The confrontation

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Fubuki noticed that Shu was working a lot now.

Not that it was unusual or anything. Shu often worked long and hard, in everything he did. Failure was not in his vocabulary. While it was sometimes admirable, it was also a bit difficult. Shu's perfectionist tendencies could get rather troublesome, from time to time.

Shu was sitting on the couch, laptop with him. He fiddled around with his necklace. Fubuki was pleased to see that Shu rarely ever took it off. He seemed to really like the reminder that his team was always by his side. Fubuki hoped he would remember for a while. Shu often acted like he had to fight all alone.

"What are you working on?" Fubuki asked. Shu sighed.

"Different things. I just have to kind of compile everything into a coherent structure. It's taking a while."

"I see."

There was slight beep. The sign that Shu had just received an email.

Shu suddenly let out a curse. It was worse than what Fubuki usually heard from his mentor. There was also a slight panic in those words of his.

"What's wrong?"

Fubuki hurried over to the couch, but Shu had already closed his laptop and was still cursing.

"This is not good," Shu muttered under his breath. He noticed that Fubuki was right behind him. "I'm going to have to work through the night. Sorry."

With that, Shu stood up and almost ran up the stairs to his office. Fubuki tilted his head a little, trying to understand what had just happened.

It wasn't like Shu to hurry away without explanation. Fubuki knew that. Yet, this time seemed important. And he seemed to have it under control, for once.

Fubuki sighed. Shu wouldn't tell him a thing, surely, so all Fubuki could do was wait and see. And, of course, step in if necessary.

Fubuki hadn't expected that the situation would escalate so quickly.

True to his words, Shu had worked through the night. When Fubuki found him in the morning, still in his office with papers scattered all around him, he had just sighed. He had made some strong black tea for Shu and had just waited for his mentor to gather his bearings. He had even suggested they stay home today. Shu had refused.

So, here they were, at the training centre. Fubuki watched as Shu taught the younger Bladers how to properly launch, not a sign of exhaustion around him. How he managed to make an all-nighter look easy was beyond Fubuki's understanding.

"Try to hold your hand steady," Shu was explaining gently, kneeling next to the kid. The young Blader he was teaching had only very recently started blading. Fubuki smiled a little. He remembered how Shu had taught him much in the same way he was teaching now. It was nostalgic, in a way.

"Hey, Shu!" Daniel called, sounding a little nervous. "Someone's at the door. He wants to see you, apparently."

Fubuki was sure he wasn't imagining the tension in Shu's posture. He knew who had come, didn't he? Had he expected the person? And Daniel seemed to know who it was as well.

"Tell him to join me in my office."

"Sure thing."

Daniel left, presumably to do as he was asked. Fubuki followed him. It was easy enough to find him in the corridor.

"Daniel, wait!"

Daniel turned around. He smiled a little, though it seemed strained.

"What is it, Fubuki?"

"Let me go get this person. I can show him the way to Shu's office."

Daniel sighed. "I don't think he needs a guide."

Fubuki narrowed his eyes. This didn't sound good. "Who is it?"


"Daniel." Fubuki stared him straight in the eyes, unflinching. "Who is it?"

Daniel sighed again and this time he took a few steps to the side to lean against the wall. He looked tired, and stressed. Whoever this person was, Fubuki already knew he wasn't welcome here.

Fubuki waited for Daniel to speak.

"It's Alexander Gilten."

Fubuki knew that name. And he cursed that name. He was the person who had put Shu in the difficult position that he was in. He was the one that had almost destroyed the Bulls for his own profit. He was the one who was known as Ashram and who led this disgusting and vile place called the Snake Pit.

He was the enemy.

"He dares to come here?" Fubuki asked, voice like ice. Daniel smiled bitterly.

"Yeah. He seems to think he can bully Shu into submission. As if."

Fubuki took a breath. Shu had known. This was why his mentor hadn't slept, had preferred to work instead of letting himself get trapped in a nightmare. This was why Shu had insisted on teaching that morning. Because, knowing Ashram, he might just take Shu away for good this time.

