hey pearl

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well the last chapter was FILLED with drama so why not move on to some of the calmer ones for those who may need it 

tangos pov 

when I got back to Hermitcraft I wanted to talk with Jimmy cause I wanted to figure out if he still wants to be together or not cause 

I won't deny I still love him but I feel like he would be with Scott I went back to my house and tried to busy myself to take my mind off of my soulmate

but I couldn't, I considered asking Xisuma if I could go to Jimmy's server to talk 

but I thought about how many people Xisuma would be helping after double life, I don't want to cause any more stress on Xisuma's workload

 I soon gave up on trying to do stuff cause there wasn't much to do that wasn't a task that needs 100% of my attention

 which I can't give at the moment I went to Pearl cause I felt bad about what Scott did to her I went over to her base and it surprises me every time it looks so good, I saw her and ran over 

"hey pearl " she seemed surprised to see me "Hey tango whatcha need " she seemed worried "Nothing I wanted to talk about double life " She immediately looked sad

 "umm i-i prefer-" I cut her off" I want to make sure you're okay I felt bad about what happened so if you ever need to talk I'm free" She smiled and hugged me 

"thank you tango... would you like to come inside "I nodded she opened the door and let me in we talked for about an hour about double life and anything that was happening 

due to the soulmate's situation, we also came to the conclusion that we are still linked with our soulmate, 

I needed to go cause it was getting dark but we both promised to stay in contact with the double life stuff.

pearls pov

it was nice talking with Tango he was really understanding we talked about DL and who we think would be having complications like grian and scar

 not to even mention zedaph and impulse poor xisuma is going to be so busy I feel bad he didn't want this and we've all just unloaded onto him 

I wonder how Scott and all like the other members in double life are going probably just as bad as us 

That's all for now! I hope you enjoyed reading, I may have provided some clues for yall bye

word count:430

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