Chapter 9

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I'm up early again the next morning. The sun has barely risen when I jump out of my bed, open the windows and get dressed. I change into a tea length, cap sleeve dress and look around for a necklace to wear. Today, I'm going to ask Will to help me train again. I mean, who's a better teacher than Will Herondale? Also, it will let me spend time with him, which would be amazing. I hum quietly to myself as I find the necklace I was looking for. It's got a small rose pendant on it, and it was a present from Missy for my 16th birthday. I pull it out of my bag, and lift it up.

"Aurelia!" Will's voice startles me, and the necklace flies out of my hand. I watch in horror as it soars out the open window. I run over to the window, and watch as it falls next to a tree outside the Institute gates. I sigh, and run past Will and down the steps. I go to the tree and look around in the grass.

"You don't seem to be a Shadowhunter, but you're pretty enough to make a fine present." An unfamiliar voice muses from behind me. I stop moving, confused. I start to turn to see who is there, but a something hard hits me in the head and I fall into the grass, unconscious.

My head hurts like crazy when I wake up. Then I remember what happened, and freeze. I hear voices and feel fear shoot through me.

"Well, I was hoping to get you a Shadowhunter, my love, but Archer picked her up instead. I was a bit upset at first, but she's so pretty that I just knew you'd like her." A lady's voice says, and I still can't move. When I'm absolutely terrified, I get into this state where I am not able to move a single muscle. It's very unhelpful.

" she alive?" A male voice replies.

"Oh, of course! I wanted to make her a subjugate, but then she'd be loyal to me. So you can cast a spell on her right? And make her your slave?" The female voice says, in a voice that's much to cheerful for what she's saying.

"Well..." The male voice seems uncertain.

"Oh, she looks like the perfect servant! I feel like she takes orders very well." The women says, and my fear fades to annoyance. I blink my eyes open, and find myself tied to a chair. There's a red cloth in my mouth. I look forward and see a woman with light blonde hair, pale skin, and bright green eyes and a man who looks like he is of Asian descent. I recognize him immediately, because of his gleaming cat eyes.

"Magnus Bane?" I try to say. But, with the cloth in my mouth, it doesn't sound anything like that.

"Oh look, she's awake!" The women says. I can only assume that she is Camille Belcourt. I move the chair, trying to get Magnus to help me.

"Magnus!" I say, and it sounds a but more clear this time. Camille looks at me with interest.

"I think it said your name!" She exclaims. Magnus sighs, and takes the cloth out of my mouth. I breath deeply, happy to be able to use my mouth again.

"Magnus Bane?" I ask again, looking at him. His cat eyes flash.

"How do you do you know my name?" Magnus says, and I shake my head.

"I'm sorry, but I'm a bit occupied right now, considering someone kidnapped me and tied me to a chair! " I say, glancing over at Camille.

"Oh, she's a bit too sassy for my taste." Camille says thoughtfully. It takes all my self control not roll my eyes.

"Who are you? And why are you staying with children of the Nephilim?" Magnus asks. I bite my lip, and consider telling him the full story, but it's probably not the best idea since Camille is here.

"My name is Rey. I'm...a friend of the Shadowhunters." I say instead, using my nickname. Magnus considers this thoughtfully. I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere, until I see a small blade sitting on the floor a few feet away from my chair. There's a man who I hope is one of Camille's subjugates standing near the blade. That's when I get an idea. I put my head down, and force myself to cry. Tears roll down my face and I feel my breath coming in shuddery sobs.

"Hm, I do hate when they do this." Camille says, but Magnus looks at me with pity.

"Camille, dear, she's just a mundane child. At least untie the poor thing." Magnus says, and Camille says dramatically.

"Oh, alright." She says, and I put a very scared look in my face when she comes close to me. She unties my arms, and backs away. Then minute that she's far enough away, I dive for the knife. I jump up, grab the human subjugate's hands behind his back, and hold the knife to his throat. I have practiced this move thousands of times on my little siblings when we play fight, but with plastic weapons. This time though, it's real.

"Archer!" Camille cries out, looking like she wants to jump at me and bite my throat open.

"No. If you move I will kill him." I say, completely lying. I am incapable of taking any human's life, but I need Camille to be convinced. The tears have gone, and I glare at Camille and Magnus. To my surprise, Magnus laughs.

"Oh, I like this mundane." He says to Camille. Then he turns to me. "You can drop the knife now, I'll let you go." He says but I shake my head, eyeing Camille warily.

"I will let him go if you agree to talk to me in private." I say to Magnus. He looks at me, contemplating why a mundane girl would want to talk to him. I press the blade against Archer's neck and he makes a frightened noise. I want to comfort him so badly, but I cannot. Camille whispers fiercely to Magnus.

"I suppose we have a deal." Magnus says. "Now, drop the knife."

"She has to leave first." I say, nodding at Camille. Magnus looks at Camille, who glares at me one last time, and stalks out of the room, slamming the door behind her. "And there's no other way for her to get in here?" I ask, and Magnus shakes his head. I lower the knife, and Archer scampers off to the corner of the room. I turn to Magnus. "You must have some spell that would have gotten rid of the knife. Why didn't you use it?" I ask, leaning against the wall. Magnus shrugs.

"I've never seen a mundane girl quite like you. You interested me. Especially since you knew my name." He says. "Now, why did you want to talk to me?" I open my mouth to respond, when someone falls from the ceiling. I jump to the side, to avoid being landed on. The person lands with utmost grace, and another person soon follows. I scramble behind a table and hide under it clutching my knife tightly. In the dimly lit room, I can't exactly make out who the two people are. I here fighting and a bookshelf crashes down near me. I jump back and roll to the other side of the fireplace. Then I hear voices and recognize the intruders immediately. Jem and Will. I stand up, brushing dust off of my clothes.

"Aurelia!" Jem cries and runs over to me. I brush my hair back out of my face and look around.

"Where's Magnus?" I say, scanning the room.

"The warlock? He left with the other mundane." Will says and I let out a frustrated sigh.

"What on Earth are you doing here?" I ask, exasperated because the boys might have chased off my only chance of getting home and fixing this mess. Jem looks a bit hurt at my sharp tone, and I immediately regret sounding angry.

"You had been gone for two days." Jem says quietly. Two days? I was unconscious for two days? "Will saw you get taken by one of Camille's subjugates, and we have been looking for her and you ever since."

"Basically, we came to rescue you." Will says, looking around the destroyed room.

"Well, that's very sweet, but I am perfectly capable of rescuing myself." I say, and Will looks over at Jem.

"See? I told you that she would be fine." Will says. "He totally lost it when I told him what had happened." Jem turns bright red.

"I...I did not!" He objects, looking over at me nervously. Despite the situation, I laugh.

"We should be getting back. Charlotte said we have to make sure the Lightworms don't see you, though." Will says, disgust coating his voice. I gasp.

"The Lightwoods are at the Institute?" I ask, feeling panic surge through me. If they see me, they'll go directly to the Clave.

"Don't worry," Jem says, taking my hand. "We won't let them see you." I nod, and follow Jem and Will towards the Institute.

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