Chapter 3~ A Start of a New Adventure!

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"Woman! Is that device telling me you know where the dragon balls are and you're just hiding one of them?!" Vegeta barked as I put the device behind my back. "I didn't even know you were looking for them until now! So it's technically your fault!" Our fights had been keeping a constant rate ever since we met, but I think it's going up. "Well, even though we have one now, how are we gonna get the other six?" I crossed my arms. "Can't you fly?" His brows burrowed. "Doesn't mean I'll carry your lazy ass!" He shook his fists in frustration and I pointed my finger into his chest. "Who said I wanted a big ego, bubble blowing baby to carry me anyway?!" Vegeta started to walk away from me. "Where are you going?" I asked him as he went to the front door. "I need to go clear my mind, I don't want to hurt you." He spoke quietly while opening the door then shutting it slowly. "Fine! You probably graduated from the school of running away from things!" I stomped my foot in anger and went back to my room and started crying. I had unsure feelings about Vegeta, but him walking out really hurt. My chest throbbed as I laid in bed and stared into the cracks in the ceiling. "Why do you have to be like this Vegeta?" I asked myself, even though he gave me an answer to that before. Vegeta may have been an alien, but he almost acted human. Tears started to stream down my face, he was probably gonna abandon me like everyone else. I slowly drifted off to sleep while crying, I just can't let him go yet.

I woke up to some kind of sound in my ear. I tried to turn over but there was a heavy weight keeping me from doing so. "I'm sorry," It was a male voice whispering in my ear. "Vegeta?" The snoring continued and I felt a hand move on top of fine. I looked down and Vegeta's hand clasped into mine and gripped tightly. I started to feel safe in his grip but what had confused me is why he came into my room to sleep. I started shake a little as it slowly woke him up. "Huh?" He mumbled while slowly getting off of me and sat up. "Why are you in here?" I looked over at him as I sat up, he looked at me. "I felt bad, and you were crying. This my really only way of comfort without making the problem worse." He slowly slid his feet off the bed and stretched out his arms. "Well, I'm sorry for edging it on, I just don't know how to feel." He looked at me confused. "What do you mean by, 'you don't know how to feel?'" I slowly stood up and he watched my movement. "I just never really had anyone around, that's all." He followed after me to the lightened living room and took a seat on the old rickety couch. Its legs wobbled as he took a seat on it, dust spurting from under it. "This place really does need fixed up." He spoke while looking around, vines growing up the wall with the door being untouched yet. "Yeah, I'll get to it some day." I spoke, walking back into my room grabbing and grabbing the device. "When do we start our adventure?" I asked him as he smirked and stood quickly, dust floating up. "We can start early tomorrow, after we eat!" I nodded and clutched the device tightly. "I know that the old man who used to live here had a work place in the basement, there has to be details on how to use it down there." I spoke, eyeing the device as he came towards me. "Can you show me? I'll help you look!" I nodded and he followed me into the old laundry room in the back of the house, I tapped the floors as dust flew from around the edge of the opening. "It was hidden until I found it a month ago, it was really strange." I opened the door, it flipped open from the floor. "Have you gone down there?" Vegeta asked as he crouched beside the square opening, looking down into the blackness that surrounded the room. "Not really, only looked at it from above." He hummed and looked back at me. "Got a light?" I grabbed an old flashlight and clicked the switch, it wouldn't turn on. "Wait, I have an idea!" He lit up his hand with his energy, and waved his right hand for me to come to him. "Here, I'll left you down there with me, hang on." He stood up and grabbed my waist with a tight grip as he slowly floated down the opening, the light flaring up the surroundings. I clinged to his body as if it was the only thing keeping me alive, he floated down all the way to the floor, touching down lightly. I stepped onto the floor and he shined his light around. Glass machines binging off the light as he looked for a switch. "It's so dusty down here, where is a switch?" His voice was raspy as he scanned the walls until he found a switch. He flicked the switch on and the sound of a generator kicked in, lights turning on to reveal lots of equipment. I stared in amazement as blueprints laid out of work benches and huge machines stacked to the ceiling with tv's and smaller machines. Vegeta awed as he also looked around, soon following after me to the blueprints that were laying on the work bench. I moved each sheet looking for the one to be identical to my machine. Cobwebs and dust flew from the sheets until I found the one I was looking for. "A dragon Ball radar," I spoke aloud as I scanned the sheet. "Y/n, you should really come see this!" Vegeta shouted in a somewhat timid voice. He was in the back room of this place, but I had to go see what it is.

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