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The prologue begins in the land of Latveria, the native abode of Doctor Doom. The camera pans through a rugged and barren landscape, showcasing the stark terrain of Doom's home realm. Latveria is depicted as a stark and harsh place, its bleak and rocky expanse a testament to its harsh environment. The land seems devoid of life, with only a few dilapidated structures and sparse vegetation visible. This brief introduction sets the stage for the ominous and threatening atmosphere of Doom's home realm. The streets of Latveria are desolate and barren. There is no sign of life, except for the occasional patrolling sentries, who wear the uniform of Doctor Doom's elite troops. The buildings are in a state of decay, with crumbling facades and broken windows, giving the area a desolate and abandoned feel. The camera's focus slowly shifts to a lone, ominous structure standing tall amidst the desolation. This massive edifice can only be the Citadel of Doom, the fortress and home of the infamous villain himself. The structure exudes a sense of menacing power, a stark contrast to the crumbling buildings around it. Even among the bleakness of Latveria, the Citadel stands as an imposing symbol of Doctor Doom's power and authority. Its dark, fortified walls and ominous presence serve as a constant reminder of his ruthless rule over this realm. The atmosphere is heavy with a sense of dread, as if the very air is thick with the aura of Doom's ominous presence. The camera lingers on the Citadel for a moment, emphasizing its imposing nature and foreshadowing the pivotal role it will play in Doom's grand scheme.

The camera begins to zoom in on a specific room within the Citadel. As the focus tightens, it becomes clear that this room acts as a trophy room. It is adorned with an array of weapons, relics, and other artifacts, seemingly collected and displayed to demonstrate Doom's extensive conquests and power. The room contains items such as The Thing's crumbling throne, Human Torch's flaming heart in a fireplace, Mr. Fantastic trapped in a ball struggling to break free, Invisible Woman's transparent chair, Doctor Strange's pendant, Ultron's battered head, Silver Surfer's broken board, Magneto's shattered helmet, Moon Knight's damaged symbol, and Namor's horn. The room is completed by the colossal helmet of the defeated Galactus placed on display in the ocean.

This trophy room is a stark reminder of the formidable adversaries that Doctor Doom has defeated and conquered. Each relic represents a different hero or villain, their iconic items displayed in a mocking and menacing manner, emphasizing the extent of Doom's power. The inclusion of Galactus's helmet, the defeated giant's head placed amidst the collection, is a further testament to Doom's unparalleled strength and ambition.

The camera pans further into the room, towards a far-off corner where there is an unusual sound. A sizzling, hot metallic noise emanates from the shadows, adding an element of intrigue and uncertainty to the atmosphere. The source of the sound remains hidden, leaving only curiosity and anticipation. The camera reveals a 19-year-old boy, whose face is obscured by a metal mask. He is focused intently on some sort of task, working with a quiet determination. The sizzling and hot metal sounds become louder as the boy continues his work, his identity firmly hidden by the mask. The mystery surrounding the boy's identity only deepens the sense of curiosity. The intensity of his work, coupled with the sounds of sizzling and hot metal, suggests that he is working on something of significance. His age, combined with the skilled and focused manner in which he works, adds an extra layer of intrigue to his character.

Suddenly- an elite doom enforcer interrupts the boy's work as he opens the door.

Enforcer: Y/N.

The boy, now identified as Y/N, stops his work and responds with irritation.

Y/N: Why must you disturb me at this time...?

The enforcer's next words reveal a significant moment in the story.

Enforcer: It's your father. His time has come.

This revelation hints at an imminent and perhaps ominous event involving Doctor Doom. The phrase "His time has come" suggests that something significant is about to unfold, and the mention of "your father" implies a familial connection between Y/N and Doctor Doom.

The boy turns around, revealing his face, his intense green eyes locking on the enforcer.

Y/N: Take me to him.

His words are firm and direct, his piercing gaze conveying a mix of determination and perhaps a hint of uncertainty. It's evident that Y/N is willing to set aside his work to follow the enforcer and meet with his father.

