Ch 2: Called It

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Kay, so remember last chapter when I said that I couldn't say I was sorry that the real Ty died?

It's because I don't like to tell lies, especially to my Rulers (though I do enjoy tricking you :3).

Chapter Two: Called It

Time: later that day

Sky's POV

I wave to my friends before I start back home with Jason and Ty. “About that dungeon incident..,” Ty begins.

“Seriously, you've never been afraid of skeletons of any amount before,” Jason says.

“Well, I guess I never really believed how much damage they could do to me. But the whole Evil-Me thing...” I was about to tell them how I hadn't completely believed the old lady who had given me Red Eyes until the Evil-Me incident, which obviously proved that she wasn't lying. But then they'll wonder why the Evil-Me thing made me afraid of skeletons, and I'll have to tell a million lies to get out of it, which I don't want to have to do.

“Yes? Go on,” Ty presses.

“I dunno. I just developed a fear of skeletons, I guess.”

“Right,” they say simultaneously. Then they glance at each other and laugh.

I open the door to my house. Then I wander through the rooms, looking for food. Ty and Jason follow me. “For real, though, you're obviously hiding something. Come on, dude, tell us.”

I've never been good at keeping secrets. I'm surprised I hid my Red Eyes for so long. I sigh and head back to my bedroom, to my desk. Then I reach into one of the drawers to get my Specific Situations book.

But it's not there.

I freak out. What if whoever took it thinks it's a book of my fears and tries to help me overcome them? What if they think I like those things and they try to surprise me? What if whoever took it hates me and knows that those things will kill me?

Jason and Ty run into my room. I am on the floor, curled up into a ball as I try to keep from hyperventilating. “What's wrong?” one of them asks. I'm too scared to know or care who.

“It's- It's gone!” I choke out.

“What? What's gone?”

“My Specific Situations book!”

Jason and Ty look at each other. “All this over a book?” Ty asks.

“Maybe it's a special book,” Jason suggests.

“It i-is,” I say quietly, having calmed down slightly.

“Can you tell us what it looked like? Or what was written in it?” Jason asks.

“It look like a normal book. And I wrote all the ways I could die in it.” After realizing what I said, I facepalm. “Oops. I didn't mean to tell you that.” Way to go, Sky. That last sentence just destroyed any chance of them thinking it meant nothing.

“What do you mean, ways you could die?” Ty asks.

I sigh. “Well... Um... Okay. As a result of my having Red Eyes, the respawn machine, uh, doesn't always... work for me.”

Jason and Ty's eyes widen. “W-What do you mean?” Jason asks shakily.

“There are certain situations in which the respawn machine can't help me. For example, if I get shot by five skeletons from five different angles at the exact same time,” I say.

Their jaws drop. After a rather long and awkward silence in which Ty and Jason simply gape at me, Ty finally speaks. “Sky... Why didn't you tell us? We wouldn't have made you storm the dungeon if we'd known!”

“I was afraid you guys would keep me from doing awesome junk,” I say.

Jason shakes his head, and Ty rolls his eyes. Then Jason frowns. “Wait. So, if someone took the book, someone who didn't like you, then they could set up one of these situations for you?”

I nod.

“But the only people/things that don't like Sky are the squids,” Ty says. “And they wouldn't be able to set up something that specific, anyway.”

“Well,” I say, “actually...”

Jason and Ty groan. “What is it?” Ty asks.

“If a large amount of squids attack me and they kill me before I can kill at least ten of them, then I'm dead for good,” I say, fighting to keep my voice from breaking. I can't stand the thought of those wretched squids winning.

“Don't worry, we'll get your book back, and we'll make sure you don't get into any of those Specific Situations,” Jason says, standing up. “We can send a few of the armies to go attack the squids, make sure they don't have the book. Oh, wait... Um... Maybe... Maybe you should... Maybe you should stay here, rather than fight the squids, Sky.”

My eyes widen. “No way! I have to help!” Darn it! Why did I tell them again?

“I agree with Jason. It's too dangerous, Sky. You're our friend, we just don't want you to permanently die,” Ty says.

I gape at them. “You're kidding.” They hesitate for a second, then shake their heads. “No... No! See, I called it! I knew if I told you guys, you wouldn't let me do anything fun, and I was right! You guys don't trust me enough to take care of myself!”

Ty shrugs and says, “Pretty much.”

I growl at him, “I'm going.”





Jason's POV

As Sky and Ty argue, I step into the hallways and call everyone in Team Crafted (excluding Sky and Ty, obviously) so that we're all in one call. “Hey, guys, we're going to war against the squids,” I say in place of a greeting.

“Why?” Mitch asks.

“Because they might have a book that tells all the specific ways that Sky can die and not respawn, one of which is being attacked by several squids,” I reply.

Jerome gasps. “What? He can't fight, then, he'll get himself killed!”

“That's another thing I wanted to talk to you guys about. Sky really wants to fight, but Ty and I don't think he should,” I say. “Someone's gonna have to guard him or something, or he'll just come and fight anyways.”

“Maybe Seto can use his magic to tie him to a chair,” Ian says.

“Good idea. We'll gather the armies and start planning as soon as possible. At least Sky can help with that part,” I say.

“I'll go call up a few of the armies,” Mitch says.

“Actually, I think the Sky Army is the only one we'll need.”

“OK. See ya!”

There's a chorus of 'bye's and we all hang up.



I open the door to see Sky and Ty yelling at the top of their lungs at each other. They're up in each other's faces, trying to get the other to back down. “Yes!” Sky yells.

“No!” Ty screams.

Sky smirks. “No!” he repeats.

“Yes!” Ty shouts angrily.

Sky falls to the ground laughing. “HA! You said yes!” he sings.

Ty rolls his eyes and looks to me for help. “You're not going, Sky,” I say. “But you can help with battle plans.”

“I hate you,” Sky grumbles, crossing his arms.

Evil-Sky's POV

I laugh as I read through Sky's Specific Situations book. “This is so stupid,” I say between giggles. “Look at this! If a ghast slams him into a magma cube, and then – hey, are you even listening?”

Ty shrugs. “Not really. I'm thinking of ways to make him suffer before he dies. I hate that dude.”

“So do I, buddy. Any ideas yet?”

“Just one, but I think it's a pretty good one. Lots of mental breakdowns will hopefully come of it.”

“What is it?”

“I'm gonna make him think he killed one of his best friends.”


“I'm working on that.”

I use a little bit of magic to check in on Sky. Then I laugh as I watch him and his friend argue. “Wow.”

“What's so funny?” Ty asks, walking over to me.

“They think the squids did it, and they won't let Sky take part in the battle,” I reply.

Ty looks through the window thingy I made. “Ty! Yes, I'll use the other me against Sky...” I glance at him curiously, and he shrugs. “I'll tell you later. Anyway, are they gonna make Sky stay home? And if so, will he be alone?”

“Yes, and I think so.”


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