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The cold mountain wind pierced through Mist's silver-black fur. The brown leaves on the ground no longer resembled leaves, and the bare aspen trees looked like skeletal hands scratching the cloudy sky. Silver moonlight peeped through windows in the clouds, but the wind quickly blew the clouds around, leaving a shadowy and light marrble design on the forest. The clouds had shadowed Mist's path, but she could see a little by the faint glow of her blue eyes.

Mist looked over her shoulder frequently to see if anyone was following her, but no one ever was. She once stepped on a twig and scared herself half-to-death, but she continued.

"I'm fine. They can't harm me. Not unless I lie." She would mutter to herself often. She, and many others, were deathly afraid of who she was going to see. But it was forbidden by pack law not to break promises, and she had promised them a visit. They had also promised if she didn't see them, they would rip her heart out.

She stopped by the twisted tree, and waited. She inhaled shakily, then exhaled. She was terrified of what would happen.

A few heart-beats later, three she-wolves drifted from the darkness. Their fur was tan, and their pupil-less eyes were purple. The middle sister, had brown markings across her face and neck. They all wore purple and black striped feathers in their fur. Purple whisps seemed to come from their bodies, and they exhaled purple smoke.

"Mist," The middle one purred, "Right on time. Good dog."

She would have growled, but she was too frightened to do much besides tremble and stare.

"Wh-what do you want-t?" Mist stuttered.

"You know very well what we want." the left one said.

"Have you retrieved it yet?" The middle sister asked.

Mist trembled. She knew what they wanted, but she didn't have the heart to do it know.

She took a steady breath, and locked her paws into the ground. "No."

The sisters growled, and bared their long, gleaming fangs at her.

"We promised you immortality if you could steal the heart of the commander's son, and give it to us. Was it so hard to do that simple task, in over a year?!" The middle one said.

Mist felt her eyes water. She had to tell them the truth. They could not kill her if she spoke only the truth.

"Yes, I stole his heart. But I would like to keep it for myself." She said bravely, "But I did not steal it the way you hoped I would."

The sisters barked at her madly. Mist backed away, trying to stay away from their snapping jaws.

"You became his mate, didn't you?!" The middle one barked. "He was not yours to love! You had a responsibility to fulfill towards the master, but you couldn't keep away from the little beastie!"

"Stay away from me!" Mist barked. "I don't want immortality any more!"

I want to live an average life with my pack, and Sol!"

The sisters growled deeply.

"Fine. Have it your way." The left one said.

"But, there is a price to pay for your ignorance." The left one growled.

"You have several lives inside of you. One shall not live more than a sunrise. One will not live two years. The other two will die at each other's mercy." The middle one said. "Your mate will die by the dawn of summer. And you, Will live through each of their deaths. When you have no one to live for, we will take you."

Mist trembled. This couldn't be her fate!

"This is your punishment for breaking your oath. If you wanted for this not to have happened, then you should have done what we asked of you." The middle one boomed.

They turned back into the forest, leaving Mist in the dark.

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