the same argument. "Just like you and Tae do."

"When I met you you could barely look me in the eye but you never had that problem with him," Jimin huffs, addressing Jungkook.

Yoongi purses his lips before asking, "Jungkook was what, twenty when you two met?"

Jimin blinks, confused as to what this has to do with anything.

"Yeah?" He answers.

"Has his personality evolved since then?" Yoongi inquires next.

Taehyung and Jungkook's expressions show they are completely lost as to why this is relevant.

As Jimin lets the question sink in, eyes fixed on the wall just over Yoongi's shoulder, he starts to understand where Yoongi is going with his question.

"Yes," he scowls slightly.

Yoongi nods. "When I introduced you two to Namjoonie and Jin hyung for the first time who was the first one to start asking them questions and engage them in conversation?"

Yoongi knows the answer to that question just as Jimin does.

Jimin pouts as Taehyung answers.

"It was Jungkook."

Yoongi meets eyes with Taehyung.

"It was. And tell me if you don't agree but I know that even since the time I met him he's become progressively less shy when meeting people," Yoongi looks back at Jimin. "Couldn't it be that he was just more confident and less shy when he met me then he was when you two met?"

Jimin doesn't say anything, just wrings his hands in his lap, still avoiding looking at Yoongi.

Yoongi sighs.

"I'm not trying to make excuses or make you feel bad for feeling the way you do, Jimin. I hope you know that. I'm just trying to talk this out like adults and come to an understanding."

"It isn't really any of your business how I feel," Jimin mumbles with a frown.

Yoongi's jaw clenches.

He takes a beat to calm his building annoyance, keeping his tone steady when he points out that it became his business when Jimin talked to Taehyung about what he's been thinking and feeling and it upset Taehyung enough to make him upset with Yoongi.

Jimin huffs. "It just bothers me that he talks to you but won't talk to me."

"What do you think he says to me that he doesn't say to you?" Yoongi cuts in, tilting his head in question.

"I don't know because he won't tell me!" Jimin exclaims before he can stop himself from getting too emotional.

Yoongi bites his lip, contemplating

He looks at Jungkook, who's been quietly observing wordlessly for the last few minutes.

He slides his eyes to the device in his hand before looking back at him.

Jimin and Taehyung both watch them with different degrees of bewilderment.

The two don't fail to notice that they are behaving exactly like Taehyung and Jimin do; easily having a conversation without words.

It makes Jimin's stomach roll uncomfortably.

When Jungkook shrugs, signaling his permission, Yoongi unlocks the device and opens his messages, going directly to his text thread with Jungkook.

Taking a step forward, he holds the phone out to Jimin.

"Have a look and you'll see that it's a whole lot of memes, links to playlists, YouTube videos and TikTok's or random things about you, Taehyung or our other friends."

He intended for Jimin to take the device but Jimin doesn't.

He crosses his arms tightly against his chest and turns his head away instead.

"You never believe me when I tell you we mostly send memes or talk about songs and artists we like. Or we talk about our boyfriends," Jungkook comments, gesturing to the phone. "You thought I must have deleted texts when I showed you my conversations with hyung but his phone is right there! Look so you can see that I wasn't lying."

Everyone is silent as they watch Jimin expectantly, waiting for him to take the phone from Yoongi, or at least look at the screen, but he doesn't.

"He could have deleted messages too," Jimin comments curtly.

Yoongi's eyes widen in shock while Jungkook scoffs in disbelief at his boyfriend's behavior.

Jimin's stubborn. They all know this.

He doesn't do anything he doesn't want to and apparently he doesn't want to believe what Yoongi and Jungkook are saying.

Yoongi pockets his phone with a frown.

"Okay, I don't think there's anything else for us to talk about," he voices, looking at the three men around the room. "We've told the truth but you've obviously convinced yourself that no matter what we say we're lying."

Yoongi feels a prick of pain in his heart when he sees Jimin reach a hand up to wipe away a tear but he also is at a loss for what else he can say.

He's told the truth and so has Jungkook.

There's nothing more to say.

Yoongi gives Jimin one last sympathetic look, gives the same one to Jungkook before saying that he and Taehyung should get going.

"You and Jungkook should leave," Jimin sniffles.

Yoongi's mouth gapes, stunned.

Jimin is acting like a child. It's disappointing.

Jungkook doesn't argue. He does give a dirty look to Jimin, but he stands up silently and goes to their room.

Yoongi doesn't realize he's been standing there, looking at Jimin for some time until Jungkook walks out of with a packed bag.

Jungkook walks past without saying a word.

Taehyung and Yoongi watch after him as he puts on his shoes and leaves, slamming the door behind him, making them flinch.

"I'm going to stay with Jiminie," Taehyung speaks up, drawing Yoongi's attention back to the two on the couch.

Yoongi scoffs, seeing Jimin basically sitting in Taehyung's lap now as Taehyung rocks him back and forth, hand petting his hair gently.