The scene moves to a hallway within the Citadel. Y/N is now escorted by an entourage of multiple doom henchmen, their imposing presence surrounding him. This transition highlights the significance of this moment, with Y/N being led to an important destination. The ominous atmosphere and the presence of the henchmen suggest that the encounter with his father is approaching. The hallway is dimly lit, the only source of illumination coming from flickering torches lining the stone walls. The heavy footsteps of the doom henchmen echo through the corridor, creating an atmosphere of tension and anticipation. As Y/N walks in their midst, his face remains stoic and focused, displaying a mixture of determination and apprehension. The sound of the henchmen's armor clanking together, coupled with the dimly lit, narrow corridor, adds to the air of suspense as Y/N and his escorts make their way toward an unknown destination. The lack of sound and light, save for the flickering torches, lends an even greater sense of foreboding to the moment, further emphasizing the ominous nature of the meeting that awaits Y/N.

Y/N is led through a door and enters the room, where his father, Victor von Doom, lies on a death bed. The room is filled with medical machinery, most of them beeping quietly. Y/N's face remains stoic, his expressions unreadable as he gazes upon his father, who is clearly on the verge of death. The sight of his father in this vulnerable state adds a touch of melancholy to the scene, suggesting a complex relationship between them. The room is a stark reminder of Victor von Doom's mortality, its sterile environment and medical equipment contrasting sharply with the ruler's usual aura of power and authority. The beeping of the monitors serves as an ominous backdrop to the scene, a constant reminder of Doom's declining health and the approaching end of his life. Y/N remains motionless, his eyes fixated on his father, who appears weak and vulnerable in his death bed. There is a mixture of emotions on Y/N's face - a hint of sadness, a tinge of nostalgia, and perhaps even a trace of fear. The beeping of the monitor serves as a poignant reminder of time running out, further heightening the emotional weight of the scene.

Y/N slowly approaches his father's bedside, each step measured and deliberate. His eyes remain fixed on his father, as if memorizing every detail of his weakened form. The tension in the room is palpable, and the sense of a poignant and important exchange about to unfold is evident. Y/N reaches the bedside and stops, standing beside his father's bed. The sight of Doctor Doom in this state, weakened by illness and the steady beeping of the monitors, creates a sense of vulnerability that is unusual for the normally powerful and intimidating villain. The room is filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the rhythmic beeping of the heart rate monitor.

Y/N: Father.....

Doctor Doom turns his gaze slowly, his weakened body straining with the effort. The sight of Y/N, standing at his bedside, clearly affects him. Doom's mask, now a permanent fixture on his face, adds an eerie element to the scene, further emphasizing the toll his illness has taken on him.

Doctor Doom (weakly): Y/N....

Doom's voice is weak and raspy, a stark contrast to his usual powerful and commanding tone. The utterance of Y/N's name reveals a mixture of emotion - love, pride, and perhaps a hint of disappointment. The weight of the moment hangs heavy in the air, as if the final conversation between father and son is about to take place. Y/N stands there, his face betraying a mix of emotions as he gazes down at his father. The sight of Doom weakened and vulnerable is unfamiliar and unsettling. The beeping of the heart rate monitor echoes in the silence, a poignant reminder of the limited time they have left together.

Y/N: I'm here father.... I'm right here.

Y/N's words are spoken with a mixture of affection and sadness, his voice slightly trembling as he tries to maintain his composure. The sight of his father in such a weak and vulnerable state affects him deeply, though he tries to remain strong. The room seems to shrink around them, as if time itself is running out. Doom's hand, visibly trembling, slowly reaches out towards Y/N. The effort he exerts to make even this small movement is evident, a reminder of his fragile condition. The beeping of the monitor increases slightly, the heart rate rising momentarily in response to the emotional moment. Y/N takes a step closer, reaching out and holding his father's trembling hand in his own. The contrast between their hands - one youthful and strong, the other shaky and weak - adds a poignant layer to the scene, symbolizing the reversal of roles and the passing of the torch.

Y/N's grip is firm, his fingers gently wrapping around his father's, trying to maintain a strong presence despite the emotional weight of the moment. The beeping of the heart rate monitor continues in the background, a constant reminder of the ticking time bomb that is Doom's condition. Doctor Doom's facial expression is difficult to read, obscured by the mask and the weakening state of his body. But in his eyes, there is a mixture of love, pride, and perhaps regret. He gazes up at his son, his own heir, trying to find the right words to say.

