Chapter 5: Back at it again

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"Attention on deck!" We all stood up from our seats, either with your WSO or by yourself. 

"Morning. Welcome to your special training detachment. Please be seated." One of the admirals said, and the other admiral and officer stood off to the side. We all sat back down in our seats and we just listened the best we could. 

"I'm Admiral Bates. You're all top gun graduates. The best of the best." Admiral Bates said as he looked at everyone one of us, taking us in and making his point clear. 

"That was yesterday. The enemy's new fifth-generation fighter levels the playing field. We have very few details, but we don't have the technological advantage anymore. Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or women in the box." Admiral Bates said, causing Jake to look at me, Nat, Val, and Lia with that smirk on his face. 

Nat and I flipped him off, giving him the middle finger while leaning our heads against it so we wouldn't get called out. We turned our eyes back to the Admiral that was speaking in front of us about the mission that we are training for. 

"Half of you will make the cut, only one of you will make mission leader. The other half will remain in reserve." 

"Jesus Christ, this room is full of children," I said to myself quietly once I saw Jake turn to look at Bradley when the mission leader was mentioned. 

"Your instructor is a top gun graduate with real-world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to learn and master. His exploits are legendary. What he has to teach you may very well be the difference between life and death." I leaned towards the seats in front of me that held Val and Lia. 

"20 bucks that it's gonna be Mav," Val said. 

"Deal." I said. I turned around and mentally groaned, knowing I just lost 20 bucks for each of the girls and I owe Val and Lia drinks. 

"We take drinks and cash." Lia teased.

"Shut up, I know he told you yesterday," I said as I flipped her off and leaned back in my seat and she had a smug look on her face as she nodded. 

"I give you Captain Pete Mitchell. Callsign, Maverick." Admiral Bates said, as everyone looked over their shoulders and to see who was walking down the aisle. Jake, Javy, and Mickey groaned and sank down in their seats since they threw him out last night at the bar. Mav walked through the aisle and up to the podium and the admiral moved to the side. 

"Good morning," Maverick said, looking at all of us, especially Javy, Jake, and Mickey. The boys gave Mav nice smiles as a welcome and I tried so hard not to laugh at their change in attitude towards Mav. 

"The F-18 NATOPS. This book contains everything they want you to know about your airplanes." Maverick said as he held up the F-18 handbook while pointing to our admirals. 

"I'm assuming you know the book inside and out," Maverick said as he held the book over the podium. everyone let out sounds of agreement and he nodded. He looked at the Admirals, then us before he took the book and tossed it in the trash. 

"And we're off." Lia muttered. 

"So does your enemy." Maverick said and we all looked at each other confused and worried. 

"But what the enemy doesn't know is your limits. I intend to find those limits, test them, and push beyond them. So today, we're going to start with what you think you know. Show me what you're made of." Maverick said as he looked at all of us and leaned forward on the podium. 

"Everyone go get your planes ready, and for the first team up, I want Apollo, Frosty, and Rebel, the rest of the pairings are on the board, ask Hondo if you have any questions." Mav said and dismissed us. Everyone stood up and walked outside to our planes.

"They ain't gonna know what hit 'em." Val, Lia, and I said as we did our handshake. The three of us flying together, are impossible to beat. 

"This is gonna be a lotta fun." I said to Lia since our planes were parked next to each other. Val was already in her and Lia's plane, checking everything in the back seat, while Lia and I were checking over the whole plane. Once my plane was ready, I hopped in after putting my helmet on and I closed the canopy. 

"This is Rebel, ready for taxiing," I said to the flight tower. 

"This is the tower, you are clear for taxiing." Mission Control said. I taxied my plane to the runway and got ready for takeoff. 

"This is Rebel, am I clear for takeoff?" I asked. 

"You are clear for takeoff." Mission control said and I took off and waited in the air for Lia and Val to show up. Once they joined me in the air, we were flying around, waiting for Mav to show up. 

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