If anyone should be suspicious of an affair happening it's Yoongi and Jungkook.

"Fine," Yoongi pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue.

Without another word Yoongi heads for the door, leaving the two men behind.

He shouldn't be surprised when he sees Jungkook standing in the hallway waiting for the notoriously slow elevator.

Yoongi walks up beside him silently.

They stand an arms length apart not saying anything.

When the elevator finally arrives they step in at the same time.

Yoongi watches as Jungkook presses the button for the ground floor.

It's as they're stepping off the elevator that Yoongi finally speaks.

"Where will you go?"

Jungkook sighs. "I was going to make some calls once I got to my car. Probably try Eunwoo hyung first. He owes me a favor since I helped him move last month."

Yoongi's brows raise. "Doesn't he live like, two hours away now?"

Jungkook nods, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Yoongi keeps his eyes on the younger's profile.

"Just come to my place," he sighs, wrapping his fingers around Jungkook's wrist, leading him in the direction of his car.

"Do you think that's a good idea? They already think we-"

"It's fine, Kook."

Jungkook sighs. "Okay. Thank you."

When they get to Yoongi's car they climb in, continuing to talk about their boyfriends.

By the time they get to Yoongi's place they've gotten themselves pretty worked up about the whole situation.

They take a break in their conversing for Jungkook to head to the guest bathroom to shower and get ready for bed while Yoongi goes to his bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes.

Yoongi finishes before Jungkook so while he waits he decides to take a couple of beers out of the fridge.

Just as he's got the second one open Jungkook walks out, sitting himself at the table.

Yoongi hands him a beer as he sits across from him.

They sip in silence for a while.

They have a lot they could continue to talk about but the time has kind of passed to vent.

"Thanks for letting me stay here." Jungkook says finally, eyes glancing from his bottle to Yoongi's face.

"You never told me Jimin felt negatively about our relationship with each other," Yoongi comments after a beat, taking a sip of his beer.

Jungkook's quiet for a moment.

"I think I just didn't want it to change anything between us," he nibbles on his lip. "I didn't want us to stop hanging out or talking just because Jimin had the wrong idea. I thought I could convince him on my own that nothing was happening. That he would believe me. I didn't know he would pull Tae into this... which was probably naive of me. He tells him everything." He then looks up apologetically, "I'm sorry if me staying here is going to cause any more problems for you and Tae hyung."

"If he and Jimin choose not to believe us when we say nothing's going on then I don't think you staying here is going to make a difference," answers Yoongi with a drawn out breath.

"I still can't believe Jimin brought you both into our fight."

"Honestly, I was surprised at first but knowing those two I'm more surprised he didn't talk to Tae sooner. Especially if he's been feeling this way for a while."

Jungkook purses his lips. "Why wouldn't Tae hyung tell Jimin he's wrong? Doesn't he trust you?"

And... Yoongi doesn't have any rebuttal for that.

Yoongi thought so but Taehyung's actions tonight prove otherwise...

They've been officially boyfriends for a year and a half, a significantly shorter amount of time than how long he's had Jimin in his life but Yoongi really doesn't think he's ever given any reason to think he wasn't faithful.

If he did have doubts Yoongi wishes Taehyung would have brought it up so they could have talked about it. Yoongi is a large advocate for communication. Taehyung knows that.

He would have been happy to talk this out with him and abolish his doubts.

"Do you have anything stronger than beer?" Is the next thing out of Jungkook's mouth after he gulps down the rest of his beer.

Yoongi does in fact have stronger alcohol and he agrees that tonight it's needed.

He goes to his fridge and pulls out a bottle of Peach Schnapps Taehyung brought over one day that they have yet to drink.

It isn't that strong but it is stronger than beer, as requested.

On his way back to the table he grabs two glasses.

He hands the bottle and a glass to Jungkook who immediately pours himself a drink.

When Yoongi's glass is sat down he leans over to fill his cup as well.

He then sets the bottle down before raising his glass.

"To..." he thinks before a teasing smile pulls at his lips. "Friendship."

"To friendship," Yoongi rolls his eyes playfully, knowing Jungkook's being facetious as he clinks his glass with Jungkook's.

They each down the liquid in one go and Yoongi doesn't stop Jungkook when he pours them another round.

Three rounds later, Yoongi regrets not slowing the younger down sooner.

They're lying on the living room floor now, each of their bodies sprawled out in opposite directions while their heads are side by side.

Staring up at the ceiling a random thought pops into Yoongi's head. Or a question rather.

"Does it ever make you uncomfortable how close Taehyung and Jimin are?"