Doom's breathing is labored, and it takes him a moment to gather the energy to speak. When he does, his voice is raspy and barely above a whisper.

Doctor Doom: Y/N... I... I need to... tell you something....

Y/N leans closer, his focus solely on his father, hanging onto every word. The sound of his father's labored breathing only serves to heighten the sense of urgency and importance of this moment.

Doom takes another labored breath, his voice growing even raspier, barely audible over the beeping of the heart rate monitor.

Doctor Doom: I... I've been... wrong.... about a lot of things....

Another wheeze, and Doom gazes deeply into Y/N's eyes. Y/N's eyes widen slightly, a mixture of surprise and confusion on his face. He wasn't expecting his father to admit to any sort of wrongdoing, given his usual unyielding and ruthless nature. The realization that this might be a deathbed confession further intensifies the situation's emotional weight.

Doom's chest heaves with the effort to speak, but he pushes on, his eyes never leaving Y/N's face.

Doctor Doom: I... I thought I knew... what was best for the world.... But I was... wrong.... I was wrong... and now I see....

Another labored breath, and Doom's hand squeezes Y/N's tighter, a show of paternal affection and perhaps even desperation.

Y/N's grip on his father's hand tightens in response, his expression a mix of surprise and sadness. The realization that his father is admitting to his mistakes, something Y/N has perhaps been waiting to hear all these years, is heavy and bittersweet. The beeping of the heart rate monitor continues, like a countdown to a fate that neither of them can change.

Doom's breathing grows more shallow, his chest struggling to rise and fall. Yet he continues to speak, his eyes pleading with Y/N for understanding.

Doctor Doom: Y/N... I... I want you to promise me something....

Y/N: Anything father.....

Y/N's response is immediate and sincere, his voice filled with a mix of sadness and determination. The trust and respect he has for his father, despite all that has happened, is evident in his tone.

Doctor Doom: I... I want you.... to take my place... to rule Latveria as its rightful king....

The room falls into a deeper silence, the only sound coming from the heart rate monitor and Doom's labored breathing. The gravity of Doctor Doom's request hangs heavily in the air. Y/N's eyes widen even more, a mixture of shock and disbelief on his face. Taking over as King of Latveria was a responsibility Y/N had never imagined, and the weight of his father's request hits him like a ton of bricks. The beeping of the heart rate monitor seems to quicken its pace, perhaps mirroring the increased tension in the room.

Doom's grip on Y/N's hand grows weaker, his breathing becoming even more labored. It's clear that he is using the last reserves of his strength to have this conversation.

Doctor Doom: Y/N... I know... I've made mistakes.... But Latveria... Latveria needs a strong ruler.... A ruler who.... who....

Doom's words trail off, his chest struggling to rise and fall as he fights against the grip of his illness. Y/N's heart clenches at the sight of his father struggling to speak, the reality of their current situation hitting him hard. The realization that Doom is entrusting him with the responsibility of ruling Latveria is a mix of honor and fear. Y/N swallows hard, his grip on his father's hand tighter than ever.

Doom takes another labored breath, his eyes locked on Y/N. The mask that covers his face is more ominous than ever in this moment.

Doctor Doom: Y/N... promise me....

His voice is barely above a whisper, his body nearing its limits. The heart rate monitor continues to beep, the consistent rhythm providing a stark background to the drama unfolding in front of Y/N. Y/N's throat is dry, his heart pounding in his chest. He can feel the weight of his father's request, the gravity of the situation pressing down upon him. But he cannot deny the love and loyalty he feels towards his father, and so he nods, his voice firm but choked with emotion.

Y/N: I promise, father....

Doom's face remains impossible to read through the mask, but Y/N can see the gratitude and relief in his eyes. A faint, wheezy breath escapes him, his chest rising and falling with a labored effort. The heart rate monitor continues its steady beep in the background, serving as a constant reminder of the toll the conversation is taking on both Doom and Y/N.

Doom's voice is even more shaky now, his words barely audible.

Doctor Doom: Take care... of Latveria....

Y/N's eyes moisten with unshed tears, his heart breaking at the sight of his father in such a weak state. He nods, his grip on Doom's hand tightening even further. Doom is breathing more rapidly now, his chest rising and falling with increasing difficulty. Y/N can feel his father's hand weakening in his grasp, the life slipping away with each passing moment.