"I'm going to go and greet him," Fubuki announced. "He's not getting away from me that easily."

Daniel nodded and pushed himself off the wall.

"I'm coming with you. I'm not letting anyone alone with that creep."

Fubuki stared.

"Weren't you on the team already when he was still in charge?"

"I was." Daniel took a deep breath. "But he never sat well with me. I just... I don't know. Something felt off about him, you know? Shu's reaction just confirmed it for me."

Fubuki nodded. With that, they both made their way downstairs to the reception. As the facilities of the Bulls weren't in the whole building, the reception was made to cater to all kinds of people. Most people who worked there knew the Bulls and their families by now, though.

People walked around, meeting others, talking to the receptionists and so on. Fubuki looked around. He had only seen Alexander Gilten on TV before. He had never met the man in real life.

"Over there," Daniel said, pointing in a corner where Alexander Gilten was standing. Next to him was a young man, someone Fubuki recognized. He cursed under his breath. "Fubuki?"

"That's Valt Aoi," he explained. "Shu's former best friend."

Daniel cursed as well. Gilten had really taken care of everything, hadn't he? Using the emotional connection those two might still share? Fubuki hated the man more and more.

"I'm going," Fubuki decided. Daniel looked as if he wanted to protest, but Fubuki didn't give him the chance to. He approached Gilten.

The man turned towards him, a creepy smirk on his face. It looked very punchable. Fubuki felt his hands tremble, though he put that feeling aside. For now.

Daniel had caught up to him, walking next to Fubuki only to stay standing close to him once they arrived before Gilten. Fubuki held his head high.

"Mr. Gilten," Daniel said, "this is the captain of our first team, Fubuki Sumie."

"Oh, I see," Gilten said. The smirk still wasn't budging. "I've seen many of your matches. Your technique is admirable. Mr. Kurenai's doing, I would guess?"

"He always aims to teach us efficient and flawless techniques, Mr. Gilten," Fubuki replied, a passive-aggressive edge to his tone.

"Yes, I'm aware," Gilten said. Then he sighed. "His perfectionist streak can be quite the issue."

"He always demands the best of himself. It's motivating us to do the same."

Gilten's smirk seemed to get impossibly wide. Fubuki felt a chill run down his spine. That man was bad news, Fubuki would have found that out even without knowing his identity.

"If you will follow me? Shu is waiting for you in his office."

"Lead the way," Gilten said, gesturing Fubuki with his arms. Fubuki didn't take even a second to think about it.

He led the way upstairs, noting how Valt still hadn't said anything. Valt was quiet, and Fubuki almost forgot he was there for a second. It was unnerving to know that someone was there, but not really feeling them there. As if something was missing.

Daniel had left just before the office. Fubuki had sent him to watch the team. Fubuki would stay by Shu's side. He wouldn't be left alone. Shu would not have to face his nightmare alone.

The door wasn't completely shut, it usually wasn't, so Fubuki knocked gently and called: "Shu-san?"

"What is it?" Shu answered in Japanese. Fubuki knew that Valt would understand. Gilten surely wouldn't, though.

"Your guest is here."

There was a second of silence. Then, Shu answered.

"Bring him in."

Fubuki completely opened the door. Gilten and Valt walked in, Fubuki followed and closed the door. Then, he made his way to Shu's desk, and stood next to Shu.

Shu was still sitting at his desk, hands folded together and elbows leaning onto the table. His eyes never left the people who had just stepped in.

"Mr. Gilten," Shu said, "what do I owe the honour?"

"I'd prefer to talk without your student here, Mr. Kurenai."

Shu clicked his tongue. "As long as you're here with my Bulls, I'll be the one making the rules. Besides, he knows."

A strange emotion flashed through Gilten's face. It was hilarious. He seemed furious, but also seemed to know there was nothing he could do. Fubuki wished he had taken a picture.

