Chapter 24: What Is Your Choice?

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Thora's POV

There's a bright light appearing in the sky behind Hiccup's head, brightening my dreary little world just a tiny bit. The pain starts to ebb away with my dying breaths, my heart straining to beat.

"Farewell..." I manage to whisper before I feel myself detach.

As my eyes fall shut and I plunge into darkness, I get the sensation that I'm floating. My wound no longer hurts, yet my eyes and limbs are too heavy for me to move.

My feet touch down on solid ground as a bright light pierces the black of the world, slowly expanding until I can see nothing but that pure whiteness.

The bright light dims down, a sharp exhale leaving me as my surroundings come into focus. The sky has opened up around me, more stars and swirling galaxies than I can count right at the edges of my fingertips, and beneath my feet is the Bifrost, the rainbow bridge leading to Valhalla.

Two figures appear ahead of me, walking in sync with one another. The man has shaggy auburn hair and a rather short beard. The woman is a blonde with warm brown eyes.

"!" I cry, racing towards them and throwing myself into their arms as though I'm nothing more than a small child once again.

"Thora," my dad murmurs, his smooth voice almost melodic.

"I'm dead now, aren't I?" I ask, pulling away from the family group hug.

"Yes, my dear. You perished in battle, like most Vikings do," my mother speaks next. "But...the gods have offered you an opportunity."

I look past them, where I can see the shimmering rainbow colours of the Bifrost. I can see Valhalla beyond, the gates shining in the heavenly light.

"An opportunity?" I echo.

"Us Hermaōans were favoured amongst the gods, something that came to be many centuries ago," Thord says. "Because you are the last of our people and because you are so young, they have offered you a deal. You may choose what you want."

"One option is to stay here with us in Valhalla and watch over Berk from afar," Sigrid continues, a kind smile on her face. "The second is to return home, but only under some conditions. You must use the last of Hermaōr's magic to send you home, after which the gem will never wield the ancient power again."

"Should you choose the second option, you get only ten more years on Earth before your soul will be taken back to Valhalla."

My dad sweeps his arm out to the side, towards the curtain of stars around the shimmering Bifrost. A small window opens up, showing Berk. Hiccup holds my limp form to his chest while Nightstar wails in agony nearby. My friends and the entire village mourns with them.

My expression goes slack with awe. They really do care about me.

"My daughter, you have done everything since the day you escaped Hermaōr to help others," my father speaks. "Your decisions have always been influenced by the wants of others."

"So now we tell you, do what your heart wants. Let no one else influence what you decide," my mother adds.

I turn and look to the golden gates right ahead of me, Valhalla. All the pain I've gone through; surviving on my own, missing my would all end. My dreams of being a happy family with my parents again would finally be fulfilled.

No longer will I be an outcast, a black sheep amongst white. I'd be with my people again, back in the place I belong.

Ten years back on Earth, no more magic, but I'd be back with Nightstar and Berk; my earthly home and my earthly friends.

I take a deep breath as I look to my parents, straightening up. "Mom, dad, I think I've made my choice."

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