"Not as much as it did when we first started dating but yes." Jungkook comments before he scoffs. "I actually kinda had a flashback of how it used to be a couple months ago after he ditched me almost immediately at a club when Taehyung drug him into the crowd to dance. I ended up barely seeing him that night. When I told him it made me feel left out and forgotten he said I was overreacting and it's-"

"Just how they are," Yoongi finishes the sentence for him. "I've said something similar to Tae before but he gave the same excuse. Made me feel like I was the crazy one for not thinking their behavior is normal."

"I don't think Jimin realizes how often he practically forgets about my existence when Tae's around. He's ditched me so many times I've lost count."

"And when you get ditched so do I since it's my boyfriend yours runs off with."

They both chuckle dryly at that.

Sure it's annoying to be basically abandoned and ignored for an hour or two but at least Jungkook and Yoongi have each other when it happens instead of being left to hang out alone awkwardly.

"How did you deal with it before Taehyung and I started dating?" Yoongi asks next.

Yoongi knows he takes up a lot of Taehyung's time now but there wasn't anything besides school and later Taehyung's job that kept him busy before Yoongi so the older guesses his free time was spent with Jimin which also means Jungkook.

Jungkook lets out a deep breath. "It was hard. And annoying sometimes. Some days it seemed like I was dating both of them with how much time Tae spent with Jimin. Especially after Jimin and I moved in together," his shoulders slump. "But I was so in love with Jimin that I just dealt with it."

Yoongi hums. He can see Jungkook's sad and likely doesn't want to continue talking about how his relationship was before.

Yoongi tries to lighten the mood.

"Remember that time the bartender thought you and I were a 'cute couple' and gave has free specialty drinks?"

Jungkook laughs which makes Yoongi smile wider. "Which time because I feel like that's happened more than once."

Yoongi's eyes widen and he turns his head to stare at Jungkook. "You're right! It's happened like three or four times hasn't it."

Jungkook laughs a little louder before turning his head to meet Yoongi's eyes.

They look at each other, not saying anything, for a few moments.

They're both smiling softly but suddenly Jungkook's smile begins to dim.

He turns his head so he's facing the ceiling again.

He's biting his lip the way he does when he's thinking.

He has something he wants to say, Yoongi can see that, so he keeps his eyes on his friend's profile, giving him time to organize his thoughts.

Finally he says, voice barely audible, "I'm going to break up with him."

Yoongi considers his words for a beat before replying that he'll support Jungkook with whatever he thinks he needs to do.

(He thinks judging by Jimin's behavior today the two of them taking some time apart would be good, maybe give Jimin an opportunity to figure out exactly why he's so distrustful of Jungkook despite Jungkook having done everything he can think of to show he's telling the truth.

Yoongi thinks this, but he doesn't feel it's his place to say definitively that he thinks one way or the other about Jungkook and Jimin's possible break up.)

Jungkook turns back to Yoongi, eyes wide and sparkling. "I just don't think I can deal with the distrust anymore. You saw him tonight. No matter how many times I've assured him nothing's going on he won't accept my answer. I don't know what happened but for the past two months or so he has had it in his mind that you and I are doing stuff behind his back and I'm so tired of having to defend myself over and over."

"I can understand how that would be tiring..." Yoongi hums.

"I love him but tonight was my last straw. I can't do this anymore."

Yoongi gets that too.

"Well, like I've said. Whatever you choose to do I'll support you," Yoongi assures.

Jungkook's eyes tear but he looks away, blinking, before any can fall.

"Thank you," he says into the quiet of the space around them.

Neither of them say anything for a minute or two after that, both stuck in their own heads and they think about tonight and the situation they're in.

The accusations that were made.

It isn't until Yoongi yawns, making Jungkook yawn as a result that they decide it's probably time to get some sleep.

Yoongi has a futon in his office/spare bedroom but it isn't something he would offer to even his worst enemy to sleep on.

He tells Jungkook this before bringing him a sheet, some blankets and a pillow for them to get the couch ready for him to sleep on.

Once everything is in place to his liking Jungkook settles under the blanket.

Yoongi had gone to the kitchen to get him some water and a couple of pain pills for the headache he will likely wake up with tomorrow while Jungkook for comfortable and when he comes back Jungkook is snoring quietly, fast asleep.

With a fond smile he sets the few things quietly down onto the end table for Jungkook to take in the morning before he heads to his own room.

This evening has been emotionally draining. He hopes Taehyung is doing okay with Jimin.

He has half a mind to try to remember where he's seen his phone last so he can check if he's gotten any messages from his boyfriend or to maybe send one himself.

As he starts to think his eyelids grow heavier and heavier and within seconds he too is fast asleep.


Waking up to someone repeating your name right next to your ear when you're in a deep sleep sucks.

Waking up to someone repeating your name right next to your ear when you're in a deep sleep and you're just hungover enough to have a pounding headache is even worse.

It feels like whoever it is is driving a nail into Jungkook's temple with every word.

Jungkook squints his eyes, palm pressed to his forehead, mumbling complaints under his breath as he turns over onto his back.

