《《Chapter 3》》

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"Japan is very clean" blurted Kenji.

"Japan really live to its expectation" Tatsumi commented. Kenji smiled. "Yeah, no wonder Aniki likes it here" he said.

Tetsuya looked at Kenji and smiled softly. He ruffled his hair. Kenji pouted. "Aniki! Don't destroy my hair! I took 2 hours to finish this!"

Tetsuya chuckled. "Sorry" he apologized.

Tatsumi rolled his eyes. "Two hours? You were just staring at the mirror and talking to it" he said.

Kenji blushed. "I was talking to myself!"

Tetsuyu smirked. "Eh? Really?"

Kenji huffed. "Shut up!"

"So its true" Tatsumi concluded.


"That fact that you were talking to yourself" Tetsuyu said.

"I-I- well-"

"So it's true"

"No! I-"

"You know? Kotaro told me that"


"Yeah he saw you"

"I will kill him-"

"Don't. Kotaro doesn't deserve it. He's too kind-"


"Infact, he was happy"

"What's wrong with self-talking?" Interrupted Tetsuya.

Three of them stared at him.

"Well, it's weird" answered Tatsumi.

"....yeah...like what he said......I think..." Kenji answered.

"How can you be so unsure with your answer?!" Yelled Tetsuyu.

Tetsuya sighed. "I think it's normal, it's just like a monologue-"

"Of course" they(Kenji and Tatsumi) said.

Tetsuya stopped and looked at them. "What?"

"Oh dear" Tetsuyu sighed. "Well, well, Tetsuya, you like everything that relates to-"

"Literature" they all answered

"Well not really-" Tetsuyu said.

"Stop denying, we all know" Kenji butted in.

"No I mean, Literature doesn't have monologue....."

"Really?" Asked Tasumi, curioused about it.

"...well, in special cases like fiction literature, they have interior monologue-" Tesuya answered.

Tetsuyu sighed. "There is a monologue in literature but they're not been often used"

Tetsuya nodded. "Yeah"

Tatsumi frowned. "Hmm, now that you mention it. Yeah I notice it"

Kenji hummed. "To me, I prefer monlogue. So I can understand the character's view, feeling or what he was trying to express"

"I agree, though it would be a shame to not know the other's view" Tatsumi said.

"Yeah, we have to be open-minded and see which side was right and which side is wrong" Tetsuyu said.

"Wait- why are we talking about this?" Asked Kenji, clearly forgotten what's their fromer conversation.

"Well, about your problem" answered Tatsumi.


"Nevermind!" He yelled and laughed nervously.

"We should go, aunt is already waiting for us" Tetsuyu said while looking at his watch clock.

Everyone nodded. "Yeah, you're right"

"Speaking about aunt" interrupted Tetsuya. "Isn't that Shitomi University already?" He said pointing at the building who stood big and tall.

Everyone looked at it and widened their eyes. "Guess Dad wasn't messing around" Kenji said.

Tatsumi blinked then nodded slowly. "No kidding"

When they put their foot on the University, Students around them started to stared at them and began to whisper.

"I encounter this alot of times, but this is still uncomfortable" Kenji whined.

"Just ignore them" said Tatsumi.

Tetsuya nodded in agreement and hardened his eyes like a void. He saw Tetsuyu was already in his cold demeanor.

Tatsumi brought his earphone on his ears and lifted up his hoodie. Kenji clipped his hair backward and stared infront ignoring people who was trying to start a conversation.

They entered the principal's office and saw their aunt: godmother of Tetsuyu.

She had a blond hair and beautiful saphire eyes that shines brightly. She wore a white polo and a trypical skirt that hugged his thighs. She had 1 inch heels.

She wore a smiled on her face, like she was awaiting for them.

"I'm glad, you arrived safely" she said. "Though your father told me you'll arrived tomorrow"

"Well, better late than ever" remarked Tatsumi.

Their aunt laughed softly. "Of course" she smiled. "Do me a favor, sit" she then wave her towards the couches infront of her.

The brothers smiled at her and sat on the couch.

Their aunt pushed herself back and opened her drawer. She began searching for their papers.