The heart rate monitor starts to quicken its pace, the beeps coming faster and more urgently. Y/N's own heart is racing, his mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions. He can sense the end is near, and he finds himself desperately clinging to every last second with his father, trying to etch every moment, every touch, every breath into his memory forever.

Doctor Doom: I love you.... Y/N....

Those three words, so rare from the lips of the usually gruff and unyielding Doctor Doom, hit Y/N hard, their genuine and affectionate nature making the impending loss all the more poignant. The beeping of the heart rate monitor quickens further, its frantic rhythm an accurate representation of Doom's weakening condition.

Y/N's eyes fill with tears, his voice breaking as he responds.

Y/N: I love you too, father....

His grip on Doom's hand is trembling, the finality of their conversation and the situation at hand weighing heavily on him.

Doom's eyes flutter closed, his body growing stiller by the second. He manages a final, weakening squeeze of Y/N's hand, a last gesture of love and connection.

The beeps from the heart rate monitor become even more frenzied, the rhythm now a desperate countdown to the inevitable. And then, the monitor flatslines, the consistent beeps replaced with a single, steady tone indicating that the heart has stopped beating. The room is filled with an eerie silence, the absence of the heart rate monitor the only sound left.

Y/N lets out a shaky sigh, his eyes closing as he takes in the impact of the moment. The room feels suddenly hollow and echoey without the sound of the heart rate monitor, and the stark realization that his father is truly gone settles over him. The enforcers that had escorted Y/N into the room stand silently, their eyes on the scene before them. The stark contrast between Doom's now-still body and Y/N's grief-stricken form is a vivid reminder of the passing of one era and the beginning of another.

The scene changes to an outdoor shot of Doom's citadel, the sky above overcast and gray. Rain is falling, creating a thin mist in the air and dampening the ground. The normally imposing structure of the citadel is framed against a backdrop of dark clouds, giving the scene an air of melancholy and solemnity. The rain is pouring more heavily now, the sound of droplets hitting the stone and glass of the citadel adding a faint but steady background noise to the scene. The ground is wet and muddy, and the surrounding area is eerily vacant, the rain keeping most people indoors. Inside the citadel we take a look inside Doctor doom's office where Y/N is sitting in his father's chair looking out the window.

Y/N is seated at the desk in Doctor Doom's office, his gaze is fixated out the window, taking in the rainy view outside. He's surrounded by memorabilia and decorations that bear Doom's unmistakable style - armor, technology, and symbols of Latveria's sovereignty. The atmosphere is heavy with the weight of recent events, and Y/N's expression is one of contemplation. The rain continues to fall against the window, the sound of droplets impacting the glass serving as a constant background noise. Y/N's eyes are distant as he gazes out, his mind likely filled with a myriad of thoughts and emotions. The room is silent except for the sound of the rain.

The sound of a knock on the door pulls Y/N from his thoughts. He breaks his gaze from the window, turning in his chair towards the door, and calls out.

Y/N: Enter.

The door opens slowly and cautiously, the enforcers standing watch outside stepping aside to allow the visitor entry. From the doorway, General Victorious steps into the room, his expression solemn and his manner respectful. The atmosphere in the room changes subtly as General Victorious enters, the weight of Doom's passing still prominent. Y/N turns his chair to fully face the General, his expression neutral but acknowledging.

The General stands a few feet away, respect for Y/N's position evident in his demeanor. He clears his throat before speaking, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of sadness.

General Victorious: My condolences, for the loss of your father. He was a strong ruler, and Latveria will feel his absence.

Y/N's expression remains impassive, his gaze fixated on the General. He's keenly aware of the differing opinions he had with his father, especially in terms of leadership and ruling. The General's words, while spoken with what appears to be genuine sympathy, likely ring hollow in Y/N's ears, given the complex history he shared with Doom. The room is filled with a tense silence as the General awaits a response from Y/N, his own emotions guarded. The rain continues to fall outside, the only background noise to the stilted interaction.

Y/N: Why are you here general...?

The General's expression remains stoic, his stance slightly defensive. He looks at Y/N, his eyes assessing. After a moment, he responds.

