Chapter 5

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As Rick and T ran across the road to get into position, I checked that all my weapons where easy to grab.

I stood away from the two men but close enough to here their conversation. "You got some balls for a Chinaman."

I rolled my eyes at the redneck words, I've tried to tell him and Merle about that shit. But they never listen.

"I'm Korean." Glenn said back, making me laugh, as I walked past the men "Whatever." Daryl muttered.

Me and Glenn run through the gate, down the street. I grab Glenn's shirt holding him back, hiding behind a car, when moans came from inside the car and Glenn jumped back. Several Walkers had seen to notice him, as they all turn to start aggressively chasing him.

I shook my head, "idiot" i muttered. I ran after him but halted to a stop when I heard shouting from behind me down the alley we just came. Fuck.

I look at Glenn then back at the alley. Glenn had a straight shot to the bag. Daryl could be in trouble.

I run back down the street, making my way toward Daryl. As I  turn the corner coming through the gate. My eyes widen when I see Daryl holding a teenager against a wall "Answer me." He yelled at the boy.

"Ayúdame! Ayúdame! Ayúdame!" The boy yelled in Spanish. I raised my eyebrows. He not alone, I walk up and stand next to the redneck man. "¿Cuántos son de ustedes, muchachos?" ( how many are their of you guys?) I asked him, the man stood next to me head snapped toward me at my words.

"no te estoy diciendo una mierda señora" (I'm not telling you shit lady) the boy snapped at me, I pushed Daryl out the way grabbing the boy by his collar. Daryl stood frozen shocked about me pushing him or me speaking Spanish I'm not sure.

"Escucha aquí pequeña mierda, ¿qué quieres de nosotras?" (listen here you little shit, what do you want from us?) I snapped at him, the Spanish words flowing out like I was talking English.

Rick & T-Dog must of hear my yelling and start to run over to our alley we were stood.

"Help! Help!" The boy shouted again now in English, I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up." Me and daryl snapped at him.

Two other Mexicans men popped out of know where down the end of the alley.

As I stood holding the teen, Daryl pushed me behind him a bit and walked towards them ready for a fight, but it was no use. The two men grab Daryl and started to throw him about. "Shit" I pushed the boy to the floor,

I ran up grab one of the men, pulling him round and punching him right in the face, before being my knee up into his gut. He grunted but grab me before chucking me down the alley.

I felt someone grab my arm helping me up I turn to see Glenn back with the guns. "What the fuck happen I was gone for a minute" whisper yelled.

"Like I a have clue pizza boy" he didn't look impressed, both men turn to look at us they were stood around Daryl who was trying to break Free of there hold.

"That's it. That's the bag, Vato. Take it! Take it!" One of the men shouted at the other, they both ran towards us. Oh shit.

As the men try to grab the bag of guns. I punch the guy I punched before in the eye as the other one grabs Glenn holding him hostage. Daryl shoots one of the guys in the rear end with his crossbow and the man cries out in pain.

"Get off me! Get off me!" Glenn called, I didn't even register the hand round my arm before I felt myself being pulled away "Daryl! Daryl!" I yelled,

The redneck head snap towards me, i could see he muttered something under his breath.

A car pulls up and they start to back us up. One of the Walkers crashed into the Mexicans men that was holding Glenn.

Glenn kicked it away before we where both pushed into the car, out screams being unheard as the group of walkers tried to attack Daryl.

"I did not think this would be how today went" I joked, glenn glared at me "what, being kidnapped by a group of Mexican men in the middle of an apocalypse was on your bucket list?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Kay?" I looked at him

"For the love of god, shut up"

"That's a bit rude" I mumbled

3rd person

"Come back here, you sumbitches!" Daryl screams as he grabs the gate and shuts it before the Walkers can get at them. He starts to pace as he points his crossbow at the teen still on the floor.

Rick & T-Dog run down the alley from the other way to see what happened. "Whoa whoa whoa. Stop it." Rick said grabbing Daryl before he kicked the teen boy in the ribs.

"I'm gonna kick your nuts up in your throat" he barked at the boy, as T-Dog picked his ass up "Let me go." He shouted, "Chill out." T -dog told the boy.

"They took Glenn and lee, That little bastard and his little bastard homie friends." He pointed to where the group of men took the duo "I'm gonna stomp your ass!" Daryl yelled

"Guys! Guys! We're cut off!" T-dog pointed the walkers "Get to the lab. Go." Rick nodded

"Come on. Damn, let's go." Daryl grunted. Taking a quick glance to where kaylee was just standing. Rick picked up the bag of guns and his hat and the group runs back into the building.


When kaylee was kidnapped, what she didn't expect was to be taken to an old people's home. These guys weren't killers they just trying to protect themselves.

After sitting and talking to some of the people that lived here, kaylee was brought up to the roof her hands tied together and bag on her head. Let's just say she was not pleased.

As she set on to the roof she could hear talking below her "ya took my girl" the accent kaylee could place anywhere, Daryl was here. Which means Rick and the other were here.

Getting closer she could now hear more clearly, "Who's that are they to you anyway? You don't look related."the leader named guillermo. Good guy really just trying to protect his grandmother.

"The guy is one of our group, and the girl she my sister" ricks voice laced with anger, kaylee smiled at ricks words.

"Kay you okay?" Kaylee relaxed hearing Glenn voice, "yeah I'm good, you?" He nodded but forgot they both couldn't see each other. "Yeah yeah I'm good"

"Come on, man. Make the trade. Please." T-dog voice travel up for the duo to hear on the roof, Guillermo grunted but shouted "Oye." The men behind the duo on the roof pushed them forward, to the group on the floor the duo appear on the roof with bags over their heads. Kaylee and Glenn both trying hard to stop there movements.

Daryl hands wrapped tightly around his crossbow, the feeling in his stomach made him want to run.

Never once had he felt like this, not even when they found Merle hand. But kaylee was his best friend. Your supposed to feel like this when your best friend in danger right. Well that what he told himself.

"I see two options. You come back with Miguel and my bag of guns, everybody walks. Or you come back locked and loaded, we'll see which side spills more blood." Rick and Daryl couldn't say a word before the men all turn and head back into the hideout and shut the door.

There eyes fell to wear the duo once was on the roof, "we have to get her back" Rick snapped, "we have to get them both back" he re said. The others nodded well expect the teen they had as a hostage.


This is sorta a filler chapter, not sure if I like it but ha hoe.

Kaylee speaking Spanish >>>

Hope you enjoyed.
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