He grumbles something that sounds to the person speaking like "what time is it?" with his eyes still screwed shut.

"You slept here?" Jungkook hears asked.

It sounds like Taehyung.

He lifts his head, blinking one eye open.

Yep, it's Taehyung.

"Obviously," he answers, still annoyed at being woken up, both eyes open now.

He half expects Taehyung to make some comment about why he chose to stay with Yoongi or ask where Yoongi was, but he doesn't.

In fact, he isn't looking at Jungkook at all anymore. He kind of looks like he's trying really hard not to look which is- odd.

"You should go home and talk to Jimin," he says, looking down at his shoes.

"What more is there for me to say?" Jungkook scoffs. "He doesn't believe me so why bother talking at all anymore."

Taehyung licks his lips, finally meeting eyes with Jungkook.

"Just leave and go talk to him, okay?"

Jungkook eyes him suspiciously as Taehyung begins shifting his weight from leg to leg.

Taehyung looks nervous. Anxious.

"Where's hyung?" He asks then and Jungkook startles when Taehyung suddenly looks like he's about to be sick.

"Are you okay?"

"I just need you to leave so I can talk to-"

"Tae?" They hear called from over Taehyung's shoulder.

They both turn their attention to where Yoongi is now walking to the couch.

"Tae what- are you okay?" Yoongi asks with concern, eyes widening.

"I need to talk to you," his eyes flash to Jungkook's, "Alone."

Yoongi isn't about to kick Jungkook out despite Taehyung being here. He knows his friend doesn't have anywhere else to go because he won't be going back to his place.

"Okay baby," Yoongi answers quickly. "Why don't you make us some tea in the meantime. The chamomile one, while I talk to Kook."

Taehyung offers a small nod of agreement.

As soon as Taehyung was gone Yoongi planned on asking Jungkook to go wait in his room.

He doesn't get the chance to though because as Taehyung stands up to walk to the kitchen to do what's been suggested but as soon as he's on his feet he hunches over with his hands on his knees.

His breathing quickens instantly and again, he seems like he's going to throw up.

Yoongi runs to him. "Tae?! Tae what's going on!"

He wraps his arm around his boyfriend's waist, pressing his shoulder against Taehyung's side as he helps him to the ottoman beside the couch.

Once he's seated Jungkook passes the glass of water Yoongi had left for him to Taehyung.

Taehyung gulps the whole glass down.

Yoongi and Jungkook both stare at him, wide eyed, not understanding this odd behavior at all.

He wipes his mouth off on the sleeve of his jacket before handing the glass back to Jungkook.

"Hyung. Hyung please, I- I need to tell you something," he then says, voice sounding remorseful and sad.

"I made a mistake."

Yoongi's stomach drops.

A horrible thought immediately flashes through his mind but he quickly dismisses it because there's no way- no way Taehyung did what he just thought.

That's impossible.

He would never.

"I didn't plan it. It just happened..." Taehyung continues, apparently no longer caring if Jungkook is there or not.

Yoongi can't breathe. Jungkook's gripping the glass so tightly in his hand anticipating what Taehyung will say next that he's sure it will shatter any second.

"I slept with Jimin."

Yoongi's breath catches in his throat.

Taehyung is no longer looking at him, shoulders hunched in shame as he stares at the rug beneath his feet.

His shoulders start to shake as he begins to cry.

Yoongi hasn't moved a muscle.

Usually he likes to talk about things. Later he'll likely want to do that but right now he doesn't know what to say.

He's staring at Taehyung, eyes as big as dinner plates, lips parted.

When his eyes finally do leave Taehyung's frame he looks at Jungkook.

Jungkook's heart shatters.

He's never seen his friend look so upset. So confused and hurt.

Jungkook sees Yoongi's eyes quickly begin to water.

He looks back down at Taehyung, still completely shocked.

After another moment he turns away and slowly walks back to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

Without another moment's hesitation Jungkook sets the glass he's been holding down forcefully onto the end table before striding to Yoongi's door.

Taehyung's talking behind him. Muffled sobs and whimpers but Jungkook isn't paying much attention.

He doesn't care what more Taehyung has to say, couldn't care even less about going back to he and Jimin's place to hear what Jimin has to say.

His only focus is Yoongi.

Once he's in the room he too shuts the door tightly behind him only unlike Yoongi he locks it.

Yoongi isn't in the main part of the room where the bed is so Jungkook makes his way over to the en suite bathroom.

Sure enough, he sees Yoongi sitting on the floor, in the dark, knees pulled up to us chin and his back leaning against his bathtub.

Without a word Jungkook walks forward and sits down beside him.

Jungkook knows Yoongi well enough to know that if something happens, especially something less than good, he needs to process it in silence.

He doesn't need Jungkook coming in talking about how sorry he is and telling him everything will be okay.

He needs silence. He doesn't mind the company, as long as there's silence.

