A Happy Reunion... or so we think.

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The three boys rushed up Half-Blood hill as fast as possible. When they reached the top, Percy could see her. Long, curly black hair with green tips, fierce green eyes, and a kind smile. She wore a green hoddie, black skinny jeans, and green high-tops.

Everyone watched as she approched Percy. He stood there in shock.

" Perrie?" He asked quietly. She smiled and went in for a hug.

" I've missed you Percy! I wanted to call home, but they wouldn't let me." She backed away and studied Percy. " You've grown since I last saw you!" Percy smiled at his sister. Then Perrie turned towards the others. "And who are you guys?"

"I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena. And I'm Percy's girlfriend." If Percy noticed her reaction, he ignored it. Because rage grew in her eyes and she scowled.

" I'm Thalia, daughter of Zeus, lieutinant of Artimis, Percy's cousin." It went on like this until only one person hadn't introduced themselves. Leo.

Leo had a bad feeling about this. Why did she just know show up? Why was she- if only slightly- ignoring Percy?

"I'm Leo Valdez, son of Hephastus, the supreme commander of the Argo II, a close friend of Percy's." He said. Once again, Perrie scowled, like she wanted to be the only friend Percy had.

"Uh...come on, I'll show you around." Percy said, before running down the hill. Perrie followed, but not before glaring at Annabeth.

                                                                   ~time laspe~

Later on, while Perrie was in the Poseidon cabin, Annabeth and Percy laid on the beach. Percy's green eyes shone in the sun, and a smile never left his face.

"Are you excited to see Perrie again?" she asked. 

"Yeah, but she seems.... different." he said, looking at her.

"I don't think she likes me..." Annabeth said. Percy sat up and stared at her.

" Why would she not like you?'

"Well, she hasn't seen you since you were ten. She doesn't wanna face the fact that you've grown up and she's not the only person you need." Annabeth said. It did make since, but she didn't believe that was the full picture.

" Well, that does make since.." he said. He shook his head and got up. "Forget about it. Let's go swim." He graabed Annabeth's wrist and pulled her underwater.

Little did they know, Perrie had heard their whole conversation.

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