Chapter 3: Dylan Laguna and the truth about Maia

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A/N: this chapter and this chapter only is in 3rd person because I thought it would fit better...let me know if I should change it

"Is that?" Mickey asked his friends, pointing to the guy he never liked. Dylan Laguna.

"Dylan fucking Laguna? Yep." Jake, Javy, Reuben and Nat said.

"He's grown up. He's not a scrawny little teenager that wants to be with Rach." Mickey said.

"He's still with Rachel, Mickey. So he clearly did something right." Nat said.

"What's wrong with him?" Bradley asked.

"They've been together since they were in 8th grade, he's not right for her. She deserves better." Javy said.

"So you want her to break up with her boyfriend." Bradley asked and Val and Lia choked on their drinks. What they didn't notice was that Rachel and Dylan had gone outside.

"What?" everyone asked, looking at the Kazansky and Mitchell girls.

"Oh you don't know?" Lia asked.

"They are fucking engaged, sweethearts. They got engaged after Maia died from the accident." Val said. Nat slammed her beer on the table next to her and stood up. The boys all made eye contact, annoyed for the fact that their little sister didn't tell them that she was engaged. They looked at the older Trace sibling and they knew someone was going to die today.

"RACHEL LILIANA TRACE!" Nat yelled as she stormed outside, causing the couple to break up their kissing session.

"What?" the younger Trace answered, annoyed at her older sister for interrupting her and her boyfriend's make out session.

"Watch the tone Rachel." Nat warned.

"What do you want, Natasha?" Rachel asked.

"Is there anything you forgot to mention about you and Dylan?" Nat asked.

"What about me and Dylan?" Rachel asked.

"The fact that you two are FUCKING ENGAGED and you didn't tell me!" Nat said.

"Apollo and Frosty said that you and Dylan got engaged after Maia died in the accident." Nat said.

"Think about the very last part of the sentence." Rachel said as she looked down at the floor, then back up at Natasha.

"Why didn't you tell me that you lost Maia?" Nat asked as she walked over to her little sister, who was in pain over losing her closest friend since birth.

"I couldn't bring myself to accept it. It's my fault I lost her." Rachel said as she was wrapped in her older sister's arms.

"Rachel, I would've come to her funeral." Nat said.

"I know, I'm sorry." Rachel said.

"It's ok." Nat said as she pulled away from her sister.

"Stay here, I'm going to get my things and I'll take you home." Nat told Rachel, since Dylan had left because he was told to.

"Nat, I can get-." Rachel started saying, but stopped speaking once she saw her sister's glare. Nat disappeared into the bar and was quickly met with questions from the boys.

"She lost Maia." Nat told the boys.

"Did she tell you how?" Javy asked.

"No, but she's drunk and she clearly can't get home on her own so I'm going to take her home. I'll see you guys at base tomorrow, and don't lecture her about getting drunk tomorrow, I got that part." Nat said as she grabbed her phone, jacket and wallet.

"We gotta head out actually, it's getting pretty late." Jake said as they all grabbed their stuff. They locked the bar up, put the key where Penny said to leave it, and went to where Rachel was and tried not to laugh at her drunken state.

"How many beers did she have?" Reuben asked.

"I had 6." Rachel said and the boys and Nat shared a look.

"Oh, tomorrow's gonna be fun." Jake said.

"I call dibs on not telling her she can't drink for the rest of the mission." Javy said.

"You're all really pretty." Rachel said to her sister and brothers, not realizing who it was.

"Come on Rachel Liliana." Natasha said as she lifted her sister up and wrapped her arm around her neck and looked at the boys.

"I wonder if Dylan is going to pick a wedding date since he proposed a couple weeks ago." Rachel said.

"Rach, can I see the engagement ring?" Bradley asked. She reached in her back pocket and pulled out an engagement ring. 

"Apollo and Frosty weren't joking." Mickey said.

"I mean to be fair, we are all really protective of Rachel." Nat said. The boys hummed in agreement before Rachel started dozing off so the Trace sisters had to go home. Nat walked Rachel home and got Rachel in her bed before making sure that she would be okay for the night, and put a glass of water and aspirin on the nightstand before turning the lights off and going to her own bedroom. She set her alarm about 30 minutes earlier than usual, knowing getting the younger Trace up tomorrow morning was going to be an issue since she was going to have a hangover and she's always hard to deal with when she's hungover. She fell asleep and almost slept past her alarm, when she heard a thud and she immediately got up and went to her sister's room to find Rachel's phone on the floor.

"Rachel." Nat called out.

"Too loud." Rachel responded quietly.

"Oh my god Rachel, you are so hungover. We are having a serious conversation about this." Nat scolded her little hungover sister.

"Noooooooooo." Rachel said as she sat up perfectly fine, took some Aspirin and downed the water and she was acting like her normal self again.

"Rach, are you hungover?" Nat asked as she glared at her sister as she sat Rachel back down on the bed.

"Jesus Natasha, relax, I'm not fucking 5, I can take care of myself." Rachel said as she brushed her older sister's arm off and got up and went to change into some clothes.

"Rachel Liliana Trace, come here. Now." Natasha said, sick of her little sister's attitude towards her. Rachel came out of the closet dressed in her undergarments that she normally wears under her flight suit.

"Yas?" Rachel asked. Rachel was a stubborn girl, and was reckless when she was younger and that's how she got her call sign "Rebel" because she would never listen to anybody in her family and would always get in trouble with her sister since Nat was her legal guardian once their parents passed. Rachel knew not to cross Nat, and Rachel definitely knew how to change her personality quickly when she was getting scolded by her sister, like right now.

"Remember that I actually care about you so you need to ditch the grumpy attitude, now I get that you get it from me, but at least try and be kind. I know you're going through a lot of shit but I don't know why you're mouthing off at me. I mean, seriously last night? And by the way, if I catch you drinking again for the rest of the mission, you are going to never be let out of my sight. You're 32, you need to start acting like it. I get it and I know it's hard because you haven't had anyone to look out for you lately, but guess what. I'm here now and I care and love you so let me take care of you if you need it." Natasha told her sister.

"I know. Come on, get dressed or we're gonna be late." Rachel said after the two Trace sisters hugged. Nat rolled her eyes and then went to get dressed while Rachel put her hair into a slicked back military bun, Nat doing the same once she was dressed.

"So if you take Aspirin and finish a whole bottle of water, that makes your hangover go away instantly?" Nat asked as they quickly had a piece of toast for breakfast.

"Yeah." Rachel said.

"What made that happen? Because most hangovers last a couple of hours." Nat asked.

"I don't know, probably because it's not the first time I've gotten drunk before Nat." Rachel said. Nat nodded as they both finished their toast and Nat grabbed her car keys and the Trace sisters headed to base. 

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