Chapter 25: Will You Marry Me?

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Hiccup's POV

The sky is fully black now. A small ship floats on the waters, the tiny waves lapping against the wood. Thora's body lays on a raised platform in the centre, her wound cleaned. She's wearing a pure white gown with gold trimming and some accessories, her sword lays across her stomach, her hands resting on the hilt. The engagement ring I always meant to give her glistens in the moonlight on her finger. Her red-tinted ringlets fall loosely over her shoulders, a gold headband nestled among the soft strands. Her necklace seems to give off an aura of power, even if its owner has passed on. I didn't take it off, even though the ancient magic could help protect Berk. The magic is to be buried with her.

Even in death, she's the most beautiful Viking I've ever seen.

Nightstar, Toothless, Dark Moon, Emerald, and Thunder Song sit closest to me while my friends stand nearby, crying and holding onto each other. Astrid cries into Tuffnut's shoulder, Snotlout comforts Ruffnut, and Eret and Fishlegs stand beside each other, failing to keep their emotions from being shown.

I hold the torch that will send my bride home, the flame sending sparks up into the night. I take a deep breath.

"We all knew Thora. Three years ago, she came zipping into our lives on the back of a Night Fury. Here, she found a home, and a family, and here is where she fought the man who caused her life to fall apart," I speak into the night. "Here, she fought the demons he threatened us with. She saved us all, and she saved me. She...she..."

I take another deep breath. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Nightstar perk up, making distressed noises in her throat. Toothless glances at her, squinting one eye so that he looks as though he's raising an eyebrow at her. She doesn't calm down.

I continue my speech. "At seven years old, she not only witnessed her parents' deaths, but was forced into the wilds to live on her own. She trained a Night Fury at only eleven. It takes a special kind of strength to do those things, and that's who Thora was. She was strong in her mind and heart. If it wasn't for her, neither I or Nightstar would be standing beside you today." I look to the crowd. Not a single dry eye can be seen. Nightstar fidgets and whimpers again. "It's not every day you meet someone who changes your life in the way Thora changed mine. She tried to hide her emotions, and despite how stony she seemed, she had enough heart to listen to the rants of a scared young man about becoming chief."

Strained laughter ripples through the crowd at the comment. I smile sadly, thinking of how we sat on the ledge near Itchy Armpit and talked about our favourite colours. It feels like forever ago that we did that, back when we were toeing the border of becoming friends. What I wouldn't give to relive that time with her.

"She cared for us, although she may not have realized it. She cared enough to sacrifice herself for us all. Thora, the daughter of Thord and Sigrid, never thought she was all that extraordinary. I think that she was. The last of the slayers of Hermaōr will be dearly missed."

I walk towards the boat, my cheeks glistening with tears again as I raise the torch in my hand. Before I can throw it, a blur of black knocks the torch from my hand into the water, making it hiss and bubble. I look to Nightstar, who whines again and shakes her head towards the boat.

"She's dead, Nightstar. She's not coming back," I say, my tone cold as I grab another torch.

I turn to set the boat alight, but the dragon knocks it out of my hand again, her blue eyes blazing and determined. She leaps onto the boat, nuzzling Thora. I turn to grab the third torch when I hear someone make a small noise.

My eyes widen and I turn towards the funeral vessel. Nightstar looks to me and grins as Thora's necklace starts to glow. I scramble onto the boat without a second thought, leaning down next to her and the shadowy dragon. Noises of confusion rise behind us as people point, the gem starting to glow brighter and brighter every second.

I watch in astonishment as multiple strands of magic curl out from the gem and seep into Thora's body, touching down at different spots; her arms, her legs, her face. The gem starts to dim, slowly dying out until only one strand remains. That final strand disappears into the spot right over her heart, and everything falls silent again.

"Thora?" I whisper.

Her fingers twitch and I push myself to my feet, my mouth falling open in shock. Her lips pucker slightly and her eyes flutter open, the warm brown twinkling with life again.


Her voice sounds like angels singing, I swear. Nothing has ever sounded so beautiful in the whole world.

"Thora...oh my gods. Thora," I cry, engulfing her in a tight hug. "Thora, you have no idea what...oh my gods."

She coughs, wincing as her hand travels to her bandaged torso. "It worked," she gasps, pulling away from my hug.

Our friends scream her name in relief from the shore, choruses of her name rising from the spectating crowds.




I scoop her up gently, helping her off the boat to where our friends rush towards us, their faces overjoyed. Astrid snatches her into a hug, crying again.

"You were dead! You killed Alrek but he killed you and...oh thank Odin," she sobs.

Thora laughs, returning the embrace. Nightstar roars in glee and bounds towards us, snuffling her snout all over Thora's body as she wiggles with absolute happiness. Everyone starts babbling at once, proclaiming their surprise or shock.

Thora holds up her hand, causing everyone to go silent. The cool night air rustles her dress, the white material almost glowing in the dim light. She seems to radiate a goddess-like aura as she watches everyone, that power seeming to silence them.

"I woke up on the Bifrost, where I saw my parents again. They gave me the choice to come join them or to go home to be with all of you," she explains, her voice light. She gives me a tiny smile, something that makes my heart flutter. "So I followed what I wanted for the first time in my life, and I chose my home."

Everyone cheers, celebrating and clapping wildly as they mill around trying to talk to everyone at once.

I grab Thora's hand and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into my kiss. She places her hands on the back of my neck, returning the gesture far more readily than she ever has before. I hold her close, wanting to feel every inch of her warm, breathing, living body. We break apart, our breaths quick and faces slightly pink.

"I love you, Thora," I whisper, wanting her to be the only one that hears it. "I really do."

She smiles as she rests another gentle kiss on my lips. "I love you too, Hiccup."

I grasp her left hand, looking down at the ring that I only put on her finger when it was too late, and I lower myself onto one knee.

"Thora, I've asked you twice before, but this will be the final time," I say, holding her hand in my own as I rest my free hand over my heart. "Will you marry me?"

She smiles, nodding as she pulls me back to my feet. "Yes, Hiccup. I will marry you."

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