Ch 1: Dungeons and Panic

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(Again, I'm taking this directly from my fanfiction account. So these A/Ns are responding to fanfiction reviewers, no wattpad reviewers. ((until later on, when you guys start leaving comments. :3)))

It's sweet, how concerned you guys are for the real Ty. I'm not really sure how to comfort you though. I can't just say, "Hey, sorry one of the main characters got killed off by his best friend and you didn't even know it until the sequel came out." Yeah, no. I couldn't say that.

I couldn't.

Chapter One: Dungeons and Panic

Time: a week after the entire "I Blame My Evil Clone" incident

Sky's POV

I skim through my messy handwriting, trying to decide if it's worth it. Ty, Jason, Mitch, Jerome, Quentin, and Ian were all going 'dungeon-hunting.' I would love to come along; anything with those people is a lot of fun. But I'm worried. What if we come across a dungeon with a skeleton spawner in it? What then? I mean, the chance of five of them all hitting me at the exact same time is certainly slim, but it's still there. What if I die, and I don't respawn?

I glance down at the book again. This book is the one I wrote all those Specific Situations in five years ago. This book is a constant reminder of my Red Eyes, of the prophecy. I will die eventually. This is something I would prefer that my friends not know. They would just start worrying and wouldn't let me do anything awesome. They would probably prevent me from fighting the squids... UGH. AND LEAVE THOSE HORRIBLE CREATURES TO LIVE A PEACEFUL LIFE?

Never. My friends must never know the consequences of being involved in the prophecy.

My phone rings. I sigh and drag it slowly across the desk I'm sitting at. "Hello?"

"Sky!" Ty greet me. "You ready to go to the mines?"

"Uh..." If I say 'no,' they'll wonder why I'm not going. And, knowing them, they'll probably come snooping around for clues. At least, this is my excuse for later when I'm cursing myself for coming. "Yeah, I'm ready. Which mine?"

"The one by Jerome's tree house."

"Got it."

"See ya soon."

"Bye." I get up and walk to the mirror. Sighing, I put my sunglasses back on. Since my friends at least know that my eyes are red, I could just go without them, but I feel like wearing them wards off all the respawn issues I would have if I ever got in one of the Specific Situations. Even though I'm fairly sure they don't. Oh well.

I shove a few pickaxes and some budder swords into my backpack, plus two stacks of torches and some dirt. Then I race out the door. No reason to lock it, I know everyone in this town, and no one is the kind for stealing. None of the mobs can even get into the city, so I'm good.

I run toward the Bacca Forest, as Jerome calls it. I'll be fine. You'll be fine, Sky, chill out. I mean, what are the odds that five skeletons will all shoot you at the same time? Just let the others go ahead of you, and the skeletons will detect them first. Bang. Problem solved.

And, now I'm talking to myself.

Actually, I've been doing that a lot lately.

I turn left at the Fluffy's tree house and walk along side the stream to the mine. The others are waiting at the entrance. "C'mon, Sky, let's go!" Mitch shouts.

"Coming!" I yell back as I start running.

"Alright guys, let's go be awesome," Jerome says.

"We should have at least one saddle and ten levels each by the time we get back up here," Ian says.

"Okay then, let's go!" And we head into the mines.

*time skip*

"There's another dungeon by that waterfall!" Ty says, pointing to the right.

"Whose turn is it to go first?" Quentin asks.

"Sky's," Mitch replies.

"Um..." I listen for the clacking of skeleton bones, but I don't hear any. "Okay." I cautiously step forward and mine a way into the dungeon. Immediately after, three skeletons shoot at me. I duck and screech. Ian tenses up a bit as I scramble to hide behind him .

"Dude, what's up? They're just skeletons!" he says.

"Uh... I'm afraid of skeletons?" I try.

"You've never been afraid of them before," Ty says, frowning. Darn you, Ty. Stop questioning things.

"Right. Well, I'm... I'm afraid of large amounts of skeletons."

