Leo Learns

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The next day at breakfast, Percy seemed perfectly normal. He sat at the Poseidon table eatting his waffles, and even kept a smile the whole time.

This was to much for Leo. Percy was his best friend,- he even came before Jason in that list. He had seen Percy cry over his lost sister, then the next day act like everything was fine. No, Leo wasn't going to accept that.

After breakfast, Percy went down to the arena to train. As quietly as possible, Leo followed him. Thank the gods Percy didn't hear him every time he tripped. Leo waited a couple minutes before approaching Percy. He would already seem stalkerish tell Percy he knew about Perrie. Finally, as Percy slashed the head off a dummy, Leo walked in.

"Hey Leo!" Percy said waving.

"Hey Perce. What's up?" Leo replied. He wanted to take a slow approach to his topic of conversation.

" They sky. So, why'd you come here? You're usually in Bunker Nine right now."

"Well, I want to ask you smething."

"Well, ask away...unless it's girl advice..."

" Why are you acting like everything is okay, when yesturday you were crying overyour lost sister, Perrie." Percy stopped and looked at Leo in shock.

"What do you mean?"

" We all know about Perrie, Percy. She disappeared when you were ten." Percy sat down and looked into the disatance.

"How'd you find out?" He asked quietly.

"I saw you in your cabin yesturday. Me and JAson. We saw the picture. So we asked Chiron about it. He showed us a video that explained it" Percy looked around and smiled softly.

"She would've loved it here. Even if she wasn't technically a demigod, she knew about us. She'd always get those plastic Nerf swords and challenge me. And whenever I got hurt, she'd give me nectar. The arean would've been her favorite place- she was on the irls wrestling team at her school." Percy sighed.

"Tell me more about her"

"Well, she would always take me to the park. We'd eat ice cream and ride our bikes. Whenever my mom and Gabe (I plan a short story where they learn that Gabe abused Percy...) weren't home, we'd order pizza and have a movie marathon. She loved horror films. And whenever I'd get a nightmare or couldn't sleep, she'd always let me sleep with her."

"She sounds even sweeter than Hazel, which until now I thought impossible." Leo mumbled

"Yeah, she was a momma bear. Nothing bad got past her. Anyways, we'd throw little parties in her room. We'd drink Coke, dance and listen to Linkin Park all night, and just be plain werid. Perrie was always the kind of person anyone would want to be around. Sweet, not very shy, comfortable in her own skin, never afraid to show who she really was." Percy now looked like he would burst into tears at any moment.

"One day, she had enough money to take me to te canival. We were excited- no Gabe or mom, so no rules and nothing bad could possibly happen. Then the morning of, she was gone.  Nobodys seen her since. Hell, there isn't even a sign of her existance."

Leo took this isn. He knew what it was like to lose your closet family member. He had lost his mom, and Percy had lost his sister. Just more proof that life (or the gods, take your pick) were cruel. If life were a person, it was one cold hearted bastard.

Percy was about to say something else when Jason ran up to them.

"A girl just crossed the property line. " Then he looked at Percy. " We think it's Perrie."


Dun Dun Duh! Talk about a cliffhanger....

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