Chapter 3: Massacre

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Welcome Back to "Don't Worry." read till the end, point out any mistakes and overall enjoy the story. Let's go.
3rd POV

"Let's go."Kaneki says before dashing towards the door slicing as many CCG members as he can.

Touka follows with her Ukaku activated she slashes and shoots even more investigators while holding Hinami's hand.

Kaneki clears a circle in the middle of the Investigators and rises up on his kakuja.

With Yomo and Uta

Yomo starts running out of stamina and gets stabbed by a quinque.

"Renji you okay?" Uta says in his basic voice.

The same investigator chops his arms off. He prepares to decapitate him but 3 rinkaku tentacles stab through the investigator hitting his head, heart, and stomach.

"Thanks, Uta," Yomo says healing.

"Time to show off I guess," Uta says as a koukaku forms as well as a Bikaku.

"Uta's kagune. W-what is it?" Kaneki says in complete shock.

In mere seconds 100 investigators lie dead from Uta's Kagune.

"A-A complete hybrid?" One of the special investigators says.

Uta rubs his left eye and his 'Kakugan' rubs off.

"Uta you're only half ghoul?!" Touka asks as Uta and Yomo join her, Kaneki, and Hinami.

"The first." He replies.

"Talk later," Kaneki says as he starts to mass slaughter Investigators.


Kaneki encounters a senior special investigator with a kakuja armor quinque.

"You seem familiar," Kaneki says

"I should be Eyepatch remember Kano's lab."

"Oh yeah you."

"Let's finish what we started," Shinohara says.

Kaneki charges before evading to the side while Shinohara lunges forward.

Kaneki attacks with his Kakuja and overpowers him easily.

"You investigators are weak."

Kaneki pierces the armor and grabs the fallen chunks.

"Let's see if this taste the same." He says starting to chew the metal.

Kaneki feels his sanity slipping and grabs his head before falling to the ground.

"It's over Eyepatch," Shinohara says swinging his weapon downward.

However Multiple red crystal shards fly towards his damaged armor.

"Kaneki are you okay!?" Touka asks kneeling beside him, voice full of concern.

"S-Stay away, Touka." He grumbles through his teeth.


Kaneki gets up still holding his head.

"Please go I don't want to hurt the ones I love." He says turning towards her tears running down his face.

"Stop ignoring me!" Shinohara says dashing forward with his weapon ready to strike.

Kaneki turns towards him and his kakuja pierce through his armor and shoulder.


"I'll be right back," Kaneki says before jumping away.

Kaneki lands on an Investigator and starts feeding on his arm. The Investigators around him all converge inwards on him but he spins and knocks them down.
He howls in pain then lunges at more Investigators piercing their abdomens, necks, and heads.

He continues on his murderous rampage until 100's of investigators are dead.

He starts feeling somewhat sane and looks around him. A few yards away he sees investigators circled around Touka, Hinami, Uta, and Yomo.

Kaneki Rushes to the site and sees Yomo and Touka heavily panting. He quickly disposes of about 20-30 investigators before jumping by Touka.

"You okay?" He asks Looking at the Investigators, struggling to hold back from murdering them in cold blood.

"I could ask you the same thing." She say's panting.

An investigator runs toward them ready to slash them but is impaled by a kakuja.

"Sorry, what happened to the investigator?"

"Passed out, some white haired psychopath came and got him."

A gunshot rings through the air and Touka falls over clutching her shoulder.

"Payback Bitch," Kimmy says as her quinque turns back to a sword.

Kaneki turns toward her, his sanity slipping again.

He runs to her but Sanso steps in and slashes at him which Kaneki blocks and counter attacks. Sanso is tossed away like an old doll and is bleeding heavily out of his side.

Kaneki turns back to Kimmy and jumps at her. She tries to parry but he's too strong. She cries out in pain as Kaneki bites down on her left shoulder.

Sanso gets up and attempts to stab him in the back but Kaneki runs him through with a rinkaku tentacle.

"Sanso!" Kimmy yells.

"Don't worry you'll join him," Kaneki says knocking her out.

Soon after All but one Investigator is left and Touka was fed so she could heal a bit.

Kaneki checks Sanso's pulse and finds somehow he's alive.

"Take him and return to your base.Tell them what happened here." Kaneki says to the Investigator.

"O-Okay." He says grabbing Sanso and hightailing it outta there.

Kaneki grabs Kimmy and brings her to the group.

"What're you gonna do with her," Touka asks.

"Payback. Nobody hurts my Touka." He says causing her to blush.

"Where's Hinami?"

"She's hiding somewhere around here."

They look around and find her feeding on one of the dead carcasses. She's still wearing her mask.

"Hey," Kaneki says, spooking her.

"Hello, Big brother."

"You ready to go home, Hina?" Touka asks.


Timeskip Cause I'm A Lazy SoB.

At the House they confront Uta.

"Uta how are you able to use multiple kagunes?" Touka asks.

"And why didn't you tell us you were a
one-eye?" Kaneki follows up.

"I was the first ever artificial one-eyed ghoul," Uta says

"At a young age, my parents abandoned me in the 4th ward back when it was livable for humans. A doctor found me and took me in I thought he was nice at first but then he started experimenting it was complete torture I was conscious through it all and that's why I don't express emotions.Anyway, He took 4 different kagune sacks and surgically implanted them in the correct locations after that I killed and ate him and started taking out my anger I got stronger and stronger and eventually became the leader of the 4th ward. I met Renji and he was the only one who could match me but I was still holding back.You know the rest after that."

"Uta why didn't you tell us?" Touka asks restating Kaneki's question from earlier.

"I like the shroud of mystery I've created."

"That's Uta for you," Yomo says in his usual voice.

"Did you know?"

"Of course, Itori too."

Touka Sighs.

"Well, that's that," Kaneki says.

"Sorry about leading the CCG to your shop," Touka says.

"No, really I should thank you for it. I needed the training I don't wanna get rusty."

"Well, your welcome I guess," Touka says.

"Now what should I do about my shop I obviously can't go back and relocating won't work."

"You could probably go to Itori's," Yomo says.

"That's a possibility."

"We can figure that out later but I think we all need a good rest after today," Touka says

"I agree," Hinami says yawning.

"Okay, tomorrow then," Yomo says.

I'll be ending it here since I really can't think of anything else to write/type please comment, vote, and follow if you want and I'll see you in Chapter 4.

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