"And why does he know? I thought I had been clear."

"Well," Fubuki said, "it wasn't hard to guess. Someone had to be the reason my mentor was gone half the time and injured the other."

That seemed to get a reaction out of Valt. He seemed surprised, shocked rather, but didn't say anything. Did he not know how much Gilten punished Shu for all kinds of things?

"Mr. Kurenai..."

"You can scold me later," Shu interrupted him. "There has to be a reason you would leave your comfortable office in the Snake Pit to come see me?"

Gilten shook his head in exasperation. "You never cease to surprise me with your bluntness, Red Eye."

It was the first time Fubuki had heard his mentor addressed that way. Shu wasn't reacting at all, but for Fubuki this name seemed wrong, did not represent the teacher and leader he'd come to know. Maybe because Shu was afraid to show it all to his team. He was separating his two lives so much; he might not even notice.

"What do you want, Ashram?"

Gilten smirked. Fubuki folded his hands behind his back, hoping to take away temptation to hurt the man in front of him.

"I think this just proves that my decision was correct."

Shu tensed up. Valt lowered his head, as if in defeat. Fubuki was the only one who didn't know what was happening. He was the only one who seemed to be in any way confused.

Shu bit his lip, and there was a furious fire in his eyes. Something hot enough to burn everything and anything it touched.

"I want you to renounce your position as the owner of the New York Bulls."

Fubuki saw red.


Brown Eye had expected this. The moment Ashram had said what he wanted to do; he'd known that Shu wouldn't keep the Bulls. If Ashram doubted you, you were done for. Every Snake Pit Blader knew that. Shu must have known that too.

What Brown Eye hadn't expected was the reaction of Shu's pupil.

"What. the. hell?"

Brown Eye looked at the boy, alarmed to find a rage in his eyes that was like stormy seas. The kid, Fubuki, had unclasped his hands from behind his back and had now balled his fists at his sides. He was trembling. Trembling in rage.

"You dare say that?" Fubuki growled, lowering his head. "You dare say that Shu should just renounce his position? Who do you think you are?"

No one said a word. Brown Eye gulped.

"Shu did everything for us! He was there, every time someone needed a shoulder to cry on! He was our leader, our teacher. And you think you can just take that away because you don't like it?"

Fubuki lifted his head, scarlet eyes glowing with his wrath.

"If you take Shu away, we'll come to get him. If you hurt him, we'll hurt you worse. And if you think we would accept a new leader chosen by you, you clearly are more stupid than I thought."

Fubuki's tone and words were absolutely scathing. Shu was staring at his student wide-eyed, completely astonished by what he'd just heard. It was such an innocent look on him, a look Brown Eye had thought long forgotten. They had both often looked that way, hadn't they? Hadn't they shared their surprise and happiness more often that Brown Eye had cared to count?

Fubuki took a few steps forward, until he was standing only a few footsteps away from Ashram. Brown Eye was frozen in both shock and fear. The rage was still shining in the kid's eyes.

"You don't deserve to have any control over this team," Fubuki said, looking Ashram straight in the eyes.

Brown Eye saw it a split second before it would have happened.


Shu's yell made everyone stop in their movement. Fubuki was the first to snap out of it and, fist still raised, turned towards Shu.

"Why?" Fubuki asked. "He deserves this and more!"

"You're right." Shu nodded at him. His eyes had softened. "But it's not on us to do this. We'd be no better than him, don't you think?"

Fubuki stared at Shu a while longer. They seemed to have conversation without words. Then, Fubuki scoffed and turned away.

"Why are you always right?"

"Privilege of a teacher," Shu shot back. Fubuki laughed softly.

"I get it," he said. "I'm guessing you want me to go?"


Fubuki shot one last glare at Ashram before leaving the room and closing the door. Brown Eye wasn't exactly sure what had just happened, but was glad it was over.

Shu let out a breath. It seemed this had surprised him as much as it had surprised Brown Eye.

"Why did you stop him?" Ashram asked.

