The future

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"Lean! Where are you? Lean!"

Shu ran around the training centre. Lean had just started to become a more responsible Blader, had just started making friends, and now Shu couldn't find him. Lean was supposed to be here. Actually, Shu was pretty sure Lean had ran away from him. Shu's training methods weren't that bad! Right?


Shu slowed to a stop. Lean wasn't in those rooms. He wasn't in the atelier either. Where could he be?

Shu looked around and thought of it. Where would he go if he was trying to hide?

The big training hall. Everyone was there, and it was easy to blend in with all the people. Shu had done that a few times as well, trying to run from annoying parents who believed he should give their children extra attention. Being one of the best blading coaches in the world did make Shu's life harder. Shu wouldn't trade it for anything, though.

"You'd better be there, Lean," Shu muttered under his breath. "I'm not running through the whole city to find you."

Shu quickly made his way over. In front of the doors, he stopped. There wasn't any sound coming from inside. This was highly unusual. It wasn't even a school day. His Blader should all be there, should all be training and making lots and lots of noise. It was too quiet. This was suspicious.

What had his Bladers done this time?

Well, there was nothing to do but to try and find out, right?

Shu opened the door. He slowly walked further inside.


Yells came from all across the room. Shu was frozen in shock. All of his Bladers were there. They had decorated the training hall with red and gold balloons and there were two long tables, one with food and the other, just under the flatscreen, full of presents. On the railing was a red banner reading:


Shu was completely speechless.

"You didn't think we'd forget your birthday, right?" Daniel asked. He threw an arm around Shu's shoulders. "Oh, how this makes me feel old!"

"You're only eighteen," Cathy commented.

"Your point?"

Laughter went through the room. Shu was still completely astonished, letting his gaze wander over the room. They really were all here. Each and every one of his Bladers, of his coaches, his friends. Even Valt had come!

Shu was touched. Lean stood awkwardly close to him.

"Fubuki asked me to lead you here," Lean said, looking embarrassed. "I couldn't just say no, after all."

"Oh, Lean." Shu smiled at him. His latest student was really coming out of his shell, learning to be part of a group, a community. Shu was so proud of him.

"We thought since last year you weren't there for your actual birthday," Fubuki explained, "that at least this year, you'd get a real party. It's your 16th after all. It's important, right guys?"

Cheers went through the room.

"16 is very important," Daniel said. "You're finally a man!"

"You really think Shu's gonna drive a car?"

Teasing and banter was all around Shu. They laughed and bickered, and it was so peaceful, so light-hearted. Seeing them all here together drove home just how warm and kind his team was. How much he cared about them, how much they cared for him and for each other. It was beautiful, really.

Shu's smile was so wide, it almost hurt his cheeks. Anything less didn't seem to be possible, though.

"Thank you," he said. "All of you. This is... this is perfect."

They all smiled at him.

Shu was home. Finally, the last traces of the nightmare washed away, the pain left him. Now, he was free to have fun, to laugh and dance with his Bladers and friends. He was free to do whatever he liked.

Freedom was the greatest present Shu had ever gotten.

"Now that the guest of honour is here," Cathy said. "Let's get this party started!"

Cheers again. The entire team was ready to party, all day and night it seemed. Shu was dragged around the room, over to the food table.

"Fubuki cooked," Daniel said. "And we got sooooo many snacks, you wouldn't believe. But well, we are about three hundred people, after all. Someone needs to keep everyone fed."

Shu laughed. This party was getting started.

A few hours later, Shu had taken a small break and was now sitting on the stairs, watching his Bladers dance and laugh with each other. He had danced a lot with them, too. Now, though, he was content in watching them be happy. This was one of the greatest gifts anyone could give him.


Shu looked up, only to see Valt in front of him. Valt had changed. He wore his headband again, and he smiled more. He wasn't the same, but neither of them were. Shu was just happy that Valt seemed to be getting better as well.


Valt motioned the place next to Shu. "Mind if I sit?"

"Go ahead."

They sat in silence for a moment. Both of them watched the Bulls dance around. The music was loud, almost deafening, but it also brought happiness and energy into the room. It made everything else feel inconsequential.

Valt drank a bit out of his glass. Shu wasn't sure what it was, but it didn't really matter. Judging from what he'd seen on the buffet table, though, he expected it to be orange-juice. 

"You've really made a home here, haven't you?" Valt asked. "I never dared to come back here, fearing it would remind me too much about the Snake Pit. It doesn't. It took me a while to realize that it's yours."

"Mine?" Shu wondered. He looked at the team. He had considered them his often enough, sure. But to what extent? Was it really as obvious as Valt was saying? "I guess I never realized it..."

Valt laughed. "That's just like you! You see almost everything but when it comes to your own emotions, you're terrible."

"Come on! It's not that bad!"

They laughed. It was nice, to be able to banter like this. To be friends again.

"Have you decided yet?" Shu asked. "I heard BC Sol wants you back."

Valt nodded. "They do. I'm not sure I deserve to go back, though. I betrayed them by going to the Snake Pit."

"They've forgiven you."

"I haven't forgiven myself yet."

Shu's eyes softened. He knew that feeling. It was hard to convince himself sometimes, that it didn't matter. That if everyone else could forgive him, he could forgive himself too. Sometimes, he just needed to be reminded. Valt was the same.

"You should," Shu just said. "If everyone else has forgiven you, why don't you forgive yourself as well? That thought helped me a lot when I was struggling."

Valt smiled. "I'll keep that in mind. Maybe I should try going back to BC Sol."

"It'd be good for you, I think." Shu put his hand over his heart. The necklace from his team was always there. He rarely ever took it off these days. "A team is a family. I think you'd be happy there."

Valt didn't answer. They looked at the Bulls again.

"If I do join BC Sol again, I'd want to face you. Properly, I mean, in a big arena. Starting new, maybe?"

Shu grinned. "Is that a challenge?"

"You bet it is."

They stared at each other. Then, they lifted their right hands and fist bumped. A promise. A promise Shu wouldn't break. One day, they'd meet in a stadium again. Shu was looking forward to it. To a match that was intense but fun. A match that represented the life they were now living.

"Shu!" Fubuki yelled. "Come and dance with us!"

Shu laughed. He stood up and looked at Valt.

"Want to join us?"


And together they made their way back onto the dance floor, being greeted by all of Shu's Bladers, who were laughing, teasing, dancing with all they had. Their passion was contagious, and Shu found himself going right alongside them.

The music, the laughter, the happiness. This was Shu's life now. This was what he'd fought for, what he'd dreamed of. This was his.

No more nightmares, no more secrets. No more of someone dictating his life. Shu was free.

And he was home to stay.


"What are the New York Bulls to you, Mr. Kurenai?"

Stunned, Shu looked up for a second. Then, he smiled.

"My Bulls? They are my home. My pride and joy. They are my everything, and I'm more than glad to have them."

"But doesn't it get tiring to come here every day, to train and teach every day? Wouldn't you wish to do something else?"

Shu tilted his head slightly.

"Tiring?" Shu shook his head in amusement. "No, never. It's never a chore to come here, to laugh with everyone. It's like coming home. Because it's not only this place that is my home, though it's a beautiful city don't get me wrong. My Bladers and my coaches, my staff, all of them are what makes this place my home. I couldn't be happier to be able to come here every day, and I wouldn't change it for the world."

"Nothing could change your mind?"

"Nothing in the world is worth more than what I have at this moment. I have a team, a home, a family, and I'm happy. Tell me, what more could I ask for?"

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