Chapter 11: He loves me, but he cheated

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A/N: so I wanted Rachel and all of the boys(minus Bradley) have their own moment with each other since they are siblings to each other. I'm also gonna put some memories/flashbacks towards the end of the story of Rachel growing up.

"May I help you." I asked, shoving Reuben off of my car. He rolled his eyes and stood up and got ready to answer. Javy was standing next to my car and it was obvious they know something.
"If your about to ask what I'm doing tonight, I'm busy. I have a date." I said.
"With who? What's his name? How old is he? What is his job? Where does he live? Does Nat know about it?" Reuben and Javy started going off and I just laughed. For when it comes to protectiveness, it's Nat, Reuben, Javy, Mickey, and Jake.
"I'm talking about a date with my bath and bed." I said.
"Not cool Rach." He said.
"It was pretty funny if you ask me. I actually might go have dinner with Dylan at his place." I said.
"Why are you still with him?" Javy asked.
"Because I love him and he loves me." I said. Reuben sighed and nodded.
"I'll see you tomorrow at training. Love you." Reuben said.
"Love you too." I said and they walked away and I got in my car and headed over to Dylan's for dinner. I parked and went inside and I heard something going on upstairs so I went up to his bedroom, to find him fucking another girl.
"Rach, what are you doing here?!" Dylan asked.
"I came over for dinner. You gave me a fucking key to get in and you expect me not to show up whenever I want?" I asked.
"You know what Dylan? You and I, we're done. I'm done." I said, throwing the key to him and storming out of the house in tears.
"Rachel! Wait!" Dylan yelled as he followed me but I got in my car and drove off to Penny's knowing that Lia and Val are staying there, since Penny is Lia's mom. I was crying the whole way there and I pulled up and knocked on the door and it opened to Lia.
"Rach, what's wrong?" Lia asked. I didn't answer so Lia brought me inside and gave me a hug and brought me to the living room and I saw Bradley.
"He cheated." I said.
"Who's he?" Bradley asked.
"Dylan, her boyfriend." Lia answered.
"I went over to his place for dinner and I found him fucking another girl so I ended things and now I'm here." I said. Penny came down and saw what was going on.
"Dylan cheated on her and she broke it off." Bradley said. Penny nodded and said that Bradley could go home and that Lia and Penny can take care of me and they did just that. Penny let us get drunk and we were drunk and eating ice cream, watching movies and we fell asleep on the couch. We woke up a little bit late and we had to rush to get ready and drove to base as quickly as we could and we made it so that we were early. We went to the locker rooms and got in our flight suits.
"Can I talk to you?" Bradley asked and I nodded. I grabbed my helmet and we went over somewhere kind of private.
"Are you okay?" Bradley asked.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked.
"You know damn well why you wouldn't be okay." Bradley said.
"I know why, you don't need to fucking rub it in my face that I was cheated on. If I say I'm fine, I'm fine. Mind your own fucking business Bradshaw." I said and walked off.
"You cannot say anything to Phoenix or the boys Bradley." Lia said and she followed after me.
"What the hell was that Bradshaw?" Nat asked.
"Nothing." Bradley said.
"If anything happened to her that you did, you're dead." Nat threatened.
"Nat, I swear to god, I didn't do anything to her. Just talk to her." Bradley said and everyone went out of the locker rooms and went to the meeting room. Val meet up with Lia and I and we sat next to each other and Val noticed I was tired and that something was wrong. Mav was up at the front of the room, with Admiral Bates saying something.
"The uranium enrichment plant that is your target will be operational earlier than we thought. Raw uranium will be delivered to the plant in 10 days time. As a result, the mission has been moved up. 1 week." Admiral Bates said. I looked over at Val and Lia, shocked and they had the same expression as me.
"Sir, no one here has successfully flown a low level course." Javy said, saying what everyone was clearly thinking.
"Never the less, you've been ordered to move on. Captain." Admiral Bates said and Mav moved to the front of the room while Bates moved to the side and stood next to Cyclone and Hondo.
"We have one week left to focus on phase two. It's the most difficult stage of the mission. It's a pop up strike with a steep dive requiring nothing less than two consecutive miracles." Mav said and I stared to zone in and out.
"You okay?" Val whispered.
"I'm fine." I whispered back.
"How are you fine, you showed up at my house full on crying and pissed off, and we got drunk and had ton of ice cream."  Lia whispered.
"Don't listen to her, I'm fine." I whispered.
"Lieutenants Trace, Kazansky and Mitchell, is there something you would like to share with the rest of the group?" Cyclone asked.
"No sir." we answered.
"Would you like to be kicked out of the program?" Cyclone asked.
"No sir." We answered.
"Good, if you would like to stay, then stop whispering to each other while your captain is going over the mission. Am I clear?" Cyclone asked.
"Yes sir." We said and Cyclone nodded to Mav so he could continue.
"Two pairs of F-18's with a backup behind the last pair will fly in a Weldon wing formation. Team work and precise coordination is essential to the mission's success and your survival." Mav continued and the screen changed to show the course with the uranium plant and it's location.
"As you know, the plant rests between two mountains. On final approach, you'll invert directly into a steep dive. This allows you to maintain the lowest altitude and the only possible attack angle." Mav said.
"Your target is an impact point less than three meters wide. The two seat aircraft will host the target with a laser bullseye and the first pair will breach the reactor by popping a laser guided bomb on an exposed ventilation hatch. That creates an opening for the second pair. That's miracle number one." Mav said.
"The second team will deliver the kill shot and destroy the target. THat's miracle number two. If either team misses the target, the mission is a failure." Mav said.
"Sir, what is the backup plane's job?" I asked.
"That's for coffin corner, and if a missle missed, they will be the one to drop it and blow it up again if either missle missed." Mav said.
"Sir, what's coffin corner?" Val asked.
"You'll move into a steep high G climb to avoid hitting this mountain." Maverick said as the screen changed to show what he was talking about.
"A steep climb at that speed, your pulling at least 8 G's." Jake cut in.
"9. Minimum." Maverick responded.
"The stress limit of the F-18's airframe is 7.5" Bradley cut in.
"That's the accepted limit. To survive this mission you'll pull beyond that. Even if it means bending your airframe. You'll be pulling so hard you'll weigh close to 2,000 pounds. Your skull crushing your spine."
"Your lungs imploding like an elephant sitting on your chest, fighting with everything you have to keep from blacking out. This is where you'll be at your most vulnerable." Maverick said and we all looked up at him.
"This is coffin corner." Maverick said as he looked at Val.
"Assuming you avoid crashing into the mountain, you'll climb straight into enemy radar while losing your airspeed. Within seconds you'll be fired upon by enemy SAMS. This is where the backup pilot will also come in, helping anyone by covering them from the SAMS if they need." Maverick said as he looked at me.
"you've all face things like this before, but this is going to take you and your aircraft to the breaking point." Maverick said and we were all quiet.
"Sir. Is this even achievable?" Nat asked.
"The answer to that question will come down to the pilot in the box." Maverick said.

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