General Victorious: I am here to gauge your intentions, as the new ruler of Latveria. The transition of power after a ruler's passing is a delicate time, and the future of the country rests in your hands.

Y/N leans back in his chair, his expression unchanged. He looks at the General, sizing him up just as the General is sizing him up. The tension in the room is palpable, their differing views on leadership clearly playing out in this exchange. The General continues, his tone firm but respectful.

General Victorious: I have served your father for many years, and I need to know if your reign will be as firm and unwavering as his was. Latveria needs a strong leader, and I will need your assurance that you are up to the task.

Y/N just scoffed and looked away.

Y/N: You served my father? Because.... It sure as hell seemed like you both had differences.

The General's expression hardens at Y/N's words, the truth in them hitting a nerve. He takes a slight step forward, his voice taking on a harder edge.

General Victorious: I served your father for as long as I've served this country. Any disagreements we may have had were merely professional clashes, and our loyalty to Latveria has always been unshakeable.  No one is truly aligned on everything, especially where leadership is concerned.

Y/N looks back at the General, his expression challenging. He's clearly not intimidated by the General's assertiveness.

Y/N: Differences of opinion or not, you weren't exactly on the same page as my father when it came to leadership. And now he's gone, and I'm the one in charge. So the question is, will you still serve Latveria under a ruler you disagree with? Or...... are you here to just take my father's place from me....?

The General clenches his jaw at Y/N's challenge, his pride and loyalty clearly being tested. He holds Y/N's gaze, a stubborn determination flaring in his eyes.

General Victorious: My loyalty is to Latveria, first and foremost. I do not take sides in personal conflicts, nor do I desire to overthrow the rightful ruler of the nation. My service has and will always be to the best interests of Latveria, whether my opinions align with those in power or not.

Y/N leans forward in his chair, resting his elbows on the desk in front of him. He looks directly at the General, his own resolve matching the other man's.

Y/N: And what if I decide to rule differently than my father? What if my vision for Latveria doesn't align with his? Will you support me, or work against me because you don't agree with my methods?  I need to know if I can trust you, or if you're going to be a problem.

The arrival of the Doom Elite Brutes is a subtle but significant show of support for Y/N. The two large, muscular guards move to stand on either side of Y/N, their presence a silent but potent reminder that Y/N is not alone in this interaction.

The tension in the room is heightened further at their appearance, the General's eyes darting to the guards before returning to Y/N.

Y/N: So..... what's it going to be....?

The General's gaze flicks from Y/N to the Doom Elite Brutes, then back to Y/N, the weight of the decision evident in his expression. After a tense moment, he finally speaks, his voice firm but measured.

General Victorious: I have served Latveria and your family for many years. My loyalty has never waivered. Should you rule as your father did, I shall remain true to Latveria and you as its ruler. But... if you choose a different path, a path that goes against the best interests of this nation......... I will do what I must.

Y/N slowly chuckled. The sound of Y/N's chuckle seems to amuse and frustrate the General at the same time, his expression betraying a mix of irritation and resignation.

General Victorious: Is that your answer then? You find my service amusing?

Y/N: Just remember general....

The General bristles slightly at Y/N's words, his pride clearly wounded. He squares his shoulders, his eyes locked on Y/N's.

General Victorious: Remember what, boy?

Y/N leans back in his chair, his expression calm and controlled, a stark contrast to the General's more reactive demeanor.

Y/N: Remember who you're talking to, General. I may be young, but I am the ruler of this nation now, and I will not be disrespected in my own home.

The two Doom Elite Brutes take a step closer to the General, their muscles rippling beneath their armor, ready to act at Y/N's word.

Y/N: And soon...... you will address me- as Doctor Doom.

The General's face hardens further at Y/N's words, the realization of the shift in power dynamics clearly not sitting well with him. He takes a breath, his jaw tightening, before responding.

General Victorious: I will give you the respect you are due, and I will continue to serve Latveria loyally. But remember, being a ruler is not just about asserting power, it's about making the best choices for the nation and its people.

He glances at the guards before adding,

General Victorious: And your choices will be tested, young Doctor Doom.

