Tilly's death do us part

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Everyone who stayed as a ghost watched the ending of Double Life as Scott placed TNT next to him and lit it " Tilly's death do us part " he said with a smile and tears rolling down his face.

 Pearl tried to push him away from it but it was too late everyone had died so naturally the last one standing win's, pearl won despite having watched her soulmate take his own life and was crying. even though she won it didn't feel good.

 she wished she could talk to scott to fix everything up but she couldn't everyone including her was sent back to their servers to regain their memories and no one got to go back home and live life normally because once bound always bound... 

So why don't we go to the server with the least drama 


Scott pov 

Ever since DL, I've been avoiding Jimmy at all costs I had a trade today between Jimmy. I need slime and he needs wool so I'll get it done quickly and go do my thing, when he got to Rivendell he attempted to start multiple conversations which I only responded with Silence I placed a chest down and put the wool in. 

" is this enough?" He looked sad, he put the slime In and took the wool as I went to walk off into my house but he grabbed my wrist "Why are you not talking to me " I didn't reply and he pulled me closer to him "scott talk to me and quit being difficult you can't ignore me forever " he said annoyed i just shoved him away from me "don't touch me, i suggest you leave "

I moved my hand and an ice spike rose from the ground next to him, he glared at me but I didn't care, he hurt me during double life so why can't I get back at him now?

I'm not stupid, I can still feel the connection between me and Pearl. so obviously the soulbound wasn't severed when we left, I can't feel Pearl's pain physically but more mentally and how sad she feels.

so if me and Jimmy were to get together he would drop me as soon as he got near Tango unfortunately, I still love him but I'm not going to put myself in a situation where I end up being left behind 

Jimmy's pov 

I was angry, frustrated but most of all I felt betrayed I know what happened in DL but that doesn't mean Scott can get mad at me we didn't have our memories there I didn't know any better and neither did he. I flew back to my sister's home I knocked on the door I was close to crying and when she opened the door that's when I fully broke down

 she helped me inside got me a drink of water and comforted me she didn't know about DL So I told her everything by the end she was ready to storm over to Rivendell and unleash all hell but I stopped her and reminded her that we don't have our memories there

 and he might be upset about stuff she calmed down but wanted to hear more so I told her everyone's soulmates but my mistake was telling her that her husband was bound to a different person.

 she didn't look happy, she wasn't angry rather a bit upset. I felt horrible and hugged her she said she was okay and left. I decided from now on until Scott wants to talk to me I will follow his wishes and ignore and avoid him since that's what he wants  

End here ooh how are all the flower husband shippers feeling? I only have more drama waiting for you bye

Word count:640

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