Chapter 4~ New Discoveries

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I ran to the back of the basement, running past machines piled high and blueprints everywhere. When I walked into the room Vegeta was in, he was froze, staring at the three tubes that could fit human sized things in them. They stood up right staring into the glass, his face frozen in fear. "What's wrong Vegeta?" His voice was silent, I have never seen him this fearful before. I walked to the tubes, the metallic coating pinging off the light. I walked up to one of them and peered  into the glass, meeting two blue cold eyes staring back. I screamed in horror as Vegeta snapped back to me. "Are you okay?!" He yelled as he ran to me, frantic as I took a quick breaths. "There are people in those things!" Vegeta glanced back at the tubes, then to the wooden table on the other side of the room. "There has to be something here, explaining why they're here." Vegeta rushed over to the wooden table, pulling out papers and books. I walked up behind him as he pulled out a stack of papers, the top of the stack having the pictures of people. The top picture was of a boy, he had black shoulder length hair with light blue eyes. I flipped the photo over the reveal the name 'Lapis.' I looked at the next picture, it was a girl who looked almost identical, but she had blonde hair, flipping the picture over the name read 'Lazuli.' There were more but I stopped after the third one, the male had a very masculine face with a reddish-orange mohawk. When I flipped over his photo, there was no name written on the back of it, it was just blank. I sat the photos down on the table and looked over at Vegeta. "I found their photos, the one doesn't have a name out of the top three." He looked confused and examined the photos. "We really need to get going though Vegeta, the clock is ticking if you want the dragon balls." He frowned and put his hands down on the table, he looked like he was lost in conflict. He looked right up at me after a moment and smiled. "Well, what are we waiting for then?"

We grabbed what we needed and put it into a capsule. I jumped on Vegeta's back and he flew off, I told him when to turn so we could find the dragon balls.

It felt like we had been flying for hours and we were in a desert like climate. A dragon Ball had finally popped up on the radar and I smiled. "Go ahead and land Vegeta!" I exclaimed as he slowly landed, I dropped to the ground. "Thanks for keeping a hold of me," I growled at him and he folded his arms and looked away. "Where is it anyway?" I scanned the surrounding desert, not being able to spot it. "It says it's here though!" I showed Vegeta the Radar and he looked as confused as me. As I looked around again, I spotted a man with a blue cat. That's when I looked down at the radar to see the dragon Ball slowly moving. "Vegeta, that man has it!" Vegeta looked at the man and took off towards him. I ran after Vegeta, screaming at him to slow down and finally caught up to them. "You want this dragon Ball? You have to fight me and take it!" The man spoke proudly and looked over at me and his face went pure red. Vegeta punched him straight in the nose, not taking a second thought. "Fine, you can have it!" He yelled as he covered his nose, Vegeta just had a smirk as I took the dragon ball. "Well Y/n, we have to get going soon if we want to find a place to stop." Vegeta spoke as I nodded, putting the dragon Ball in my bag and we started to walk off, not knowing something was following us.

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