So Jungkook sits.

They hear Taehyung knocking on the bedroom door for a few minutes, asking Yoongi to please talk to him.

Yoongi doesn't make any attempt to stand up and go to him.

Instead he leans his head to the side, resting it against Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook should probably be sad too. He got cheated on too after all, but he decided last night he and Jimin were done so as far as he's concerned Taehyung slept with his ex and cheated on his best friend.

"Ironic, isn't it," Yoongi utters lowly after ten or so minutes have passed.

Taehyung's knocking ended a while ago. They heard what sounded like the front door opening and then being shut so they assume he's left.

They're in no hurry to check though.

"What's ironic? Them being the ones to go behind our backs?" Jungkook asks dryly.

Lifting his head from where his cheek was rested against Yoongi's head to look over at him.

Yoongi nods against his shoulder, sniffling. "They've been telling us for years their closeness is just how they are."

"I wonder what the excuse for why they fucked will be," Jungkook rolls his neck.

Yoongi sniffles, raising his head, "I'm sorry I'm being so selfish. Your boyfriend betrayed you too. I shouldn't be having my own little pity party while-"

"I told you last night, it's done between Jimin and I. I don't even think he'll be surprised when I officially say the words 'it's over' to him."

"Still," Yoongi pouts, eyes still shiny. "We'll be here for each other, okay? Even if you decided to break things off I can imagine it still hurts to hear what they did."

"It stings, but it'll pass," Jungkook purses his lips. "And yes, of course we'll be there for each other. You're still my best friend."

Yoongi nods. "Thanks Kook."

Yoongi's heart feels heavy and his stomach twists when a sudden thought hits him.

He doesn't even want to voice it aloud because it sounds so awful, but he also would really like to say it so that Jungkook immediately tells him he sounds crazy. That would give him tremendous peace of mind.

He gulps. "Do you think Jimin did this to get back at me somehow?"

Jungkook's brows crash together. "Get back at you?"

Yoongi nods. "He's convinced you and I are sneaking around. What if he kissed my boyfriend to get back at me..."

Jungkook tilts his head, unconvinced. "I don't know. It'd be pretty shitty of him. And he knows how Taehyung feels about you. He has to realize that if he manipulated Tae into doing anything just because he has some vendetta against you it wouldn't just be you he'd hurt."

Yoongi exhales deeply. "I suppose you're right."

They're quiet again, Yoongi going back to resting his head against Jungkook's shoulder while Jungkook leans his head against Yoongi's.

They didn't mean to but somehow they fall asleep like that.

They wake up an indeterminate amount of time later, bodies sore from sitting on the hard floor for so long.

Yoongi stands up first, legs shaky as the blood begins to circulate regularly again.

Once he's steady on his feet he reaches a hand out to help Jungkook up.

"I'm starving," Yoongi grumbles, voice rough from not being used for so long. And from the small amount of crying he's done.

He didn't cry as much as he would have thought he would in a situation like this... he isn't sure why that is.

It makes him wonder if it's because he doesn't care as much as he should or if it's because he isn't going through this, the heartache and betrayal, alone. He has Jungkook's support and comfort.

"Do you want to order in? I'll pay," Jungkook offers with a yawn, stretching his arms above his head.

Yoongi can't help but smile at him.

Jungkook tends to look about ten years younger than he is when he's tired.

It's quite cute.

"Okay," Yoongi relents, not planning on fighting to pay like he normally would.

He doesn't have enough energy to fight about anything right now. Not even something as small as paying for a meal.

Some time later the food is gone and the two friends are both feeling satisfied, Jungkook's phone begins to buzz from the living room.

Hearing Jungkook's phone reminds Yoongi that he hasn't checked his since last night, but it doesn't motivate him enough to go get it.

Jungkook must feel the same way because he just lets the device buzz.

It's pretty easy to ignore it as it continues.

The two friends just continue sitting at the table, digesting, pointedly not talking about anything related to Jimin or Taehyung.

It's just as Jungkook takes a drink of his water that the front door is shoved open suddenly, making the two of them flinch.

Jungkook nearly chokes on his drink while they both turn their attention towards the entryway.

They don't waste any time wondering who it could be.

They already know it's Taehyung coming back.

When he comes around the corner in view of the table the two are surprised to see Jimin behind him.

They both look a lot different than they had the night before. Especially Jimin.

He looks much more guilty than self righteous now.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asks, voice void of emotion.

"Taehyung said he told you," Jimin states after a small stretch of silence, not looking up.

No one says anything.

The tension that's accompanied Taehyung and Jimin into Yoongi's apartment casts a heavy weight over the four of them.

Yoongi feels his shoulders physically sagging under the pressure.

"Did you come to apologize or why are you here," Jungkook speaks up again.

"It was an accident," Jimin murmers, voice barely audible.

