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Half past seven and a sleeping Eric once more has a smile on his face. He turns onto his right side and opens his eyes. Dawn has already arrived, and the sunshine paints the thinned closed over curtains with an orange glow. There are many birds outside chirping away but none of this matters. What does matter is what Eric sees and what exactly that is, makes sure that Eric backs up and out of bed all of a sudden as the sight he sees before him comes with the realization that he is not or at least was not alone in his bed.

Being on his back side on his bedroom floor as he had been the morning before, he moves and slowly peers up and over the level of his bed. Yeah, initial shock and surprise had him hop up and fall right out of bed. Audrey is there in his bed, enjoying the moment and also enjoying the look of confusion on Eric's face. It is different, very different as to how the previous day began. Rather than sitting on the side of the bed Audrey is actually in the bed.

Eric can only assume that under the cover of a single sheet of silk that Audrey has no clothing on at all, that's if you could say that Audrey has ever had any clothing at all on prior to this moment for any appearance of clothing comes from an ability to morph.

'Ehem ... what? ... Did we ...? ....'

'Don't worry honey, good buddy ...' says Audrey with a smile, '... I am just teasing.'

Audrey steps out of bed facing away from Eric and indeed there is an apparent lack of 'clothing'. Eric falls flat on his back. Audrey begins to make a move with leaving the room.

'I'll just go get breakfast ready, shall I?'

A slight laugh accompanies the exit out of the room. Eric stays right where he is for at least a minute or two. What disrupts his moment of contemplation is the sound of glass smashing. It is clear that this sound has come from somewhere downstairs. The sound of a struggle of some sort also soon becomes apparent.

'Eric, help?' calls out Audrey with clear distress that sends out panic.

'Audrey ...'

The front door opens and before Eric can reach the top of the stairs Audrey is gone. Eric heads straight down and outside in time to see a white van quickly pulling away. By the time Eric makes it to the end of his front garden, the van can no longer be seen.

'Damn' he says slamming his hands onto the garden gate.

Inside the house is a mess. It is obvious that access to the house was gained via the back door, but access gained by who? That is the question and why did they, whoever 'they' are, take Audrey? What do these people know? What do they want? And possibly more importantly where did they go?

Eric does the only thing he can think of doing and that is to call Mike. It is a little after half past eight when Mike arrives over.

'What the hell?' he asks observing the mess that is Eric's kitchen.

'Audrey is gone my friend and I don't know what to do.'

'Gone? Gone where?'

'I don't know, there were intruders and ...'

'You really have got yourself into one heck of a mess.'

'Not intentionally ... obviously.'

The two friends sit at the kitchen table for a moment or two in silence. The silence is broken by an incoming call to Eric's cell phone. There is no caller identification on the call, but he answers it anyway.

Eric's 'hello' is followed by silence so he offers a second 'hello' and still there is no reply. From the look on Eric's face Mike can tell that something is up so he takes out his own phone and goes online.

A voice on the phone soon begins to speak but it is not the voice of a person, or at least it is not the voice of someone who can have a conversation of any kind. What it is on the phone is a line from a movie and the movie is E.T the Extra Terrestrial.

'E.T phone home' is simply all that it says as if the extra-terrestrial from the movie is itself speaking and this line is repeated a number of times.

It soon stops and music begins to come through on Eric's phone. The song that is playing is a tune from the Beach Boys, a song 'I Can Hear Music'.

'I have it' speaks Mike. He had been using his own phone to try track the call coming into Eric's phone and the trace came up with a location.

The two friends figured that the E.T reference was Audrey trying to get through by putting through a message in a unique way. E.T wanting to phone home maybe was Audrey trying to phone home for in a way Eric's home was and is Audrey's home, at least temporarily anyway. Eric and Mike get into Mike's car and Mike began to drive to the location that he managed to acquire.

Getting close to their picked up upon destination, the two friends pass by a music store with a rather long title for a store of any kind above its door, the name of that music store just so happens to be 'I Can Hear Music'. Four words may be a short title in general, but as stores go, they generally have one-to-two-word titles. Wherever they were to be going, it did seem that they were meant to come here to this place, but was it really Audrey who led them to that place or could there be something else at work?

Their destination as it turns out just so happens to be a rather large glasshouse, the largest glasshouse that either of them has ever seen, and such a fact is as sure as sure can be. The car they have travelled in, is parked and it is clear to see that there is not a soul in the immediate vicinity apart from Eric and Mike. They both exit the vehicle and look at each other for moment then they look toward the glasshouse. They can only assume that Audrey must be somewhere inside this place and in plant form, then again nothing can be taken for granted.

Slowly the two friends begin to move towards this glasshouse. What strangeness lies inside? It is safe to say that neither Eric nor Mike could offer up an answer to that question.

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