Chapter 10: Dogfight football

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I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare.
"Bird Strike!" Maia yelled. I went through the procedure of what to do if you have a bird strike and nothing was working. We were on a mission and we were just heading back to the carrier after successful completing the mission.
"I can't control it! Both of our engines are on fire Waves!" I yelled as I tried to control the airplane. I can't let Maia die and I'm trying my hardest to get the plane back to safety.
"Try again, the right engine is still spinning and it's not on fire. Just do some of that pilot shit and we'll be fine! Maia said as calmly as possible. I did what she told me to do but it sent us into a flat spin down towards the mountain.
"Eject! Eject! Eject!" I yelled but her ejection handles weren't working and as I ejected I saw my best friend and the plane crash into the mountain.
"MAIA!" I yelled once I saw flames, I knew she was gone. I fell into unconsciousness and then I woke up in a hospital. Val and Lia were there, comforting me since they were on the same carrier as me for the next week.
I looked at the time and it was 9am and I realized that I was late and that I needed to change quickly and get to the beach. I got changed into a sports bra, shorts and an oversized t-shirt just as a cover up. I grabbed my keys, a towel and my phone and ran to my car and drove as fast as I could to the beach and I parked next to Nat's car and went over to Penny. I put my things down next to her and gave her kiss on the cheek. I sat across from her.
"Hey. What'd I miss?" I asked.
"They are playing dogfight football." Penny said.
"What are you doing? I asked.
"Work, what are you doing?" Penny asked.
"Talking to you, avoiding my sister, trying to not fall asleep." I said as I looked over to see the team playing dogfight football. Dogfight football is where there's two teams, offense and defense but playing at the same time. It's really fun but it's confusing if you don't know how to play.
"Why would you fall asleep?" Penny asked as Amelia came out and sat next to me and put her head on my shoulder.
"I didn't sleep last night and I had a nightmare about Maia again." I said quietly.
"Rachel, you need to talk to someone about this. It keeps on getting worse." Penny scolded and I nodded.
"God I'm sick of this. I have an idea." I said as I poked Amelia a little bit.
"Why don't you come over tomorrow night and then we can hang out, talk bout guys behind us, in front of us, now, who we like dislike. All of that shit." I said.
"Your teaching my daughter how to curse? I thought it was Malia." Penny said.
"It's both of us." I said.
"Mom, can I please stay with Rach?" Amelia begged.
"Of course you can, just don't cause any trouble." Penny said.
"Yes!" Amelia said as she smiled hard. I laughed and Penny looked behind me.
"What?" I asked.
"There's some Lieutenants behind you." Penny said quickly.
"This is search and rescue, we have found  Lieutenant Trace, requesting to bring her back and over?" Mickey asked.
"Access granted, bring Lieutenant Trace back and over." Reuben responded.
"No. No. No, no no no no." I protested but they didn't listen I was thrown over Mickey's shoulder with Reuben following, dying of laughter.
"I just did my hair it better not get wet or I'll kill both of you." I said, glaring at Reuben and he didn't stop laughing, only catching the shirt I tossed him. He tossed it onto the sand with his stuff and Mickey walked me down next to Nat and put me down.
"Finally." I said. Nat was laughing and I punched her arm.
"It's not funny." I said as I fixed my sports bra straps.
"It so was." Nat said and I glared at her before I was splashed.
"VALERIE NICOLE INDI KAZANSKY! COME HERE!" I yelled, running after my dumb ass friend. She knows I hate getting soaked and now I'm soaked. I tackled her into the ground and I trapped her with my arms.
"Say your sorry, or I'll throw sand into your mouth." I said as I glared at her.
"I'm truly sorry." Val joked and I threw sand at her face and she shoved me off and onto the sand.
"You wanna go?" Val asked.
"Yeah I wanna go." I responded and we started play fighting.
"Lieutenants, what is going on over here?" Cyclone asked and we both stood up.
"Just playing with each other, sir." I responded. Cyclone looked us over and pressed his lips into a thin line.
"If you say so." Cyclone said before leaving and we both relaxed.
"Have you told anyone yet?" I asked, since we were done playing dogfight football.
"No, why!" Val asked.
"I think Javy and Reuben know something about the other night and Dylan in general. No one but you and Lia know." I said.
"Shit." Val said.
"Yeah." I agreed. I looked over at Javy and Reuben and they were clearly in a deep discussion and I was about to get in my car but I had to wait for Lia to come back. I went inside to the bar and went to Penny's office.
"Hey Pen, I can pick up Amelia around 4 tomorrow, so where do you want me to pick her up from?" I asked.
"Here is fine, she should be back home from school by 3:30, and I can drop her clothes off at your place in the morning." Penny said.
"K, see you tomorrow Penny." I said and headed outside to see Lia and Val already gone, everyone went home besides Reuben and Javy. I looked at them with raised eyebrows and Reuben had a smirk on his face. I know that look, he wants or knows something.

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