Chapter 4: How are you not hungover?

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A/N: back to normal POV of Rachel

I'm thankfully not hungover and Nat made sure I was fine because I don't need to get sick or anything.

"So, when's the wedding?" Nat asked me.

"What?" I asked.

"When's yours and Dylan's wedding." Nat asked again. I told her?

"I told you about that?" I asked as I looked at my sister who was driving.

"No, your friends told me and the boys and then when you were drunk last night you showed Bradshaw the ring and we just happened to be there with him." Nat said.

"Nat, I'm sorry for not telling you. Dylan doesn't know who to invite and he asked if I could keep it on the down low for now till we figure out where I'm being stationed next." I said. Honestly I don't know what is going on with Dylan and I.

"It's fine, but I better be your maid of honor." Nat said.

"Don't worry, you already were picked for that roll." I said.

"Rach, I need to tell you something." Nat said:

"What's up?" I asked.

"So I know that I'm hard on you and that you think that you have to follow in my footsteps but if you don't want to be in the navy or transferred over to my base then say something." Nat said.

"I know, but I wanna be with you at some point, and if not you, someone I consider family. And I get why you're really hard on me. I'm a dumbass 80% of the time." I said. Nat nodded and kept driving to base and when we got there, Nat just stared at me for a couple seconds.

"What?" I asked.

"Just can't believe you and I are flying together. I mean only a couple years ago you graduated from the Naval Academy and before that I would babysit you with the boys." Nat said.

"You're just growing up fast." Nat said.

"Well. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you and the boys. I mean I've known Reuben for 19 years and Jake, Javy and Mickey for 16 years. They were there when I was growing up. Mom and Dad weren't around and honestly I don't give a shit that they weren't there. I had you guys and I still have you." I said. Our parents died when I was really young, so Nat and the boys are my only family.

"Well, you're always gonna have us." Nat said and we both got out of the car.

"Ooooh, it's a sentimental moment and I wanna ruin it." Mickey said to Jake, Javy and Reuben from a couple feet away from us. Nat and I were goofing off and teasing each other. Reuben threw his arm around me and we all said hi to each other.

"Have any of you guys seen Apollo or Frosty?" I asked.

"Inside...with Bradshaw." Jake said.

"Ahh that's gonna end well." I said.

"How's the hangover?" Javy asked.

"It's great because I'm not hungover." I said.

"You were drunk last night and now your not hungover?" Javy asked.

"Yep." I said as I put my sunglasses on my head.

"Okay." Javy said.

"Can we go in please?" Mickey asked.

"Yeah, you guys need to save Bradshaw from Val's wrath." I said.

"What's the deal with Val and Bradley? And Lia?" Reuben asked.

"Lia and Bradley were best friends growing up, he ditched her, Val took Lia's side and now dislikes Brad. I don't know how Lia feels about him." I said as we walked inside.

"Finally, you're here." Lia said, grabbing my arm and pulling me to Val.

"Fix this." Lia said, pointing to Val half asleep.

"Why is she asleep?" I asked as I shook her awake.

"She fell asleep late last night." Lia said.

"And you let her? Knowing we had training today?" I asked as Val still wasn't waking up.

"I was drunk dude!" Lia yelled. I sighed, not knowing what would wake up Val.

"Jesus, she's gonna hate me for this but I mean she ain't waking up so it's her fault." I said as I picked up Val. I wrapped an arm around her waist and dragged her to the side, and let go. She was on the floor within seconds and she was now awake and about to yell profanities at me.

"Your welcome." I said and Val punched my arm as she got up.

"Dude!" I said.

"You drop me on the floor, I punch you." Val said as we sat down next to each other, everyone else sitting either on their own or with their WSO. We had conversations with the people next to us or behind us and waited till we had to pay attention. 

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