Chapter 1

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In the nether realm, a vast and barren landscape of fire and brimstone, stood a towering figure known as Titan Havik. Unlike the Titans, Havik was not free, but instead was chained up. His eyes glowed with otherworldly fire as he struggled against the chains that held him captive. The battle that led Titan Havik to this moment had been a bitter one. He had made a gamble, hoping to seize control over all the realms, but in the end, his defeat at the hands of Lord Liu Kang had left him banished to the depths of the nether realm. The taste of defeat was still fresh in his mind as he strained against the chains that bound him. The sight of Titan Havik, once a mighty Titan and now reduced to a chained captive, was a drastic change. His normally proud demeanor was now replaced with one of frustration and anger as he continued to pull against the chains, his muscles straining with the effort. Despite his struggle, the chains held strong, the power of Lord Liu Kang's banishment seemingly unbreakable.

In the distance, a sudden movement is noticed as a giant green portal tears open in the air. It seems to appear out of nowhere, a swirling vortex of otherworldly energy. The portal flickers for a moment before stabilizing, the edges of the gateway glowing and pulsing with power. Slowly, a figure emerges from the portal, their form silhouetted by the swirling vortex of energy behind them. They seem to hesitate for a moment before taking another step forward, the shadows falling away to reveal their identity. As the figure emerges further from the portal, their identity is slowly revealed. They stand tall and imposing, an aura of power radiating off them. Their eyes scan the landscape, taking in the barren landscape of nether realm before settling on the chained Titan Havik.

The figure's voice rings out, a mix of curiosity and amusement in their tone. They regard the chained Titan Havik with a look of mild interest, a slight smile on their face.

???: Well, well, well... Looks like my sources were right. I can't believe it... Titan Havik, chained up like a dog. How the mighty have fallen.

As Titan Havik looks up from his bound state, his eyes widen in recognition. The figure that stands before him is someone he hadn't expected to see, someone whose presence in this realm is unheard of. His expression changes from frustration to disbelief, his mind struggling to process this unexpected turn of events. For a moment, Titan Havik doesn't say anything, his mind racing with questions and confusion. And then, in a voice that betrays his surprise, he speaks.

Titan Havik: You...? Here...? How?

The figure steps forwards, the light falling on their face and revealing their identity. Their features are sharp and angular, their eyes narrowed and intense, a hint of a smile playing on their lips.

As the figure steps out of the shadows, it is revealed to be none other than Y/N, the new ruler of Latveria and the new Doctor Doom in his suit.

Y/N stands before Titan Havik, his demeanor calm and composed. The disdain in his voice is clear as he addresses the chained Titan.

Y/N: Some Titan you are, being chained up in this hellhole. I've heard of your reputation, how you tried to seize control of the realms, and yet here you are, bound and trapped like a dog.

Y/N strolls closer, his footsteps echoing off the barren terrain. He regards Titan Havik with a look of mild disgust.

Y/N: You used to be an entity of fear and power, but look at you now. Pathetic.

Titan Havik bristles at Y/N's words, his expression betraying his frustration and anger. Despite his situation, he cannot help but feel the sting of Y/N's words. He glares up at Y/N, the chains around his wrists rattling as he strains against them. Y/N stops a few feet away from Titan Havik, his hands on his hips as he looks down upon him.

Y/N: You had the power of a Titan, the power to shape the realms as you pleased. And what did you do with it? You let your arrogance get the better of you. You tried to take everything for yourself, and in doing so, you lost it all.

Y/N's tone is almost mocking as he chastises the chained Titan. He circles around Havik, his eyes never leaving the bound figure as he continues.

Y/N: And now, here you are. Chained up like a common criminal, banished to this barren wasteland. It's quite a fall, isn't it? From Titan to prisoner.

Y/N continues to circle around the chained Titan Havik. His movements are deliberate and measured, a display of power and control over the situation. Havik can't help but growl in frustration, his fury at his predicament clear on his face, but he remains silent until Y/N stands directly in front of him again.

Y/N: You can growl and snarl all you want. You can struggle against those chains until you're tired. But they won't break, and neither will I.

Y/N leans closer, his eyes boring into Havik's. The air around them is charged with tension as Y/N's voice drops to a menacing tone.

Y/N: I could just leave you here, you know. Abandoned, forgotten, wasting away in the shadows of this realm. But I have a better idea.

Y/N steps away from Havik, his pace casual as he starts to pace in front of the chained Titan.

Y/N: Imagine this: I could take you back to Latveria. We could show you off, parade you around like a trophy. The great Titan Havik, defeated and humbled. I could make you my personal slave.

Y/N continues to pace, the idea clearly amusing him. He glances over at Havik, a smirk on his face.

