Chapter 11

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Jem is still asleep when I wake up, resting against the headboard of the bed. I get up quietly, so that I don't wake him. I yawn and peek out the door, to see if any Lightwoods are in the hallway. There aren't any, so I sneak down the hallway and to the staircase. It's pretty early, so I'm hoping that the Lightwoods are still sleeping. I go down to the kitchen and see a loaf of bread sitting on the main countertop. I dive for it, and start eating it right away. It's delicious.

"My, someone's hungry." I jump back and recognize Will's voice. "You look like a pig."

"Wow, thanks Will." I say, laughing. "So, what brings you to the magical land of food?" I rip off a piece of bread, and hold it out to him. I freeze when I see his eyes. His blue eyes glare at me, looking colder than I have ever seen them. Cold and distant. Like the walls that I had torn down that night when we were in the training room had built themselves  back up, and twice as tall. "Will?" I ask quietly, letting my sassy exterior go down for a second. When I am hurting my immediate defenses are sarcasm, sass, jokes, and insults. I put up that 'nothing in the world can reach my cloud' attitude. The only time that I expressed true sadness or fear was with my family. And now with Jem.

"Yes?" He asks, annoyed. I cross my arms and lean against the counter.

"What is going on?" I ask, biting my lip.

"Nothing. Now get out of my way so I can get something to eat." Will snaps and I stand up straight.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me why you're acting like this all of a sudden. We had a deal, Will." I remind him, my pale blue eyes searching his face, trying to find a reason why this is happening.

"Get out of my way." He says impatiently.

"Will! Just tell me what's wrong, please!" I beg, not moving an inch.

"Move!" He yells, glaring at me. I match his gaze with just as much fury.

"No!" I shout back. "Will you're being ridiculous!" Frustration fills my voice.

"I said move, you stupid girl!" Will yells and shoves me to the side. I'm pretty small for a sixteen year old which means I'm pretty light as well. Because of this and the fact that Will is so strong, I am thrown violently to the side, crashing into a wooden cupboard that breaks when I hit it. I land in sawdust and wood, cutting myself on a sharp knife that fell out of the cupboard. I cry out and clutch my arm. Blood drops down onto my clothing and into my hair. I refuse to allow myself to look at Will or cry. Instead, I manage to stand up, scream at Will, shouting something that no proper lady would ever think of saying, and storm out of the kitchen. I run and retake my hiding spot under the staircase as I hear voices coming from upstairs. I hear people running down the stairs, and stay very quiet. I hear the people move in the kitchen, and, as I'm sitting under the staircase trying to stop my arm from bleeding any more than it already has, I get an idea. If this was a movie and I was some princess, I would stay here, and Will would come apologize to me and we'd all end up happily ever after. But it's not. I'm not a princess, just a very angry girl with a great plan for revenge that I am determined to try. So I sneak out the front door and run to the park that Jem and I had kissed in. Something there had caught my eye. Something that was now the center of my genius plan. I run past people giving me odd looks, since I am wearing pants, and finally reach my destination. A small pond. I look around, until I find what I'm looking for. A small, yellow, fluffy duckling. I run over, take my jacket off and wrap the small duckling in my jacket. It makes an unhappy little noise, and I snuggle it close to me.

"It's ok, baby." I murmur to it, as I look around. I hope duck-napping isn't a crime in 19th century London. No one seems to notice me though, so I walk causally, with a baby duck hidden in the jacket that I hold in my arms. I walk through the gates of the Institute, and knock on the door. I really hope that Gabriel and Gideon aren't anywhere near the door. Luckily, Charlotte opens the door. She stares down at the bundle in my arms and the fluffy duckling that rests in the middle of it.

"I assume you know which room is Will's?" She asks, to my surprise. I shake my head. "Two doors to the left of Jem's." She says and lets me in the house. She walks off and I stand in the open front room, wondering what just happened. I shrug and run up the stairs. I hear people's voices coming from the training room. Will's, Jem's, Gabriel's and Gideon's. Perfect. I sneak down the hall to Jem's room, then follow Charlotte's directions to find Will's room. I open the door and walk inside. The room is a mess. I spot some pillows and make a sort of enclosure. I put the duck inside the cage of pillows, and it falls asleep immediately in the soft bed. I go to the doorway, make sure that no one is coming, and make my way down the hallway. I go down the stairs, and walk the opposite direction of the dining room and kitchen. Soon, I come to two large, oak doors. I push them open and gasp. Inside, is the biggest library that I have ever seen. I stare at the huge room in awe. A floor-to-ceiling window covers the back wall, and on either side of me are giant bookshelves. I stand in the middle of the room, taking in the books and all their glory.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" Jem. He walks over to me and smiles.

"Weren't you training?" I ask, and he nods.

"Will was in a particularly bad mood today. He stormed off, saying that he was done with people for the day." Jem shrugs. I nod thoughtfully. Then I hear Jem gasp.

"Aurelia!" He exclaims. "Your arm!" I look down. I had completely forgotten about my arm. "What happened?" He asked, and I opened my mouth to reply, but I was interrupted.

"AHHHHH! WE'RE BEING INVADED! JEM!" Will's voice carries all through the Institute. Jem looks up, and runs. I lean against the nearest bookshelf, a small smile on my face. "JEM!" Will howls again. I have to bite down firmly on my lip to keep from laughing. I want to go see Will's reaction right now, but the Lightwoods must have heard his shouts as well. I wait about ten minutes until Jem walks into the library. He's holding a bundle in his arms.

"Aurelia." He says carefully. I put my most serious face on.

"Yes Jem?" I ask, looking down at the bundle. Sure enough, the duckling is nested in a pile of blankets.

"You didn't have anything to do with this, did you?" He asks and I shrug.

"Ducks can end up in the most peculiar of places." I reply innocently.

"Hm." Jem says and walks out of the room. I burst out laughing after he closes the door and fall onto the couch next to me.

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