"So tell me, what had you done in America?" Asked their Aunt.

The brothers looked each other and shrugged.

"Actually, Tetsuya-nii-sama went to America, others went in Spain and France" Answered Kenji.

Their aunt stopped and frowned. "Really?" She asked.

"Yes" answered Kenji.

Their aunt nodded slowly as she continue flipping the papers. "Seems like your mother hadn't explain it to me clearly" she said darkly.

The brothers flinched and sweatdropped.

"Err, yes" Kenji said trying to break the tension.

"Did your mother send you here?" Asked their aunt.

The  brothers shook their head. "Not really, Dad did, but mom proposed it"

The aunt frowned. "That's strange" she muttered. Then finally she found it.

She gently pulled the papers and closed back her drawer.

She then put the papers on her table.

She put eyeglass on and looked at it.

"Oh, I guess your father is pushing you into difficult situation" she muttered as she flicked papers and looked at it over and over.

Tetsuya frowned. "What do you mean Aunt?" He asked.

She shook her head. "Nothing, don't bother with it Tetsuya" she ssaid.

Tetsuya nodded hesitantly.

She fixed the papers and smiled widely. "You're officially enrolled" she said. "Your class starts 9:30, I assumed you know the places?"

The brothers nodded.

"Good. Here are your schedules" she gave the papers to them.

"Thanks aunt" said Tetsuyu.

"Now. I suggest you to go now. You have one hour to enjoy the campus" she said.

The boys smiled.

"Of course" Tetsuyu said.

Then they went out.

"Im glad it was nothing like America" Kenji blurted.

"What do you mean?" Asked Tatsumi.

Kenji threw his hands up showing the papers. "Just out bastketball regimen" he said.

Tatsumi frowned. "Let me see" he grabbed the papers and looked at it.

He widened his eyes. "You're right. This is way easier" he said.

Tetsuya frowned. "I guess Aunt is being easy with us" he concluded.

"Well, I suggest you still do it properly" butted Tetsuyu. "After all, Being in Japan is not lesser than America"

Tetsuya, Tatsumi and Kenji looked each other.

"What is he talking about?" Hissed Kenji.

Two of them shrugged. "Maybe he's high" suggested Tatsumi.

"Maybe he had wine earlier morning" suggested Tetsuya.

"I could hear you! You know?!" Yelled Tetsuyu.

Back in Tensei

"So I have our regimen here" announced Satsuki as she distributed her schedule individually.

Kagami his widened his eyes "WHO THE HELL MADE THIS?"

"What the hell Bakagmi?! Can't you be louder this morning"

"Shut up Ahomine" glared Kagami and Aomine glared back.

"Guys please stop this" said Kise

"Aren't you complaining about this regimen of ours?" asked Kagami

Kise frowned "What do you mean?" He asked. "Akashicchi always give this tough regimen"

"Yeah BaKagami didn't you know?"

"I didn't Ahomine" glared Kagami

"I suggest this will end immediately-" a voice interesting.

The two sweatdroped and slowly looked behind of them. They both immediately paled seeing the demon red hair chibi- ehem, sorry Akashi! I don't wanna die! - captain.

"-and follow the first regimen." Akashi finished while snipping his shiny red scissors. Their first regimen was to jog 500 meters around the fields and 100 more meters at the nearby park. Though the two idiot ran and went ahead of others without a warm out and stretching.

'What a basketball idiot' they all thought.

"Satsuki after they ran at the fields follow them towards the park and bring some water bottles and towels. Make sure to keep those idiots in line" Akashi commanded.

Momoi smiled and nodded. "Of course"

She went away and readied the towels and the water bottles.

Back to Shitomi

"That class was boring" complained Kenji as he smack his face in the cafeteria's table. Making his brothers food shook.

Tatsumi shot Kenji an annoyed look.

Tetsuyu sighed. "Mind your manners Kenji" he reminded.

Kenji grunted and looked away from his brother.

Tatsumi put his fork down, completelyannoyed by Kenji disturbing his snack time. "Stop whining Kenji" he said "Just go to the Gym, shot some loops"

Kenji moved his head and scowling at his brother. "Fine" he grumbled.