Y/N: You'd serve me, do whatever I say. You'd be my obedient little soldier. Can you imagine that? A Titan, reduced to a puppet on my strings.

Y/N stops pacing and looks directly at Havik, waiting for the Titan to speak. Havik's growl fades into a deep, angry rumble as he struggles against his bonds. After a moment, he finally speaks, his voice filled with a mix of anger and desperation.

Titan Havik: You... You think you're so clever, don't you? You think you've won. Well, let me tell you something, you little fool. I am Titan Havik. And I never bow to anyone.

Y/N chuckles darkly, clearly unfazed by Havik's defiance. He takes a step closer, looming over the bound Titan.

Y/N: Oh, I know all about your title, your arrogance. But you're in my realm now, and you'll learn to respect my authority. I don't need you to bow to me, I just need you to obey. And you will. I can guarantee that. And remember Titan.

Y/N leans down in his face.

Y/N: You had the power to seize all the realms over your control. But you failed....

Y/N straightens and steps back again, his eyes never leaving Havik. The look in his eyes is one of authority and determination, his words a clear warning.

Y/N: You had the chance to rule, but you lost. And now, you're completely at my mercy. The mighty Titan has fallen, and the new ruler of Latveria has you as his pet.

Titan havik: I won't be anyone's pet!

Y/N laughs at Havik's defiance, the sound chilling in the barren landscape. Y/N's voice is mocking as he responds.

Y/N: Oh, you don't get a choice in the matter. You've lost, you're bound, and you're at my mercy. If I say you're my pet, you're my pet. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Y/N starts to stroll around Havik again, his steps measured and his composure unruffled.

Y/N: You can fight, you can struggle, you can defy me. But in the end, you'll do what I tell you to. Because you have no other choice. I control your fate now, and you'll either submit willingly or I'll break you until you do.

Y/N's tone becomes more cheerful as he continues.

Y/N: And don't worry, I'm gonna finish what you couldn't. And you- are gonna watch my reign over the realms.

Y/N's voice drips with a sarcastic tone, his question clearly meant to taunt the bound Titan.

Y/N: Speaking of watching, how's that healing magic of yours doing? Can you magically break out of those chains yet? Can you regenerate at all...? Or did that pathetic protector of earth realm take it all from you?

Y/N chuckles, enjoying the sight of Havik chained and helpless. His words are mocking, meant to goad the Titan further.

Y/N: Oh, that's right, I forgot. You lost your powers. You're nothing more than a pathetic little weakling now. But now- I get to do this.

Y/N smirked and suddenly grabbed Titan havik's neck hard. Y/N's hand grips Havik's neck firmly, his fingers digging into the Titan's flesh. His smile is cruel and sadistic, enjoying the power he holds over the Titan.

Y/N: No powers, no regeneration, nothing. You're under my control now, and I can do whatever I like to you. How does it feel to be so powerless, Titan Havik?  How does it feel to be mine?

Y/N's grip tightens even further, his hand closing around the Titan's neck like a vice. His expression hardens as he continues to pull on Havik's head, enjoying the pain and suffering he's causing.

Titan Havik can do nothing but whimper and groan in pain as Y/N continues his torment. The sound of Titan Havik's suffering echoes across the barren wasteland, a clear demonstration of Y/N's cruelty and dominance. Y/N's eyes gleam with malicious satisfaction as he mercilessly tugs on the Titan's head, the muscles in his arm tensing with the effort.

Y/N's words are cold and cruel.

Y/N: How does it feel to be at the mercy of someone who's stronger than you? To have all your power taken away, leaving you nothing more than a helpless toy? Is this the fate of the great Titan Havik?

Y/N's grip shifts, and he places both hands on either side of Titan havik's head, his fingers digging into the rough skin. He begins to pull with an even greater force, his expression one of sadistic glee. Titan Havik suffers as Y/N mercilessly torments him, his attempts to struggle or resist utterly futile against the new ruler of Latveria. Y/N roars out a cry as he yanks violently at Titan Havik's head, the sound of flesh tearing echoing through the empty realm. Soon, the head of the once mighty Titan is held high in the air, Y/N's hand gripping firmly around the ragged stump of the neck.

The body of Titan Havik falls limply to the ground, unable to stir. The head in Y/N's hand, however, is still alive, the eyes flickering with life despite the Titan's horrific injury. Y/N holds the severed head up higher, his eyes fixed on the still-living Titan. His voice drops to a sinister whisper.

Y/N: You'll be a nice addition to my trophy room. A reminder of my power. A trophy to show anyone who dares to oppose me that resistance is futile.

Y/N's expression is cold and calculating as he stares down at the severed head in his hand.

Y/N: I'll make sure your head has a place of honour in my collection. The mighty Titan Havik, defeated and humbled by the new ruler of Latveria.