"There are a whole lot of steps to go through when you fuck someone so you're going to have to be more clear on what part was an accident," Jungkook scoffs.

"Kookie please, I-"

"You don't need to apologize or explain or say whatever it is you've come here to say. It's not like it's going to help."

Jimin's eyes snap up to meet Jungkook's.

"I'm still breaking up with you," Jungkook informs, tone flat as he stands up from the table.

Yoongi stands up as well.

Jimin clenches his jaw, looking from Jungkook to Yoongi. "So you can be with him?" He asks, voice laced with disgust.

"You know what," Jungkook clenches his fists in frustration. "Yes. Is that what you want to fucking hear? That I want to break up not because you blatantly refuse to believe and trust me, let alone that you fucked Taehyung, but because your delusions are correct and I've been fucking Yoongi since the day I met him. Is that what you want to hear?!"

Jimin stomps up to Jungkook until they're nearly chest to chest as the now exes start trading insults.

They're yelling now, angry tears in both of their eyes.

Yoongi hears his name come out of Jimin's mouth, spat out with venom, but he doesn't quite catch whatever the insult was.

Whatever it was strikes a nerve with Jungkook though because he shoves Jimin back with his large palms on his chest.

It isn't until Yoongi sees Jungkook start yelling at Taehyung that Yoongi's legs cooperate and he moves.

"You're just going to let him talk about hyung like that? What the hell is wrong with you?! He's your boyfriend!"

Taehyung's wide, terrified eyes move quickly between Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi.

He opens his mouth only to close it a few times, unable to speak.

Yoongi knows how Taehyung gets when people are angry and loudly expressing it.

He freezes up.

Moreover, Taehyung especially can't speak against Jimin. He just can't. Not even for Yoongi.

Whatever Jimin's said was apparently insulting to Yoongi and Yoongi wishes Taehyung would stick up for him, and maybe he's too forgiving, but he understands that Taehyung isn't going to.

Yoongi clears his throat, it suddenly feeling very dry, walking to Jungkook's side, resting a hand on his friend's shoulder.

His eyes are on Taehyung as he says, "Kook it's okay. Let's all just calm down."

Jungkook turns to Yoongi, eyes teary and blazing with anger.

"Hyung, but he- what he said was-"

"Jungkook," Yoongi says gently. "I don't care what he thinks. You shouldn't either."

"But hyung," Jungkook's expression turns from angry to hurt.

Not hurt because of Yoongi but hurt for him.

Yoongi can't help but smile, small and thankful, at his young friend.

Always so protective he thinks, utterly endeared.

Suddenly Yoongi is shoved harshly backwards, causing him to fall to the floor.

He groans at the sudden pain in his tailbone.

After that all hell breaks loose.

It happens so fast.

Jimin and Jungkook are throwing hands, trying to get to each other while Taehyung stands between them.

He's facing Jimin, trying to walk him backwards out of the room.

Jungkook follows behind him, continuing to reach around in attempt to make contact with any part of Jimin he can reach.

When he hears Yoongi call out for him, he stops in his tracks.

He turns in Yoongi's direction and Yoongi watches as the fog clears from his eyes as he focuses on where Yoongi is sitting on the floor, reaching a hand out to him.

Jungkook takes Yoongi's hand in his, pulling him up, just as the front door slams shut, leaving the apartment in silence.

Once Yoongi's on his feet he wraps his arms around Jungkook's neck, pulling him down so that the younger's head fits into the space between his neck and his shoulder.

"I didn't mean to lose it like that. I know I was already losing my temper but when he started talking about you..." Jungkook voices shakily, breaths fanning Yoongi's neck softly with every word.

"Are you okay?" He asks next, voice full of worry.

His arms tighten around Yoongi and Yoongi doesn't know if the younger means to do it but his lips brush ever so gently across the delicate skin at the base of his neck.

Yoongi's breath hitches and he doesn't mean to but he leans his head back as if offering the expanse of pale, supple and soft skin for Jungkook to continue what he's doing.

He bites his bottom lip to keep himself from making any sound as Jungkook's lips are pressed to his skin with a bit more purpose.

He does well enough as Jungkook gets bolder at keeping any embarrassing sounds to himself until he feels the scrape of teeth before Jungkook closes his lips on the spot and sucks.

"Kookie," Yoongi all but moans, voice breathy and in no way disguising how what Jungkook's doing is affecting him.

Hearing Yoongi somewhat snaps Jungkook out of whatever trance he was in.

His lips are removed from Yoongi's skin in an instant, Yoongi immediately missing their warmth.

He leans away just enough to lift his head but he doesn't lean back very far because when his head is raised the tip of his nose to nearly brush with Yoongi's.

Yoongi swallows, eyes flickering between Jungkook's eyes and his lips.

He's holding his breath and he's almost certain Jungkook is too.

Blinking slowly Jungkook's eyes stay fixed on Yoongi's lips, the older running his tongue over them without thinking.