"Weren't you listening? I'm not like you."

Ashram raised an eyebrow. "You're rather brave, here with the team. I wonder how it would be if you weren't here anymore."

Shu leaned back in his chair. He looked up at the ceiling, looking almost bored. Brown Eye knew Shu had expected this. Then why wasn't he more worried?

Shu sighed. "I knew that sooner or later you'd ask that of me."

"Then it will make this easier. I think you know now why I can't let you stay here, don't you, Red Eye?"

Shu still wasn't meeting their eyes.

Brown Eye suddenly remembered. Remembered what Ashram could do to Shu. What he'd already done. With Fubuki's display of loyalty, would Shu even get away from the horrible punishment Ashram would inflict?

Ashram didn't want his Bladers to have any other connections beyond the Snake Pit. They needed to be ready to give up everything for the Snake Pit. They needed to be ready to throw everything away if that's what Ashram asked. Brown Eye wondered when Shu had changed. When he'd started being a leader, a teacher, a role model.

Did Shu deserve to get hurt like that?


Brown Eye knew that. He understood that. Yet, Brown Eye wasn't sure if he could do anything against it. Could he even do anything? Could he change anything?

When had he become such a coward?

"I'll give you a day," Ashram said. "I'm sure then we can forget about that little... incident."

A chill went down Brown Eye's spine. Ashram would never keep his promise. Never. Shu would suffer, would scream yet again. Would gain yet another scar. Another scar to show Shu's strength and determination. To show that he could survive anything.

Valt didn't want Shu to have to prove his strength anymore.

"He won't look past it!" Valt yelled. "You know that, Shu!"

Shu had yet again an expression of surprise on his face. Eyes wide, shocked. Then, he did something Valt hadn't expected at all.

He smiled.


Shu knew that Ashram would come and try to take him away. Norman's warning had been clear. And Shu had known exactly what he needed to do.

He was ready, he knew that. Yet, Shu had not expected anyone to stick up for him. First Fubuki, aggressive and protective.

Then, Valt. Shu hadn't thought Valt would ever call him by his given name again. He hadn't thought Valt would try to defend him. Shu's resolve hardened. Ashram was going down.

Ashram was glaring at Valt and at Shu, too. He looked absolutely furious.

Shu smiled. Then, he laughed. He laughed so hard he could feel tears in his eyes.

Ashram was stunned.

"Red Eye? What is so funny?"

"I'm sorry." Shu wiped his tears away as he calmed down enough to speak. "This is just too funny."

"What is?"

Shu couldn't shake his smile. It was going to be over. In just a minute, he was going to be free. It was hilarious to think that Ashram still wasn't understanding. That the man who thought of himself as so smart, was as confused as a new recruit. It made Shu want to laugh again.

"That you don't even realize your own mistake."

Ashram was getting angry, Shu knew that. Surprisingly, it didn't bother him at all. What would have let his blood run cold only a few days ago now made him chuckle. Ashram had nothing on him. Not anymore.

"Red Eye, this is your last warning."

Valt was so confused as well. He was constantly switching his gaze from Ashram to Shu, trying to figure out what was going on. Should Shu reveal it?

Why not?

"You don't have anything to say to me anymore."

"Red Eye, we both know that's not how that works. You need me. And you need the Snake Pit."

Shu shook his head. "Not anymore."

Shu stood up. He walked up to Ashram, slowly, deliberately. Ashram straightened his posture, almost as if to affirm his superiority. Shu wanted to chuckle again.

"What do you mean?" Ashram asked, finally understanding that Shu wasn't bluffing. Good.

"Your first mistake was giving the Bulls to me," Shu explained, walking around Ashram. Valt was standing close, not interfering in any way. Waiting to see what would happen. "I mean, who would give a dangerous teenager that you haven't seen in months a new responsibility far away from anyone who could control him? It's like asking for chaos to be unleashed."