Y/N regards the General for a moment, his expression unreadable. He's clearly heard the warning, the threat behind the words not lost on him. A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth as he responds.

Y/N: I don't need your reminders, General. I know my responsibilities. And I will make the choices necessary, for the betterment of Latveria, even if they are not the ones you or my father would have made. Guards.

The two Doom Elite Brutes straighten up in response to Y/N's command, their attention shifting to Y/N. They wait for his command, their bodies taut and ready.

Y/N looks at the General, a clear dismissal in his tone.

Y/N: You're dismissed, General. I have much to discuss with the Council in the coming days. I'm sure you'll be informed of my decisions soon enough.

The General looks like he wants to protest, but after a moment he holds his tongue, his face taking on an inscrutable expression. He nods curtly and turns to exit the room, the Doom Elite Brutes moving aside to let him pass. The door closes behind the General, leaving Y/N alone in the office once more. The room feels quieter now, the tension that filled it just moments ago slowly dissipating.

Y/N leans back in his chair, his eyes drifting back out the window at the rain-soaked courtyard beyond. The weight of his new role and the challenges ahead are clear as day.

Y/N's thoughts turn to his father's parting words, the memory of Doom's last request echoing in his mind.

He thinks about the responsibility his father has placed upon him, the expectation that he should rule Latveria as the new king, the new Doctor Doom.

Y/N leans forward, resting his forehead on his hand as he contemplates the enormity of the task ahead. He feels the weight of his father's legacy on his shoulders, the pressure to uphold Doom's fearsome reputation, the burden of leading a nation.

Y/N: Guards.

The Doom Elite Brutes turn at Y/N's command, their attention focusing once again.

One of the guards speaks out, their voice deep and gravelly.

Doom Elite Brute: Yes, Doctor Doom?

Y/N looks up at the guards, his expression solemn but determined.

Y/N: I need a moment of quiet. Close the curtains and tell the Council I'm not to be disturbed for the next few hours.

The Doom Elite Brutes nod in acknowledgement and move to do as he says. They close the heavy curtains, casting the room in semi-darkness, and then leave without another word.

Y/N is left alone in the room, the only sound now the steady drum of rain against the window..

The room is now shrouded in twilight, the heavy curtains blocking out most of the rainy day outside. Y/N takes a deep breath, letting the quiet of the room fill his senses.

He leans back in his chair, closing his eyes and letting his thoughts wander. The responsibilities of his new position weigh heavily on his mind, along with the words of his father still echoing in his head.

Doctor doom(voice): You are my son. And like me, you are destined to be a ruler, a king, a... Doctor Doom...

Y/N leaves his desk and steps towards a bookshelf that lines one of the walls of the office. He runs his fingers absently along the spines of the books as he walks, his mind clearly preoccupied.

He stops in front of the shelf, his eyes flicking over the titles, many of them being on science, technology, and rulership. After a moment of contemplation, he reaches out and withdraws a large, heavy tome from the middle of the shelf. The book is old and well-worn, bound in dark leather with gold trimming and runes etched into the cover. A feeling of age and importance seems to emanate from it. Y/N places the book down on his desk with a muffled *thud*, and runs his hand over the cover, as if tracing the words written there.

He opens the book, flicking through the pages, each one filled with ancient spells, incantations, and history of Latveria and its legendary ruler, Doctor Doom.

As Y/N's finger finds and depresses the hidden button, a soft clicking sound is heard, followed by the sound of stone against stone as a section of the bookshelf swings open, revealing a hidden passageway beyond.

The passageway is dimly lit, the shadows beyond giving little indication of what lies ahead. Y/N glances at the opening, his expression contemplative. He leaves the book on his desk and takes a slow step towards the opening. The shadows seem to stretch as if reaching for him, beckoning him into the unknown.

Y/N clenches his jaw, steeling himself, before stepping through the opening and into the darkness beyond. The bookshelf swings shut behind him with a click closing with finality. The passageway is dark and cool, the silence interrupted only by the soft sound of Y/N's footsteps on the stone floor. His eyes slowly adjust to the lack of light, revealing just enough shape and form to navigate.

The air is thick and heavy, the passage taking a slight decline. Y/N continues onward, heading deeper into the bowels of Doom's citadel. The lights in the room flicker on as Y/N enters the vast armory. The room is filled with rows and rows of glass cases, each one containing an piece of Doctor Doom's legendary armor or a weapon he has used throughout the years.