It makes them look even more tempting to Jungkook.

Yoongi hears Jungkook gulp before he whispers in the charged silence between them, "Hyung."

Yoongi isn't sure what comes over him. He's never felt a desire to do anything not strictly platonic with Jungkook and he's certain Jungkook hasn't had any desires to change the dynamic of their friendship either.

Hell they'd both spent an ample amount of time, Jungkook especially, convincing and defending that they absolutely did not think of each other as anything other than best friends.

(Objectively he thinks Jungkook is attractive, he'd have to be blind or chronically heterosexual to not acknowledge that he's stunning, but Yoongi has never thought about or wanted to kiss him.

Never ever.)

It takes him completely off guard and overwhelms him quickly when the only thing he can think about is how Jungkook's lips would feel against his.

Apparently he isn't the only one having such thoughts because no sooner does Yoongi think it does his thought become reality.

He isn't sure if he tilted his head enough to connect their lips or if Jungkook did. Honestly it really doesn't matter.

All he knows is that he and his best friend are kissing.

There's barely any pressure, just a soft brush of lips like they're trying it out.

Dipping their toes in the water before they decide if they're going to dive right in or walk away from the water's edge.

Yoongi's eyes were closed but as his lashes flutter as he opens his eyes to see Jungkook already looking at him, pupils dilated and his eyes wide, his breathing stutters.

The next time their lips connect it's much less gently. Less hesitant.

Now it's all purposeful movements and a rush of motion.

Yoongi slides his hands up the back of Jungkook's neck, combing his fingers into his soft strands in the same moment Jungkook shifts his hold around the older's waist, pulling Yoongi to him so they're pressed against each other from their knees to their chests.

Yoongi's gasps against Jungkook's lips when he feels a soft hand cupping his jaw, thumb running along the sharp edge and Jungkook takes that as his opportunity to gently run his tongue over the inside of Yoongi's bottom lip.

Yoongi groans louder, parting his lips more, massaging the tip of his tongue against Jungkook's.

The kiss is dizzying as it goes on.

Yoongi isn't sure when but they moved over to his couch. He only realizes this when Jungkook is gently pushing against Yoongi's body so that he falls back onto the cushions, sitting down with a slight bounce, as Jungkook follows, climbing onto Yoongi's lap.

Yoongi wraps his hands around Jungkook's impossibly tiny waist, thumbs digging into his hips as he tries to keep up with his friend.

Jungkook is kissing him like Yoongi is a life source.

His movements are fast and smooth. Eager.

They continue to kiss, tongues sliding together obscenely, hands grasping at shoulders and fingers tugging each other's hair.

Yoongi's mind is clouded. He's drunk on arousal and he doesn't mean to but his hips begin to push up against Jungkook, seeking friction.

Jungkook lowers his hips, meeting Yoongi's as they build a delicious rhythm and the moans and whimpers he lets out are driving Yoongi mad.

It's after a particularly slow, sinful grind of Jungkook's hips that Yoongi freezes.

He's gasping, Jungkook is too, and when Yoongi stops moving his lips, leaning away to stare up at Jungkook with wide suddenly clear eyes, Jungkook looks back at him and his eyes seem to clear as well.

They know they shouldn't be doing this.

They're friends. This is too much and not healthy because this feverish make-out session is completely fueled by the fact that they're both a little emotionally overwhelmed and heartbroken.

Yoongi can tell Jungkook's having the same train of thought he is.

Jungkook's cheeks warm as he leans forward, forehead resting against Yoongi's.

As they both catch their breath Yoongi keeps his arms around Jungkook and Jungkook keeps his elbows resting on Yoongi's shoulders as his arms drape around the elder's neck loosely.

"I think I'm going to go take a shower," Yoongi says, voice still not quite level but it's getting there.

Jungkook nods but neither of them make a move to change their position.

Finally after several seconds Jungkook rolls off Yoongi's lap, dropping himself onto the couch beside him.

He leans his head back, eyes closed and Yoongi can't help but follow the motion of his tongue as Jungkook licks his lips.

He has half a mind to pull Jungkook into another kiss and that thought is enough to make him stand up from the couch and leave the room.

As soon as he's in the bathroom he strips before turning on the water.

He steps in, not waiting for the water to heat up, intending for the rush of cold to assist in clearing the rest of the fogginess from his mind.

He just made out with Jungkook. With his best friend. And he liked it. Got turned on by it even.

Yoongi has a boyfriend maybe. He hasn't officially ended anything with Taehyung.

It's more than likely they'll break up, but still.

He hasn't spoken to Taehyung about what he did at all and now he's gone and done that.

He doesn't know what to think. One thing he is sure of is that the last thing he wants is for things to change for the worst because of this.

For Jungkook to be freaked out and leave or not want to be friends with Yoongi anymore.

