Chapter 6

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As the men stood round, Rick handing out guns they spoke about their opposition, "Question is, do you trust that man's word?" T-Dog asked,

"No, question is what are you willing to bet on it? Could be more than them guns. Could be your life. Glenn worth that to you?" Daryl snarled at the two other men,

"What life I have I owe to him. I was nobody to Glenn, just some idiot stuck in a tank. He could have walked away, but he didn't. Neither will I. Don't forget it kaylee to we're talking about here too" daryl put his head down at ricks words, hating that he let done another person who he let himself get close to.

"I will do anything to protect her, and if that means risking my life for hers so be it, she's family"rick told the men.

Pushing aside the guilt "So you're gonna hand the guns over?" He asked, "I didn't say that." rick smirked.


Rick and the two men only thought were, 'what the hell is happening' they came here to do a trade but now this old lady is in the way saying they need medical attention.

"Ma'am, I'm not here to arrest your grandson." Rick told the lady, "Then what do you want him for?" She asked. "He's... Helping us find a missing person. Fella named Glenn. And young woman named kaylee" rick explained.

"The Asian boy? And pretty lady? Their with Mr. Gilbert. Come. Come, I'll show you." The grandmother takes Rick's hand and pulls him round into another building,

Crowding round the man struggling to breathe was a few people two being Glenn and kaylee, "Glenn check his pulse" kaylee told the boy, "okay sir I need you to take a big deep breath for me, can you do that?" The man nodded at kaylees words.

"What the hell is this?" Kaylee could hear Rick and the other but he focus was on the older man infront of her.

"An asthma attack. Couldn't get his breath all of a sudden." Glenn explained, "I thought you were being eaten by dogs, man." Glenn pointed at the dog in the corner making T-dog huff.

"He's okay now" kaylee told Guillermo, "thank you, you've been a big help" he thanked her. The men of her group other then Glenn looked at her confused. "Its no problem, and hey I got to check of being kidnapped of my bucket list" she joked. No one laughed.

"Tough crowd" she mumbled. "Thank you dear, you are ever so pretty" Kaylee turn to the old lady that showed Rick the way to the hall. "You welcome" she smiled.

As Rick talked to Guillermo, Kaylee couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching her. Turn around trying to find who it was, her eyes laden on the red neck lurking in the corner. She slowly walked over. "Hi" she got a grunt back.

"Thanks for the rescue" she said, Daryl just nodded at her, she was confused. He was fine before she was taken so why is he being mister grump?.

"You okay?" She asked, "back off will ya" he barked at her. "Oh so we back to, shutting people out and being a dick Daryl. Got it" she walked off before he could reply.


After walking 30 minutes they finally came to where they had parked the van, or where the van use to be. "Oh my God."

"Where the hell's our van?" Daryl snapped "We left it right there. Who would take it?" Glenn asked, "Merle."

"He's gonna be taking some vengeance back to camp." Daryl told the group, they all looked at each other before walking toward the woods, making the long way back to camp.

10 minutes into the walk, kaylee was hanging back to the group. Wanting to be alone but not so far that could put her or them in danger. "Sorry I snapped at ya" his voice scaring her, she hadn't realised he had slowed down to her pace.

"I'm use to it" she told him, and what she said was true, over the months she known him now he will be okay and kind then the next he will be screaming in your face. She hasn't worked out why though.

"Ya shouldn't be, I shouldn't shout at ya" she nodded agreeing with his words, "yeah, your a dick some times" he gave her his half frown half smile.

"Ya okay? They didn't hurt ya did they?" His voice filled with guilt and worry but only he knew that, to anyone else it sound like normal Daryl. "I'm okay" she told him. They then fell into a comfortable silence, the only noise being the crunch of the leaves beneath their feet.

As night falls, the group stays closer together. Hoping to make it back soon, when all of a sudden screams and gun shot could be heard.

"Oh my god"

"Go! Go!"

They all started sprinting through the trees to make it back to camp, as they make it to the camp it's chaos.

Walkers everywhere, people biten or dead on the floor. The group split of, Daryl quickly grabs kaylees arm "what?" She looks panicked, "see ya around" were the only words he spoke before running off, kaylee was shocked. He said her thing.

Shaking her head when she heard a familiar scream, Stevie! Locating the boy was easy, the boy was quite tall. "STEVIE" she yelled, he turn to her, "help me" he yelled back. Pulling her handgun from the back of her shirt and shoots her walker infront of him in the head, making a path for the boy to run to kaylee.

"I got you" she pulls her arms round the boy, what she didn't see was the walker about to take a comp out of her shoulder, that was untill Rick shot it in the head. Give the older man a nod she quickly ran off with Stevie hooked to her side.

After 5 minutes what felt like forever all the walkers were dead, "Stevie? STEVIE?" Kaylee could hear Carol shout, "Carol he okay, he right here" Carol wrapped her arm around the boy, mouthing a thank you to kaylee.

Kaylee looked around, now this was a disaster. Her eye scan the people making sure it wasn't any of her family. "Carl? Lori? Shane?" She called out, walking round the rv out came her family. She ran forward into Lori arms, "your okay" she whispered, "yeah, we are. You?" Kaylee nodded.

Bending down to pull Carl into a hug, "you okay little man?" He just nodded before pulling her back into the hug. She slowly picked Carl up, as he wrap his legs round her.

"Your getting heavy, little man" she smiled when she heard a soft giggle.

"I remember my dream now, why I dug those holes" Jim spoke, kaylees eyes widen.

Today was exhausting.


I'm alive!!

Finally an update! I don't really like this chapter but I thought you deserved a new one! So here🫶🏻

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