Rule 12.

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I made myself a promise and I'm damn well keeping to what I said. So.... fuck you? Also, Lola barely has a personality as she is one of the popular chics. So mind that please.

"I don't understand the world anymore," Jenny says.

She falls on the floor. Not again!

"Jennifer?" I ask.

She hits her face on her knees, hard.

"Why the fuck are these rules against me?" She asks.

I go down next to her.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Rule 12 came... Lola, I'm a bastard, as you probably know I mention it sometimes," Jenny says.

"It isn't your fault... what does the rule have on this?" I ask.

"They don't want any children that's parents weren't married, they actually denied it," Jenny says.

I take her into my arms, trying to get her to calm down.

"How dare they?" I ask.

"Lola, no," Jenny says.

"They hurt you..... nobody is allowed to hurt you, Jenny," I say.

Jenny shakes her head.

"You don't need to protect me," she says.

"Yes-yes I do," I say.

Jenny holds onto me.

"What if they learn about it?" Jenny asks.

"They won't. I swear to God, they won't," I say.

She smiles a little. I kiss her on the forehead.

"You're amazing, Lola," she says.

I laugh and rise my hands in surrender.

"So I am," I say.

She laughs back, drying her tears. I wish we were as confident as Token and Kyle but we are not. We're scared of going against the rules so we just stay together behind doors. If we did not, they'd separate us, I'm sure of it.

"Lola," she says.

"Yeah, Jenny?" I ask.

"Would you care if I d-?" Jenny asks.

I slowly put a hand on her shoulder.

"That's not even a fucking question," I say.

"Yes it is, Lola. Would you?" Jenny asks.

"Would I care? Jen! When have I indicated I would be anything below heartbroken? Death doesn't hurt you after it but everyone here would miss you for Y E A R S," I say.

"I don't know if that's it, it just feels like... why would people care when I am dead when they didn't care about me when I was alive?" Jenny asks.

"We care for you! All of us! Some of us don't show it as well as the others but we do! There is nothing to say other than that fact. I'd miss you so fucking much, Bebe would miss you to death, Wendy'd be so heartbroken, Millie would think it was her fault and the boys would all say that you mattered to them. And you do! Jesus Christ never scare me like that!" I say.

Jenny looks down.

"It doesn't feel like it," she says.

"Fucks sake! Jennifer! Get your shit together and realise that I fucking love you. When you tried to kill yourself in fourth grade, who the fuck stayed by your side when you felt like you were going to Hell? Me! Because I fucking care and if you ever dare to say that I don't, I will force your ass into every fucking therapy this world has," I say.

Jenny starts crying again.

"I just-I'm not sure anymore. This hurts! Everything hurts! Why did this have to happen? Why wouldn't world let Cartman be the only bad thing I could think of?" Jenny asks.

"I don't know why the world hates us but it fucking does. So? Don't let that bring you into a shitty state!" I say.

Jenny just starts crying yet again.

"Jennifer Simons! I can't actually believe you would do this! You n e e d to understand that you matter! The world may hate you, it hates everyone. If you haven't heard, the world is a v e r y cold place. But we'll make it through this, we'll do it together! Because the world will hate us! That doesn't goddamn matter! Because we have each other! We've a l w a y s understood each other and had each other. You are important to me and I'm important to you in the worst situations as well as the best!" I say.

She continues to cry.

"Thank Obama for this," i say.

She looks up and I kiss her, taking both of her hands.

"We'll go through this and Jen... when we're old enough we'll take Obama's love for gay people for all it's actually worth!" I say.

"A-are you proposing to me?" Jenny asks.

"I'm promising that there is something ahead of you... of both of us. Be it together or apart," I say.

"So you're basically proposing?" She asks.

"I'm fifteen! But kinda..... I'm promising to propose to you in a more romantic way if mr.Garrison doesn't fuck us over completely. If he does, I promise to move with you to the fucking.... I don't know.... Philippines and marry you there," I say.

Jenny laughs.

"You are proposing! You're proposing that you propose to me!" Jenny says.

I sigh.

"Yeah yeah. After you go to serious terrible. 'Would anyone care if I died' my ass, I'd care," I say.

Jenny nods, looking at me.

"If they don't leave here," I say.

I take a moment to think.

"We'll leave, we are not getting ran over by these fucking rules," I say.

She takes my hands.

"I love you, Lola," she says.

"I love you too, Jenny, really, I do," I say.

She nods.

"But really. We are getting you to our school council tomorrow and then getting you therapy. That all because I love you," I say.

She nods yet again and I kiss her cheek.

"I heard from Clyde that he's dating Craig by the way," Jenny says.

"What? Did they think we didn't actually know?" I ask.

She shakes her head.

"They're scared to tell anyone but Clyde decides to tell us because he trusts us not to tell everyone," Jenny says.

I laugh.

"Don't tell anyone, they trusted us," Jenny says.

"You're too adorable!" I say.

I kiss her.

"Of course I wouldn't," I say.

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