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'So, what now?' asks Mike as he and Eric stand at the entrance to that large glasshouse.

Eric puts his right hand up against the door and surprisingly manages to slide that door open; he had expected it to be in some way locked. 'We go in, that's what's now.'

'Do you think that is a good idea?'

'Well ... unless you have any other suggestions.'

'Alright, after you then so.'

The two friends do step inside and begin to walk slowly down a center aisle pathway. Initially nothing strange or weird grabs their attention. There is an assortment of plant life and vegetation all around but nothing that looks any way out of the ordinary or out of place.

'Right, there is nothing here. I think we should bail before something untoward happens' says Mike.

'Hold on a second there, I think that there is something here.'

'Like what?'

Before Eric can speak again, a high pitch hum begins, it alters and becomes a multiple layered high pitch hum, multiples apparently sounding off together in unison and coming from all around rather than from one particular area, multiple what though? The different varieties of growth all around soon begin to vibrate. All this is in a way is very de ja vu like for Eric.

'What the ...?' asks Mike.

'Audrey either was here or still is here' replies Eric as he scans the place. 'I can feel her, but it is weak. She has an impact on all we see here.'

The humming develops into a tune, and the tune just so happens to be the theme music to Star Trek the Original Series. Eric smiles and before he can say anything else a call comes his way.

'Eric' calls out Audrey, appearing out of nowhere from the far end of the glasshouse.

Audrey runs down the pathway all the way into Eric's arms and the two embrace, Audrey plants a full-on smacker right on Eric's lips after which Mike has something to whisper in Eric's ear.

'I thought the two of you never ... Ahem ...'

Eric throws Mike a look, a look with which Mike reacts by throwing his hands in the air and taking a step or two backwards while also finding it difficult not to smile.

'Oh, hi there ... err you ...' speaks a tired looking Audrey addressing Mike.

'It's Mike ... by the way. My name is em ... Mike' he responds while momentarily considering asking for a kiss of his own though he thinks better of that and says no more.

'What happened? Are you alright?' asks Eric of Audrey.

'Yeah, all is well, or will be when we get out of here.'

'What exactly is going on here?'

'I'll explain later but right now I think you, me and what's his face over there should vacate the premises, actually if it is alright with his good self, we could go get Ellen then maybe go do something as a group again.'

Eric's looks at Mike as if to suggest that Audrey's idea may just be a good one no matter how tired she seems. How weird is that now too? Audrey is a she and no longer an it.

'Well Ellen is due to finish up work soon so we can give her a call and see if she is up for it.'

The three begin to head out of the glasshouse. Audrey being the last to leave, turns while still inside and makes a V sign with her fingers on one hand before saying 'live long and prosper' addressing the contents of the glasshouse then leaves with a smile. When she has gone, the humming stops.

Eric can feel the joy emanating from Audrey, and of course this joy transfers to him. She is most definitely happy that Eric came for her. When Audrey feels good Eric feels good and visa versa and this joy is almost beginning to energize Audrey. Once fully united, the current group of four once again go for a feed after which it is suggested they head out to a bar. At this point evening has come and Eric has a change of heart. He had been up for a get together but the thoughts of going to any kind of bar or club has him slightly worried.

Can Audrey consume alcohol? And if so what kind of effects would alcohol have on Audrey? And what did happen to her? Is she alright? Are those who had taken her, going to come for her again?

Head out to a bar is what happens. Eric heads to the counter and orders a round of drink then heads over to where the others have decided to sit though when he gets there, he only sees Mike and Ellen. He doesn't see Audrey so obviously enough he asks as to Audrey's whereabouts. Instead of getting a verbal answer Eric observes Ellen pointing and he follows the line from where she points to and what he sees is not what he expects but in some way, he should have seen something like this coming.

'Oh boy' speaks Eric.

You see, on this evening in particular it is Karaoke night at the particular bar they all have come to, and Audrey has got up to sing and sing Audrey does. The song of choice for this particular moment is Blondie's Heart of Glass. How does she even know this song? Then again Audrey is Audrey. There was that Donna Summer moment a couple days back after all. The music begins and has begun before Eric could get a complete grip on what was happening, what is happening.

Once I had a love and it was a gas ... soon turned out had a heart of glass ... seemed like the real thing ... only to find, mucho mistrust ... love's gone behind.

Still at a loss for how to react Eric just stares and soon finds himself at an utter loss for the crowd, the people at the bar, are getting into what is going on. People are dancing and singing along. When Audrey is done there is a major round of applause, and this applause is accompanied by cheers of 'more'.

From Audrey's position at the Karaoke microphone, there is an observation. Audrey sees two men enter the establishment, two very familiar men, well at least quite familiar to Audrey. The rest of the evening continues without further incident and the saying all's well that ends well is an appropriate one for this particular moment but moments only last so long.

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