The light reflects off the various surfaces, creating a dazzling display of metal and glass. Y/N looks around in awe, the sight of his father's old equipment stirring a mix of emotions in him. He walks through the rows, looking at each suit and each weapon reverently. His hand reaches out and touches a glass case, his fingers tracing over the surface, his mind filled with memories of his father wearing the armor, wielding the weapons.

Y/N's eyes land on a suit that stands out from the rest, a more elaborate, ceremonial armor, adorned with ornate patterns and symbols.

The armor in the case is unlike the others, its lines more refined, its design more intricate. As Y/N looks at it, he remembers the times he wore it, the battles he fought, the enemies he defeated. The Fantastic Four, Thanos, Ultron, the Avengers, the Silver Surfer, even Galactus. The list of those he vanquished when wearing this suit is long and impressive.

Y/N's fingers brush against the glass, a mixture of pride and melancholy in his eyes as he continues to regard the armor. The case hisses softly as the glass slowly retracts, a small click signaling that it's been unsealed.

Y/N reaches out with trembling hands, carefully removing the armor from the case. It feels heavy in his hands, the weight of its power and history palpable. He gently places it on a nearby workbench, the armor clanking against the surface as its laid down. Y/N stands back, looking at the suit, the memories it stirs within him causing a flood of emotions. As Y/N looks over the armor, he notices that the gauntlets are old and dirty, their surface covered in dust and grime. The mask is unfinished, the eyes only half-done, their gaze blank and unseeing.

The cape is torn and ripped in multiple places, frayed threads hanging from the edges. Clearly, the suit has not been maintained in some time, its once-impressive state deteriorated from lack of care. Y/N feels a pang of sadness at the state of the armor, it's current disrepair a stark contrast to its former glory. He looks at the broken pieces, the unfinished mask, the torn cape, and the old, dirty gauntlets, the symbols of his past victories now worn and haggard. Y/N continues his perusal of the room, his eyes falling on the vast array of spare parts and useful equipment that is scattered about. His mind instantly begins to consider the possibilities, the potential to not just repair and improve his armor, but to make it stronger than his fathers had ever been.

The temptation to immediately start upgrading and enhancing his suit is almost overwhelming.

The scene transitions forward several days, to a gathering of people outside the imposing facade of Doom's citadel. Loyal henchmen and enforcers of Doom, as well as regular citizens of Latveria, are all gathered, their number in the hundreds.

Their faces show a mix of reverence, curiosity, and anticipation, the air filled with murmurs and whispered conversations. They all wait in silence, clearly awaiting something of great importance. One of the Doom henchmen standing on the balcony of the citadel calls out to the crowd, his voice amplified so it can be heard by all in attendance.

Doom henchmen: Attention! Silence in the courtyard!

His booming voice cuts through the whispers and murmurings, quickly hushing the crowd into quiet anticipation. All eyes turn towards the balcony, everyone standing silently awaiting whatever announcement is to follow. The courtyard is suddenly filled with an intense hush that only adds to the growing suspense in the air.

The henchman on the balcony speaks again, his voice louder and more commanding than before.

Doom Henchmen: Good people of Latveria! We gather here today for an event of great importance to our nation!

The crowd responds with a collective murmur of excitement, their eyes still fixed on the balcony, eager to hear more. The henchman continues, his words stoking the fire of excitement in the crowd.

Doom Henchmen: For today, we welcome our new ruler, the new Doctor Doom! The new King of Latveria!

The crowd erupts in applause and cheers, the sound of excited voices and applause filling the courtyard. The news is met with a mix of reverence and excitement.

The large doors leading out to the balcony slowly open, their movements making a deep creaking sound as they swing outwards. The interior of the balcony, normally brightly lit, is now darkened, the only illumination coming from the natural light creeping in through the opening doors. The hush of the crowd outside the citadel becomes almost palpable as the inner workings of the balcony are slowly revealed, the mystery of what lies beyond only serving to heighten the already palpable tension. A figure slowly walks through the opening doors and out onto the balcony. The light from outside casts long shadows, the figure shrouded in darkness for a brief moment before stepping out into the brighter light.

