《《Chapter 4》》

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'Who is he?'



They were speechless and shocked. 

They stared at bench where Tetsuya disappeared. What happened? what happened to their Shadow? Where is there lovable, emotionless and polite Tetsuya? What happened to him to lead him into this state?

This was the very first time they felt very nervous about meeting Tetsuya again. Before their thoughts could even went deeper. A familiar sound came, breaking the silence that they made and snapped out of their trance of thoughts.

Midorima felt vibrations in his pocket and quickly took out his ringing phone. "Akashi?" He muttered in suprised. Why would his call now? They were not even finish jogging. Did something happened? or maybe.....Could he possibly know that Kuroko was here and they met him? 

Everyone was still shock to even payed attention to Midorima's muttering.

Midorima was about to answer, but felt his throat was dried. Yes, He was that shock earlier. He shook his head and cleared his throat grabbing the attention of everyone though they were still staring at the bench.

"Shintaro? Where are you? Are you resting?" Akashi's voice came out of his phone.

Midorima shifted his eyes away from the bench and looked at the others. He saw they were sweating a lot and were panting lightly. "We in the park currently." He answered and gave another thought. "We are....probably, resting." He answered which Akashi gave a hummed of suprise.

"What happened?" He asked.

Midorima sighed. "You could not believe what we just saw earlier." he said exasperated.

Akashi chuckled."So I'm guessing, Tetsuya"


"That damn perfect." Kagami swear after a few minutes of silenced. Midorima twitched his eyes hearing Kagami's 'inappropriate' vocabulary. He cleared his throat again, purposely. "That's an inappropriate thing you had said there." he said and was about to launch some lectures not until an annoying blond decided to piped in the 'fun'.

"How did you know Akashicchi~?" Kise asked ignoring Midorima's glare.

"Of course" He unexpectedly huffed. "For I am-"

"Absolute" Everyone finished. Idiotically thought that it would be fun to interrupt their captain and laughed at him for fun. This was a one big mistake for them.

But Midorima didn't join their fun and Murasakibara stated it; and couldn't care less.

"Return at once, all of you" And with that he hunged up.

Kise and Momoi shrieked realizing what they done as the two basketball idiots were throwing blames each other. Midorima sighed. He was once again dragged in their idiocy and Murasakibara ate his chips couldn't care at their arguments. 

Back in Akashi

Akashi gripped his poor phone tightly, threatening to break it and smiled at the sun as if nothing interrupted him or make fun of him or maybe making him this happy.

The young red hair teen given happiness didn't last long as he heard his phone ringing. He eyed it in suprise but then smirked as he remembered his team disbelief earlier. He happily answered the phone, but of course he didn't show it. 

"What is it, Tetsuya?" immedietly went down into business.

His phone barked a laughed."Nothing!" he chirped. "It's just funny when I saw their face as if they saw me as a ghost" 

Akashi mentally laughed totally agreeing to Tetsuya but, hey! This is Akashi Seijuro and his calling none than Kuroko Tetsuya. He rolled his eyes and gave a sighed. "Well, practically your presence is like a ghost and your pale as a ghost, so I don't see any difference at all." He brutally said it.

Which he earned a scoffed of disbelief from his cousin. "How could you, Sei?" He dramatically asked in disbelief and sniffed as if he was betrayed by the most loyal person love of his life....how dramatic.

Akashi cleared his throat, interrupting his cousin's performance. "What is it Tetsuya? I know you never call with just a joke" He said in irritation as he was getting impatient.

Tetsuya gave a chuckle and divisible smirked. "Always sharp aren't you, Sei?"

Akashi scoffed, completely offended as if he didn't understood his cousin. For god sake they known each other for forever. "Get to the point." He said.

Tetsuya gave him chuckled and finally some answer. "Our coach wanted to have a practice match with your school"

Akashi eyed his phone in surprise but, with full of suspicion. "What are you planning at?" he asked darkly getting a bad feeling. He knew his cousin, and his know that he was planning something. This was very difficut situation. 

The offer as tempting, but what could possibly he do?

"What's your answer, Sei?" Tetsuya asked completely ignoring Akashi's question earlier.

Akashi shook his head in amusement, if his cousin planned something, he decided to play along and to deal with it later.

"Sounds fine to me" He finally gave a reply.

"Then next week Monday"

"Of course, Next week Monday," with that he ended the call, stood up with a smirk. Whatever his cousin's planning they will be preparing and face it. He grabbed his coat and put it on the bench as he could hear the arrving footsteps and noises geting louder and louder.

He closed his eyes giving a himself an amusement of chuckle and of course deciding to triple their draining. He mentally grinned with such evilness.

Finally they arrived.

Akashi eyed them in emotionless. Kagami and Aomine flinched, they quickly dashed infront of him and kneeled in forgiveness. "We're sorry Akashi!" apologized the two idiots

Akashi mentally laughed but, he need to announce something. He raised his hand at the sign of seriousness.

Everyone quickly dragged their selves inside and sat. Kagami and Aomine sat up straight. Kise and Momoi looked each other worriedly. Midorima and Murasakibara eyed Akashi in curiosity.

Once everyone settle down, Akashi cleared his throat. "Shitomi High will be playing against us next week" He announced.

 Everyone froze in shock.

Kagami and Aomine gaped. Kise and then others gave him they eyes of suprise while Momoi smirked. Another data to collect.

"That strong basketball team?" Asked Aomine in disbelief . 

Akashi nodded calmly. 

Aomine and Kagami looked each other and grinned. They quickly leaped out of the ground and raised their hand in happiness and excitement. "YESSS!!! WE'RE GONNA PLAY AGAINST THEM!!!WE'RE GONNA KICK THEIR ASSES"

Everyone covered their ears by the two idiots sudden outburst. Akashi seems to be unbothered though his suspicious smile were lingering at his face. He stood up and patted his pants. "Well then" he said. "I doubled your practices then I tripled it more" He then faced them with that weird smile as more dark aura came out of his back, scaring the hella out them.

Kagami jumped at Aomine's hands as they both trembled in fear. Kise fainted while Momoi desperately bringing him back to reality. Midorima and Murasakibara shivered and paled.

"Goodluck" He said and left.

Kagamo and Aomine looked each other and glared. "This is your fault!!!" They both yelled. Then Aomine threw Kagami out of his arms and landed on top of Kise's fainted body.

And now Kise no longer last. Momoi shrieked in horror seeing a murder in front of her eyes and covered her eyes, crying. While the two idiots continue to yell each other.

Midorima stared at the stupid scene in front of him then glared at Murasakibara who was about to open his snack. "Don't you dare." He warned.

Murasakibara looked at him then to his snack. He shrugged and opened it. Then a huge of remarks came out of the green headed carrot.  

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