Suddenly Yoongi has a rush of fear that Jungkook has left.

This fear makes him hurry through the rest of his shower, nearly scrubbing his skin raw, before he jumps out and hurries to his closet to get dressed.

He doesn't even dry his hair properly before he quickly exits his bedroom to get back to the living room.

He heaves a sigh of relief when he sees Jungkook curled up into the corner of the sofa, snoring quietly.

Yoongi didn't think he was gone for long but it was apparently long enough for the younger to doze off.

He doesn't look comfortable. His neck is kinked at an odd angle and although he's got the blanket he had used last night when he's slept in this same spot thrown over him his arms aren't covered fully, his shoulders and upper arms visible.

Yoongi smiles softly, fighting the urge to comb his fingers through Jungkook's hair and press a kiss to his forehead.

Instead of doing any of that he reaches down, shaking Jungkook's shoulder just hard enough to jostle him awake.

When Jungkook blinks at him blearily Yoongi extends his hand out to him.

"Let's go to bed Kook."

Jungkook continues to blink at him before asking, "To sleep?"

Yoongi smiles, sighing in relief.

If Jungkook was expecting sex Yoongi wasn't sure how exactly he was going to decline in a not awkward way.

"Yeah. Just to sleep."

Jungkook gives a small smile back before taking the hand wordlessly, following Yoongi to his room.

He'd been honest before when he'd told Jimin he and Yoongi had never slept together. As in actual sleeping or fucking.

They have never done this so climbing under Yoongi's covers is new, but he remembers then that this isn't the only new thing they've done tonight so he just goes along with it.

He wants to be close to Yoongi right now anyway.

Wants to feel his warmth and his familiar comfort.

Although, there is one worry that's weighing on him.

Something he desperately wants to clarify.

"Hyung," he says softly to which Yoongi hums in acknowledgment.

"Are we okay?" He asks.

The lights are off and because of the black out curtains that are drawn there is no light from outside his windows to help give some visibility so Yoongi can't see Jungkook's face but he's sure the younger looks anxious.

Have things changed is what Jungkook's really asking and of course they are.

Yoongi loves their friendship and it doesn't have to change if they don't want it to.

He tells Jungkook that and he can hear the relief in Jungkook's voice when he answers back "that's good."

They're silent after that and even though it's barely two p.m. the two of them are exhausted. A lot has happened today.

It doesn't take long for both of them to fall asleep.


It's two days later when Yoongi accompanies Jungkook to what was he and Jimin's place to pick up his things.

They made sure to go at a time when Jimin wouldn't be there.

They thought it would be better that way.

The two friends haven't kissed or done anything besides sit by each other on the couch, Yoongi maybe leaning his head against Jungkook's shoulder or Jungkook maybe resting his head against Yoongi's thigh as he sprawls out on the couch while Yoongi pets his hair.

The actions are a little less platonic then they're used to, them having never really had or initiated physical contact with each other before, but they don't hate this new layer they've added to their friendship.

They still get along and things aren't as awkward as they probably should be.

They still laugh and joke and talk about music. Still talk about their friends as well as their now exes.

(Taehyung and Yoongi sat down last night and laid everything out in the open.

Taehyung apologized profusely for what he did and explained that he thinks he's always been in love with Jimin he just didn't fully realize it.

Yoongi forgave him and their split was rather smooth all things considering.

They hadn't moved in together yet. Hadn't made it to that step, so all they had to do was gather the few things of Taehyung's that were scattered around the apartment, take back his key, and then he was basically out of Yoongi's life for the foreseeable future.

Jimin and Jungkook on the other hand have still not spoken.)

As Yoongi tucks the last box of Jungkook's under his arm he watches Jungkook remove the key to the front door from his key ring, placing it on the kitchen counter.

Jungkook doesn't look back at the space he's called home for the past four years.

He just turns enough to meet Yoongi's eyes.

He picks up a duffle bag stuffed full of hoodies and t-shirts then extends his elbow.

Yoongi hooks his arm with Jungkook's as they make their way to the door.

They're on their way to Yoongi's place, this being the last trip to pick up Jungkook's stuff so he can be all moved in.

(He hasn't slept in Yoongi's bed since the night of the fight, moving back to the couch instead, but they have a bed being delivered later in the week with plans to turn Yoongi's office/spare room into his bedroom.)

They're excited to be living together. Who doesn't get excited to live with their best friend though.

It's when they're in the elevator that Jungkook turns to Yoongi casually asking what they're having for dinner.

"You're my sous chef, Kookie. I'll let you choose the menu," Yoongi smiles over at him, bumping his shoulder against the younger's playfully.

Jungkook's smiles back, nose scrunching that adorable way it does.

Yoongi admires him openly as the elevator descends.

They're still best friends and Yoongi still very much cherishes that, but somewhere deep down he can see the possibility of them being something more.

Not anytime soon, but maybe someday.

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