He stood up and grumpily walked away.

Tatasumi looked at Tetsuyu asking for advice. Tetsuyu smiled gently and patted his shoulders. "You may beat him later" he assured.

Tatsumi smiled. "You're right"

Tetsuya sweatdropped. "What the hell you two talking about?" He asked.

Both of them sighed and patted him on his shoulders. "You may understand this in the future" Tetsuyu said.

Tatsumi nodded. "Agree. You're too young to know such brutal-"

"I'm older than you!" Yelled Tetsuya.

Tatsumi chuckled. "I know, but more exposed-"

"Shuush, Tatsumi. Tetsuya why don't you ponder around, your brother and I will be having some conversation" Tetsuyu interrupted.

Tetsuya raised his right eyebrow. "Oh? If I may ask? What kind of conversation you'll be having?" He asked.

"You may not. Now go. Don't worry we'll discuss this to you later together with Kenji" Tetsuyu assured.

Tetsuya seems to be reculant to go but he did it anyways. He want out the campus and decided to go to the near park. He bought his teamilk drink and drank it all alone on the benches. He sighed. 'So boring' he thought.

He groaned and lied down. He brought his right arm towars his eyes.

Slowly he became sleepy and closed his eyes.

He failed to notice that around 100 meters away here was Tensei.

Back to Tensei

"Oh God! Akashi is so damn scary!" Kagami yelled as he panted still running. "He's not even participating!"

Aomine groaned. "Shut up Bakagami"

Then they finally took a break. They both panted heavily.

Finally the others arrived. Satsuki went down from her bike and gave them some water bottles.

"Could you two be quiet" Satsuki hissed.

"Stay out of it Satsuki"said Aomine

Satsuki sighed. "Look Dai-chan, Sei-chan would kill you if you still going like this. Same for you Kagami-kun"

Kagami and Aomine flinched and paled at the thought.

"Don't worry Momoi this two idiots will get back in senses" said Midorima

"Shut up ohasafreak"

"What did you say Bakagami?!"

"Please stop this ruckus" cried Kise

"Shut up Kise!" said Aomine

"You're so mean!" Kise yelled and sulked. Murasakibara went beside him and patted his head. "It's okay Kise-chin"

And everyone kept on fighting like there was no tomorrow.

"Can't people be peaceful at this time?" a voice interrupted.

Everyone frozed. They recognized this voice.

They quickly looked at the source and saw a younger man who had a teal hair and blue aqua eyes in drowsy.

He rubbed his eyes and yawn shamelessly.

He saw them and blinked alot of times. He finally made an expression. He smiled and waved "Hi mina-san"

It took for the Generation of Miracles to process the situation.

Then finally-

"KUROKO/TETSU/TETSU-KUN/KUROKOCCHI" they yelled, or rather screeched.

Tetsuya closed his ears at the coming outbursts.

They all gaped at him. Then finally Kagami snapped and demanded some amswers.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Kagami yelled.

"In America" he respond as he kept his monotone face and voice.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Asked Aomine

"But I already informed my cousin" asnwered Tetsuya

"IT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE A SENSE" shouted Kahami and Aomine

"Who's your cousin Tetsu-kun?" Asked Satsuki

"It's Seijuro"

Everyone widen their eyes in shocked ecxept Midorima

"Huhh..Didn't you know this?" Asked Midorima as he tapped his glasses up.

"Shut up Ohasa freak your lucky cause your his right hand man" said Aomine

Midorima got a thick on his head sign of his anger "WHAT?!"

Then they started fighting

"Stop it mina-san" said Tetsuya

Everyone shivers at the tone Tetsuya used

He stood and looked at them

"Stop fighting mina-san I don't want to play with you if your going like this" Tetsuya smirked as everyone gulp while the tension sorrounds them

"Nevermind as long I have fun bye~" he turned around as his Iris change, he smirked as wind gushing through him

'Who are you?' They all thought

An: I became so LAZY at the end. I didn't even finish it properly! Sorry guys, but you to endure this type of situation for further chapters.

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