As the figure walks to the edge of the balcony, the light falls upon him, revealing Y/N, the new ruler and new Doctor Doom.

Y/N stands before the crowd, his new and improved old suit gleaming in the light. The armor is now a perfect combination of the old and the new. Improved components have been seamlessly integrated into the classic suit, giving it a distinctly modern feel while still preserving its original design.

The gauntlets are now covered in intricate circuitry, their power and capabilities clearly enhanced. The mask, once unfinished and blank, now sports a glow that gives it a menacing touch. Last and most noticeable of all, is the cape, which is now completely restored, its torn edges repaired and frayed threads a thing of the past. From head to toe, Y/N presents a sight to behold. His armor looks both imposing and refined, the very image of Doctor Doom, but with a subtle hint of Y/N's own personal style. The people gathered below can't help but stare in awe, their eyes wide with wonder and reverence.

As Y/N slowly removes his hood and faceplate, a thunderous applause echoes throughout the courtyard, growing louder and more intense as the crowd gets their first good look at his face. The sight of the new ruler, the new Doctor Doom, without his mask causes waves of cheers and exclamations.

Y/N's face, now clearly visible, is calm and composed as he gazes down upon the gathered people.

Y/N raises his hand slowly, signaling for calm, and the crowd's applause slowly dies down. The entire courtyard is silent now, all eyes on Y/N as he stands tall on the balcony.

Y/N: People of Latveria. Y/N's voice rings out, strong and clear, I stand before you today, not as the son of your late king, but as your new ruler, the next Doctor Doom.

The crowd murmur, clearly excited but also somewhat awestruck by Y/N's words. Y/N continues, his tone a mix of authority and warmth.

Y/N: I know that my rise to this position may have seemed sudden, but I assure you, the time is right. Latveria needs a strong hand, a strong leader to guide us into a new era.

The crowd responds with murmurs of agreement, their faith and trust in Y/N's rule clearly growing stronger each minute.

Y/N: We have faced many challenges over the years, and we will face many more in the days, months, and years to come. But with my leadership, and with your loyalty and support, I am confident that we will overcome any obstacle that stands in the way of our nation's progress and prosperity.

The crowd murmurs and cheers in response, a wave of loyalty and dedication clear in their faces. Y/N watches them for a moment before continuing.

Y/N: We will rebuild our infrastructure to be the envy of the world. We will push the limits of technology to new heights. We will strive for excellence in all that we do. And through it all, we will remain a nation proud and strong, unafraid and unbreakable.

Y/N pauses as the crowd responds with louder applause. The people seem more excited and energized now, their faces showing clear conviction in Y/N's words.

Y/N: Of course, there will be those who will try to stand in our way, who will attempt to obstruct our progress. But let me assure you, they will fail. We, the people of Latveria, will not be held back by anyone or anything.

Another wave of loud cheers and applause follows this statement, the citizens showing clear determination and resolve.

Y/N: And to those who would dare to challenge us - know this. Know that my rule will be absolute, my power unstoppable, my will unwavering. And know that any attempt to defy us will be met with iron-fisted justice.

The crowd roars their approval, the air filled with cries of loyalty and support.

Y/N: Long live Latveria. Long live Doctor Doom.

The crowd responds with a deafening roar and cheer, their voices rising to an almost deafening level as they repeat the cry.

Long live Latveria! Long live Doctor Doom!

Y/N: Say his words. He refers to what his father always said to latveria. Doom... Protects...

The crowd, now fully engaged, repeats the words, a unified and powerful cry rising from their lips.

Crowd: Doom protects.

The words echo around the courtyard, the sense of devotion and loyalty palpable.

Y/N's voice rings out with authority, his composure never wavering.


The crowd understands, repeating the phrase once more but this time louder and with more passion.


The crowd, now fully engaged and energized by the day's events and Y/N's rousing speech, responds with a deafening roar.

Y/N stands at the edge of the balcony, his arms held wide. He surveys the crowd, his expression one of confident determination, before speaking again.


Every person in the courtyard joins the cheer, shouting and clapping and pumping their fists in the air. The sound of their voices and the feeling of unity is almost overwhelming.

To be continued....

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