Y/N laughs softly, the sound chilling in the empty wasteland. As Y/N starts to walk back through the portal, the ground suddenly trembles and shakes violently. The tremors increase in severity, the very fabric of the nether realm itself shaking. Y/N glances back for a moment, then continues walking, a smirk on his face as he realizes that the shaking is due to Titan Havik's absence from the realms. The tremors grow in magnitude, the ground cracking and reforming before Y/N's eyes. The portal, however, remains stable, waiting to take him back to Latveria.

Y/N steps through the portal, leaving the shaking realm behind. He looks down at the head in his hand, a trophy from his latest victory, a symbol of his growing power. The scene transitions to him walking in the trophy room with the other items from heroes and villains he's killed. The trophy room of the Latverian palace is a vast chamber, filled with an array of gruesome and impressive displays. The walls are lined with taxidermied animals, the heads of fierce predators and rare creatures from across the realms. At the center of the room, however, is a platform, on which a single, clear jar is placed, housing... Y/N walks into the room, the severed head of Titan Havik in his hand. He strides purposefully through the room, stopping only as he reaches the display platform.

As Y/N impales the severed head onto the sharp spike, Titan Havik's mouth opens in a silent scream, his eyes wide with fury and horror. The head, still alive, is now suspended in mid-air, unable to move, trapped in a state of constant agony.

Y/N stares at the display, a cruel smile on his face.

Y/N: Your body might be gone, but I still have your head. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it. You're my trophy now, Titan. A prize taken from the jaws of victory.

Y/N stands back and admires the display, the living head of Titan Havik impaled upon the spike, a permanent symbol of the new ruler of Latveria's power. He looks over the other displays, the heads and belongings of other defeated heroes and villains.

Y/N lets out a short, cold laugh before leaving the room, satisfied with his newest acquisition. Y/N is just about to leave the trophy room when he halts suddenly, his stride faltering. The voice of Titan Havik, faint and weak, rings out from the impaled head. The Titan's words send an unexpected chill through Y/N.

Titan Havik: ...hourglass...

Y/N turns slowly, his eyes fixed on the suspended head. He regards the impaled head with a look of surprise and caution.

Y/N's thoughts race as he listens to Titan Havik's words. He approaches the spike and the impaled head, his eyes narrowing in thought.

Y/N: Hourglass...? What are you talking about?

Y/N's voice is sharp and impatient. The mention of a mysterious "hourglass" has him on guard, his mind racing as he tries to understand the Titan's cryptic words.

Y/N: Explain yourself. What hourglass? What are you talking about? Speak, Titan.

The scene transitions to earth realm, The Fire Temple, a place of peace and tranquility, stands on a mountaintop in Earthrealm. Inside, Lord Liu Kang sits on a pillow, his eyes closed in deep meditation. The flames around him are flickering gently, the only sound in the entire chamber being the soft crackle of the fire. Lord Liu Kang's mind is calm and still, focused on the deep silence within. His breath slows, his thoughts steady and tranquil. However, the peace is suddenly shattered as his eyes suddenly flash open, his meditative state interrupted by a sudden, unexpected vision.

The air in the temple shimmers as Geras materializes out of thin air. His appearance is sudden and unexpected, but Lord Liu Kang does not react, his eyes meeting Geras's gaze with a steady calm.

Lord Liu Kang: (quietly) You have something to report, Geras?

Geras nods solemnly, his expression serious.

Geras: Yes, my lord. I have seen something troubling in the threads of fate. The Nether Realm has been compromised. Titan havik- has vanished.

Lord Liu Kang's eyes widen with surprise and concern at Geras' words. He rises from his meditation pillow, his composure undaunted.

Lord Liu Kang: What do you mean, 'vanished'?

Geras: Please follow me to the hourglass.

Lord Liu Kang nods in understanding, rising from his meditation and following Geras.

Lord Liu Kang: Lead the way.

The hourglass, massive and ancient, stands in the center of the stone chamber. Its sands flow steadily, the constant movement of the grains creating a mesmerizing, almost hypnotizing sight. Lord Liu Kang eyes the hourglass with concern, clearly anticipating Geras's next words. Geras faces the hourglass, his voice low and grim.

Geras: The sands in this hourglass reflect the state of the realms. The flow and the quantity of the sand tell us when trouble is brewing. When something in the timeline is going wrong.

Lord Liu Kang stands beside him, his eyes fixed on the hourglass, the sands flowing in a steady, ominous rhythm.

Lord Liu Kang: I sense something is off. The sands are flowing... differently. And what of Havik? What do the sands tell about him?

