this confirms it

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 It went dark for a little then I was able to open my eyes

I was exactly where I placed my spawn probably about ten- twenty blocks away from Joel I followed the cords and found what house he was in,

I knocked on the door I heard Joel yell" Go away I'm tired!" I wasn't taking that as an answer so I kicked the door down it was actually quite easy I heard him again "The heck!?"

He ran downstairs and saw me "How are you here!?" He looked shocked " Well I asked your admin but he said you didn't want to talk sooo I broke into the server"

he was confused and shocked " YOU BROKE IN?"I laughed and then looked at the door "Sorry about that " he sighed "Well I already know why your here and honestly I'm too tired to get into this "

well that's not gonna fly he went to leave but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back

" Well I only have a short amount of time here before your admin notices that I've gotten in and mine realise what I've done"

he seemed annoyed but if X found out about this he'll probably want to know how I did this and I don't want to go down that rabbit hole

" Can we at least go to bed and talk " I nodded he turned around I'm so happy I have a mask cause he would see how red I am,

like he doesn't mean it in the way I think...right, I realised he was starting to leave so I followed him,

he sat on his bed and I sat next to him "Go on "Shoot I didn't think this far "Even though DL is over I still love you"

I blurted out probably wasn't the best way to put it but it was straight to the point, surprisingly he hugged me "I love you too" 

I hugged him back.... " but" I moved back "But?" he sighed "So before DL started I.. got married"

 I was shocked but also kinda proud he choose me... no I shouldn't think like that "Do they know about what happened"

 he shook his head " I don't know how to tell her " I sighed this sort of stuff is messy I hugged him again and started to play with his hair it was very soft I really like it 

"Why not you sleep and we'll figure this out tomorrow Hm?" he nodded I was going to go and tell fwhip about the system having a few holes in it but Joel had other plans and pulled me down with him 

"U-um Joel I can't get up " he laughed a little, it was cute " I know, if you're not comfortable with this just say so "I didn't object, I love cuddles 

" Night Joel" he covered us with the blanket "Goodnight Etho "

after a while, I felt his grip lighten I slowly got up and got out of bed

 I put the blanket back over him I love him so much and that's why I need to check this, I checked the door in his room it was a bathroom,

 easy, I walked in and closed the door behind me I know I shouldn't but I'm not dumb and I can't sit around when I know,

 I looked through the draws checking small crevasses I looked for a while until I found a small plastic box at the back of the vanity 

I sighed and opened it I almost cried there were blades but I already knew he was doing this I just needed proof,

but this confirms it I sighed and shut the draws and the vanity draws I put the box in my pocket then flushed the toilet 

so if for whatever reason Joel had woken up he would think I had gone toilet ill ask him about this tomorrow, I put the box under the bed in between the bedside table,

 he wouldn't think to look there then I got back into bed and nuzzled into his neck and fell asleep

end here...

I had a great time and I hope you did too. Just a reminder to avoid SH as it's not good for you. Take care!

word count:710

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