intro i guess

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Now did you think the watchers would make it that easy I'm not dumb there put into teams ' Well can't they just leave ' No because if one dies the other's soulmate dies for example:

Bdub~impulse /tango~jimmy 

If Bdubs dies then there is a 50/50 chance that either Jimmy or Tango will die instead 

But if Jimmy dies impulse or Bdubs will have a 50/50 chance of dying so easy concept they need to work together and if not they'll die trying they don't get to choose their team only the tormentors of their world not me ...maybe 

A little refresh of the soulmates and some new people are joining so you might want to read it 






Impulse~ Bdubs 


Mumbo~ skizzleman 

Lizzie~ geminitay 


And to make it easier for them they will join with there group when they spawn

Oh and a little surprise unlike the other games they would have their memories wiped for you know more drama but we thought it would be better if they remember this time 

Map  consists of a swamp in the top right corner on the left top side is an icy mountain biome very small but very deadly in the bottom left we have a small ocean with a cute coral reef in it then finally bottom right for a throwback to the start of these games a desert in the centre there is a small area of normal woods so that they don't all die immediately 


Oh you want me to tell you the teams you'll see them in the story so farewell my dears 

Warning these props won't be updated for a while as I'm putting a lot of effort into it so pls be patient:)

this may contain: stereotypes on like gender roles, SH

will be adding more of those ^

47th in flower (3/06/23)

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