Shu walked back to his desk and leaned on it. With his right hand, he reached for a stack of papers behind him. He took a hold of them and lifted them so that he could comfortably look at them. He wasn't reading them, though. He knew their content almost by heart.

"I was conspiring against you from the start, you know? Just after I came back after my injury I decided I was going to take down the Snake Pit once and for all. But I realized one big problem."

Shu paused. He waited for a reaction, a change in Ashram. It seemed the man was still processing the information. It seemed he wasn't ready to understand the true extent of Shu's words. Fine. He would understand soon enough.

"The problem was that I had no proof. How was I to take down the Snake Pit without proof? Even a riot in the lower levels with the newer Snake Pit Bladers wouldn't have stopped you. Even me knowing your identity wouldn't stop you. You'd find a way to get out of it. You always do. So, I knew I had to go a different path. I needed to get information, proof, before I could take you down."

Shu lifted the stack of papers higher. "Do you know what that is?"

"Red Eye..." Ashram seemed unable to form words. Unable to formulate his questions, his guesses. Shu didn't want to wait any longer.

"These papers contain e-mails, text messages, documentations and much more. All of this proves your abusive and criminal actions. I have all your instructions saved on my computer and I have a back-up, of course. I also had my doctor document every single injury caused by either your negligence or your direct punishments. There is nothing you can do about it now."

"What? Red Eye, you can't have..."

"I did." Shu took a breath. "Truthfully, I wanted to wait a little longer to get some more testimonies or documents, but the chance of being taken away from the Bulls was too high. So, here we go."

Shu lied the papers back on his desk, and pushed himself off the desk.

"And, this chance was too good to pass up. After all, how often do you actually come to New York anymore?"

Ashram understood now. Shu watched his face crumble, realization hitting him all at once. The man collapsed to his knees, speechless. He looked so small there. Nothing like the monster he always seemed to be in Shu's nightmares. Nothing like the man who so confidently laughed at the children's misery. At Shu's screams.

The door suddenly opened and two police officers stormed in.

"Alexander Gilten. You are under arrest for kidnapping, child abuse, illegal experiments, and several other charges. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law."

Alexander Gilten didn't fight as the officers put him in handcuffs and took him away. But, before they walked out of the door, Shu had one more important thing to say.

"I'm not Red Eye, Mr. Gilten," Shu said. "I am Shu Kurenai. Remember that."

Gilten looked at him, trying to understand. Then, to Shu's immense surprise, he smiled. A bitter, but still somewhat genuine, smile.

"I should have known. Farewell, Shu Kurenai."

Then, he was gone. Shu let out a shaky breath. It was over. It was well and truly over. Shu put his hand over his chest. He could feel the cold metal of his necklace under his shirt. They were safe.

Shu staggered over to the couch in the room and let himself fall down on it. Valt moved to sit next to him.

Shu leaned deeply into the couch, looking up at the ceiling. An immense weight had just been lifted off his chest. Shu could breathe, for once. Truly, without anything holding him down. It was a wonderful feeling.

"Shu," Valt suddenly said. Shu sat up properly and looked at Valt. Valt looked back. "I'm so, so sorry."

That was it. Shu broke down crying, Valt right behind him. They both fell into each other's arms, hugging for the first time in years. It felt as if no time at all had passed. As if they were back to be ten years old and just learning about Beyblade, about the world. As if they were back to the time where everything was simple. Where nothing else had mattered but having fun. They had forgotten this. They would never make that mistake again.

And that was a promise.

"I forgive you," Shu said between sobs. "And, I'm sorry, too. If I hadn't been so stupidly obsessed in the first place..."

"I should have noticed," Valt cried. "You were my best friend and I didn't notice you were suffering. Instead, I ran away. I ran, Shu."

They cried some more. They both felt guilty for this. For those years they had spent in darkness. But they had each other. Now, for the first time in years, they could rely on each other to find back into the light. To build up a new and better life. The future looked bright.

Shu could feel it deep in his bones. Everything was going to be okay now. They were safe.

Shu's nightmarish game was finally over.

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