Chapter 10

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When we reach the Institute, I am shaking. Maybe it was due to the fact that I had been kidnapped by a vampire baroness. Maybe it is because if the Lightwoods see me, I will probably never get home. Or, maybe it's just cold. Who knows. When we get to the Institute, Will and Jem lead me to the back of the old building.

"Charlotte has moved all of your things to this room." Will says, pointing at a window above me. I find places where the stone is uneven and start to climb up to the window.

"What are you doing?" Jem asks, and I turn to look at him.

"Oh, you know, just pretending to be Spider-man." I say, then frown. "Actually, neither of you understand that reference." I say, and continue to climb. I am very proud of myself for putting bicycle shorts under my dress two days ago. Very proud. I manage to pull myself up to the ledge, and climb inside the window. I look back down at Jem and Will, who are now running back around to the front of the Institute. Then I look at my dress, which is splattered with blood and dirt, and decide to change. I look myself over, just to make sure that Camille didn't bite me. She didn't, thank goodness. I put on a pair of black leggings, a black top, and a black jacket that my mom had insisted I pack in case Hawaii had a freak blizzard. I brush my hair and tie it up in a ponytail. I know that I should stay in my room, but I really want to see Gabriel and Gideon Lightwood. Hopefully, their father isn't here. I open my door open as quietly as possible, and peer out. There's no one in the hallway, so I walk to the end of the hallway and sneak a glance around the corner. Again, there's no one there, so I go down the stairs as quickly and quietly as possible. There are voices coming from the dining room, so I run over, pressing my ear to the door.

"I trust that your errand went alright?" Charlotte says.

"Yes." Jem replies in his soft voice.

"What was this errand?" Someone says. I can't recognize their voice, so I assume that it is one of the Lightwoods.

"It's none of your business Lightworm." Will.

"Why you little-." I'm guessing that the voice is Gabriel.

"Boys." Charlotte sounds exhausted. I hear unintelligible grumbles in response. "Jem, Will, why don't you show the Lightwoods to their rooms?" Charlotte says, and I dive underneath the staircase, pressing my back to the underside of the stairs. I hear the dining room door open.

"Where's your little mundane servant?" Gabriel asks mockingly. I want to throw something at him and tell him not to talk about his future sister-in-law like that. But, alas, I shall not.

"Charlotte gave her the day off so that you wouldn't bother her." Will snaps back.

"I'm sure she is bothered quite enough by you." Gabriel replies. I peek around the staircase, to see if anyone else is coming. Jem sees me and his eyes widen. "But she's only a mundane. You can't expect much from them." Gabriel continues, and I want to throw something at him. I'm reaching for the nearest lamp, when something surprises me.

"I don't know about that Gabriel. I'm positive that there's at least one mundane who is braver and smarter than you. One who wouldn't think twice about risking their life to save someone else's. One who is amazing and sweet and-." The anger in Jem's voice nearly makes me drop the lamp that I'm holding. I hear him storm off as his words sink in. Was he talking about me? I want to run after him, but with Gabriel and Gideon there, I can't. Will and the Lightwoods seem to be as shocked as I am with Jem's uncharacteristic behavior, for they continue up the staircase in silence. When I'm positive that they are gone, I sneak upstairs. I go down the hallway and pause outside Jem's door. Violin music floats out from behind the closed door, enchanting me. I lean against the door, wanting to go in, but not wanting Jem to stop playing. So instead, I hover outside the door for a few more minutes, then go back to my room. I spend the rest of the afternoon listening to music and playing Flappy Bird. I fall asleep early, not even bothering to change into sleeping clothes.

"Aurelia!" I'm awoken my someone calling me name. I blink my eyes open, and see Jem looking down at me, looking very upset.

"What?" I ask sleepily. I yawn, and sit up.

"You were crying out in your sleep...I was afraid that you would wake Gabriel and Gideon." Jem says softly, and I lift my hand up to my face. It's wet with tears. Suddenly, I remember what I was dreaming about and I sink down into my bed. Jem moves closer to me. He gently puts his arms around me, and I press myself into his body, as if he can shield me from anymore nightmares. "Are you alright?" He asks quietly. I nod. "What...what were you dreaming about?"

"It was nothing." I say softly, and Jem looks down at me with his pale silver eyes.

"It couldn't have been nothing." He says, gently brushing my hair out of my face. I shiver as his soft fingers touch my skin.

"You're going to think it's stupid." I say, looking down.

"No I won't." Jem replies and I sigh.

"When I was ten, and I still lived in Washington...I was playing outside with my siblings. We had a little swimming pool that we would play in during the summer. I was playing with Missy and Jacob and...Anastasia. Missy and Jacob were two and Ana was one. My mom was working in our garden and my dad was at work. Missy had started crying so I took the kids out of the pool and went inside with Missy to get her a bottle. She was screaming so I put her down in the kid's play room. I warmed up her bottle, and gave it to her. I sat in the playroom with her as she drank her bottle, and when she was done, she had that happy, little kid look on her face. So I decided to stay inside and play with her for a bit. I had been inside for half an hour when I heard my mom scream. I had never heard her scream like that before. It scared me, and Missy too. She started to cry and I picked her up, holding her tightly. I ran outside, and my mom was kneeling on the ground, with her back to me. Jacob was crying on the grass, so I ran over and put my arms around him. I turned to my mom, and Ana...she was laying in my mom's lap. And she wasn't moving. My mom was crying and begging her to wake up, and I...I remember being so scared. All I could do was press Missy and Jacob's faces into my shoulder to keep them from seeing the body of their dead little sister...." I trail off, seeing it in my mind once again. Her eyes were closed, and her normally wavy hair was dripping wet. "The doctors said that she must have climbed back into the pool and drowned. I...I always have nightmares about Missy and Jacob drowning as well." I finish. I've never told that to anyone before. As the oldest child, my job was to be strong for my parents and my little siblings.

"Oh Aurelia...why would I ever think that what you just told me was stupid?" Jem says quietly, resting his hand on my cheek.

"It's just...I know...I know you've lost people. I didn't'd..." I don't know how to explain what I was thinking.

"Oh, darling." He murmurs, then pulls away from me. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have..." He looks at me sadly and I hold my hand out to him. He takes it. "Do you need anything?" He asks. "You didn't really eat, so-."

"Jem?" I say quietly. He looks at me. "Just stay here. Please." I whisper, and he nods. I fall asleep in his arms, positive that I have found Heaven.

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