Geras taps the hourglass gently, causing the sands to swirl and shift, creating a vision within its crystal depths. Lord Liu Kang watches intently as the scene of Y/N confronting Titan Havik unfolds before his eyes. Lord Liu Kang's gaze is fixed on the vision as he witnesses the events playing out in crystal sands. He watches silently as Y/N confronts Titan Havik, the Titan's defeat and the subsequent display of his head in a jar.

Lord Liu Kang: Who is that....??

Geras's voice is low and grim as he responds to Lord Liu Kang's question.

Geras: That.... is Y/N. A new being that has come into existence, outside of the natural order. A being of great power.... and great ambition. And also known as- Doctor Victor Von Doom's son. Y/N Von Doom.

Lord Liu Kang's eyes widen at Geras's revelations, the mention of Doctor Doom causing a flicker of concern. He watches as the scene in the hourglass continues, witnessing Y/N's triumphant display of Titan Havik's head. Lord Liu Kang's voice is calm, but there's an undercurrent of worry.

Lord Liu Kang: How did he gain such power? Did Doctor Doom create him?

Geras's voice is grave as he explains Y/N's origins. Lord Liu Kang listens intently, his expression solemn. His face bears the weight of the knowledge Geras is sharing, his eyes never leaving the hourglass and its sands. 

Geras: Y/N was born with a broken and cruel childhood after his mother was taken from him. His childhood shaped him into the man he is today. A man with a thirst for power and vengeance.

Geras continued, his voice somber and serious.

Geras: Y/N's ambition and drive for power was fueled by his childhood trauma. The pain he experienced as a child shaped him into the being he is now - a powerful man with a dangerous thirst for supremacy. His desire for power knows no bounds, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

Geras's words hang in the air, their gravity weighing heavily on Lord Liu Kang's heart.

Lord Liu Kang: What happened to his father....???

Geras: His father unfortunately died. However- before he died, he had made Y/N promise him to take over his role as the new Doctor doom and the new ruler of latveria.

Lord Liu Kang's face darkens at the news of Doctor Doom's death, a flicker of sadness and melancholy passing over his features. But his expression quickly hardens as Geras continues, revealing the promise Y/N made to his father.

Lord Liu Kang: So Y/N has taken up his father's mantle...he is the new Doctor Doom...and the new ruler of Latveria.

Lord Liu Kang's voice drips with an undercurrent of worry and concern. He regards the image in the hourglass, his eyes fixed on the sight of Y/N's victory over Titan Havik.

Lord Liu Kang: This...Y/N. He poses a grave threat to all the realms, doesn't he? And he seems to have more power than his father ever did.

Geras: I have found out more interesting news.

Lord Liu Kang turns his full attention to Geras, his eyes searching the Eternal's expression.

Lord Liu Kang: What news do you have, Geras?

Geras's voice is solemn and dire as he speaks, the words falling like stones in the still chamber.

Geras: It appears that Y/N possesses the ability to travel across timelines. He has somehow managed to access the threads of time and move through them at will. This is a power that should not belong to someone like him. And in more devastating news- It is confirmed that Y/N has taken out many strong heroes and titans such as- Magneto, Silver Surfer, Ultron, Doctor Strange, Moon Knight, Namor. The fantastic four. And even two mad titans- Thanos and Galactus.

Lord Liu Kang's heart sinks as Geras relays the full scope of Y/N's defeats of powerful heroes and Titans. The list of his conquests is lengthy and horrifying. Magneto, Silver Surfer, Ultron, Doctor Strange...and finally, the Titans themselves, Thanos and Galactus.

Lord Liu Kang's voice is cold and sharp as he speaks.

Lord Liu Kang: He has taken down the most powerful beings in these realms...and he just keeps growing stronger. How is that possible?

Lord Liu Kang's eyes narrow as he ponders Geras's words, the magnitude of what Y/N has accomplished sending a chill down his spine. The thought of such a powerful and ruthless being wandering the realms, unrestrained, is an overwhelming prospect.
He speaks, his voice tense.

Lord Liu Kang: If he can travel across timelines and defeat beings such as Thanos and Galactus....who is left who can stand against him?

Geras's voice is grave and serious as he answers Lord Liu Kang's question.

Geras: I do not know, my lord. The beings Y/N has defeated were some of the strongest guardians of their respective realms. If he were to continue along his current path....there would be few who could stop him. We may well be facing an impending crisis.

Lord Liu Kang lets out a slow, deep sigh, his eyes fixed on the endless flowing sands of the hourglass. The weight of Geras's words hangs heavy in the air, the gravity of Y/N's power and ambition seemingly unstoppable.
His voice is steady, but there is a grimness to it.

Lord Liu Kang: We cannot afford to underestimate Y/N. We must take steps to prepare for any future confrontations...and pray that we can somehow turn the tide in our favor...

To be continued....

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