"Since when?"

"Since, like, five years ago."

Them team frowns at me.


They stop frowning and laugh. "Just do it, Sky, get it over with," Quenting says.

"Um, guys, you don't understand," I begin.

"Do it! Do it!" Jason chants. The others join in, and I groan.

"Fine." I take a deep breath and charge the dungeon, slashing wildly at skeletons. I get hit in the left shoulder and right knee (arrow to the knee!), but that doesn't matter as long as I'm not hit by five arrows at once.

I kill the last skeleton and quickly place a torch on the spawner. Then I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and the rest of the team cheers as I plop down on top of the spawner to catch my breath. "Now was that so bad?" someone asks.

"Yes," I reply through gritted teeth.

Evil-Sky's POV (What?)

I laugh insanely as I jump into the void, using my almost non-existent magic to repeatedly heal myself. "Take that, Girl-Sky!" I yell as I land on the Night Owl's platform. Ever since she brought me here, she's insisted that I call her Skylar, but I think Girl-Sky suits her.

Well, now I'm free. :3

"Take me to my home dimension," I command.

The Night Owl sighs. "Official dimension name?"

"Oh, come on, you never made me do this before!"

"New security measures."

"Fine. I think it's like, Dimension 38D259LQT4. Or something like that."

"One moment. OK, here goes." He starts to teleport me.

"Wait, aren't you going to ask if I want the softer landin- oof!" I fall onto a pile of rubble. Wait, a pile of rubble?...


Oh, this must be the result of Sky blowing everything up. Darn it. This stinks.

I step lightly toward the main building. It's nothing but a pile of rubble now. But I see a body among the debris. One of the drawbacks of not having a respawn machine is that people's bodies lay where they were when they person died.

I step toward the body on tip-toes, lightly touching each rock that I step on with my foot to make sure it won't fall when I put my weight on it. When I'm close enough to actually see the body, I gasp. Ty! Don't worry buddy, I'm here to help! "Lalala; [insert magicky, smart-sounding words here]. Make this dude arise!"

My magic swirls around him in dull gold and dark red strands. The magic enters his body through the large gash in his stomach that I assume Sky made. It brings the flesh together and repairs my friend's dead body. "What happened?" he asks groggily as he slowly sits up, clutching his stomach. I sigh loudly.

"Stop asking questions, Ty. I just revived you. I'm tired." I hate to snap at him, but gosh, Ty, can't a guy rest?

He rolls his eyes as he stands up, leaning against a block for support. "Tired? You were never tired before when using the revive spell." His words are still slurred from being dead.

"Okay, one: you've been dead for a week. The other people I revived had only been dead for a day. And two: my powers are super uber weak. The only emotions I can draw power from right now are yours and mine. So stop being happy. Be angry."

"About what?"

"Look around you. Sky did this. He completely obliterated our entire dimension. Our home is gone, Ty." There is silence while he takes it all in. Then I feel a burst of power, and I can tell he's feeling extreme anger – and a little regret? Maybe he regrets not killing Sky sooner. I know I would. I wish I could have killed him when I had the chance. Whatever, regret is still an unhappy emotion, so it still fuels my magic. I stand up (I sort of collapsed on the ground after reviving Ty) and direct Ty's attention back to me. "OK, we're going to get revenge on Sky for what he's done. And this time, we're killing him right away."

Ty is quiet for a moment. I think he's debating whether or not he should argue with me about making Sky suffer first. Then he says, "But Squid was the only one who knew how to disable the respawn machine. Unless you could use your powers..."

"Nope. My powers won't be fully restored for at least a month, not matter how many emotions give me fuel." Everyone in that girl's dimension was way too happy. I couldn't find a single strand of anger in anyone but myself. "But there has to be another way to end this guy..."

"What about the Lady with the Red Eyes? Weren't there a few situations where the respawn machine just wouldn't work for her? What if Sky is the same way?"

"That's brilliant! But... Hmm... OK, here's the plan."

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