Ch 3: Aw, Snap

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(This is still the author's note from Sorry. Thanks to pheniox89, though, for reminding me about this story. :D Seriously, I probably would have completely forgotten if not for the ding from the gmail notification telling me I had another comment on this.)

Wow. Okay, so sorry for the confusion. Reading over my the chapters I have up, it is pretty confusing. Just to clarify: Real-Ty is currently with Real-Sky, and Evil-Ty was revived by Evil-Sky and is still in the company of Evil-Sky. So as of the end of chapter two, the sides haven't mixed yet. Just wanted to clear that up. (Not sure if it actually helped or not, I have a tendency to just assume that people can see everything I'm seeing in my head. Then I forget to write it, and I later expect people to just magically understand what's going on. Yeah. Sorry. I gotta stop that.)

Also, this will not be a Skylox. I'm sorry. For those of you who are obsessed with stuff like Skylox and Merome and Pewdiecry and ImmortalFox, I have a one-shot book of those. Yeah. I'm also doing a Merome/Pewdiecry collab with gilamonster18 that I will (eventually) put up. En-juh-hoy, Rulers!

Chapter Three: Aw, Snap

Time: (in relation to the last chapter) the next morning

Sky's POV

I can't believe those guys. I knew I shouldn't have told them my secret! Now they won't even let me help during the battle!

Pfft, doesn't matter what they say, I will fight alongside my army. They can't stop me. They can't.

"C'mon, Sky," Ty yells. "It's time for the meeting! We're gonna discuss battle plans!"

I groan and slide out of my warm bed. Almost everyone in Team Crafted insisted on staying the night here, to make sure I don't die. Well, I'm paraphrasing, but that's pretty much what they said. Gosh. Don't they realize that I'll only permanently die in extremely specific situations? I mean really, guys, give me some space. I'm not helpless!

I stumble down the hall wearing pajamas and sunglasses. A few members of the team give me weird looks, but no one says anything. They're probably more concerned about getting me to not help them in the battle than they are about what I choose to wear to the meeting. I plop down in the black spinney chair at the end of the table and wait for Kermit to arrive. I know he's not a part of the team anymore, but he's still a great friend, and I think he can help us in the battle. I haz beeg planz.

A few minutes later, Kermit enters and takes a seat. "Okay, here's the plan," I begin. "Quentin, Kermit, you guys are our spies..."

Evil-Sky's POV

This is the worst plan ever. Sky's an idiot.

"Then Jason and Ty will pull the plug, the water will drain from their hideout, and the squids will die from lack of water," Sky says. "The army can kill off any survivors. Then Ian can locate and take back the book while Mitch and Jerome fight off the regular nighttime mobs that will invade after you blow up the outer walls."

I lied. It's a brilliant plan.

"Isn't that a little overboard, killing every single squid just to get a book?" someone asks. Heh. The squids don't even have the book. I do.

"Okay, one: this book is super important. And two: I really hate squids," Sky replies.

The others nod, and they go over the plan one more time, making slight changes here and there. I smile and run back to my base.

Ty's POV

Sky is suddenly silent for a moment as he stares intently at the window. Then he turns back to us and says, "Okay, now here's the real plan-"

"What?" Mitch interrupts. "So that complicated, well-thought out plan wasn't actually the plan?"

Sky nods. "I caught a glimpse of someone watching us through the window, so I made something up."

Several people's jaws drop. "So you made up that plan on the spot?" Jason asks.

"Yeah," Sky confirms. "So can I tell you the real plan now?" We nod slowly. "Alright, here it is: We blow up their hideout!"

We all stare at him as he throws his hands into the air and makes a strange little boom sounds, childishly imitating a massive explosion. Compared to his 'fake' plan, this one stinks.

Oh well.

Sky continues, "Quentin and Kermit can swim around and actually locate the squid base, and then the army can fight their way in. Everyone places explosives everywhere, and KABOOM! WE WIN!"

We stare at him a little more. Finally, someone says, "As stupid as that sounds when put against your other plan, it will probably work fairly well. Except, we can't get the book back if we blow the whole place up."

Sky shrugs. "It's just a book. I have the situations memorized, so as long as the squids don't have it, I don't care what happens to it."

We all nod. "Well, I think we'll be ready to attack as soon as Quentin and Kermit find the base, because I know for a fact that Mr. Fish has plenty of TNT stocked up," I say. Then I lock eyes with Seto. "So, Seto, could you..?"

Seto nods and splays his hands out toward Sky, who gasps as he finds himself bound to his chair by Seto's magic. "You did not just do that," Sky growls. Seto and I shrugs. Sky look to the others for help, but they just copy our actions and shrug.

"Alright, let's go make stuff explode!" Jason says, and we walk out the door. I lock it behind us, ignoring Sky's angry protests.

An hour later, Quentin and Kermit have located the squid base, and the army is prepared to march through the underwater doors and place down TNT everywhere. (A/N: Ignore the fact that TNT does hardly any damage when underwater. :P) Seto stands behind me, looking tired. Sky must be putting up a huge fight. I turn to face him completely. "You OK?"

He shakes his head. "Um... Is it OK with you guys if I give him a quick shock to try and knock him out?"

I nod. "That's fine."

Seto nods gratefully and then closes his eyes. When he opens them again, he smiles. "Thanks, he calmed down a lot."

We all storm the squid base, wielding our weapons, but we only find one squid in the entire base. "Something isn't right," Ian says as he swims up into an air pocket.

Suddenly, Seto's entire body convulses in what must be pain, and the water around him flashes purple for a split second. I grab his hand and pull him up to an air pocket. He gasps and closes his eyes. "Someone br-broke it," he says quietly, disbelief covering his face.

"Broke what?" I ask.

"Broke the magic I used to hold Sky down."

Oh no.

The squids gone, Sky struggling like a madman, and then suddenly the magical binds Seto made are broken. Something big just happened.

And we had Sky tied up and defenseless the entire time.

(A/N: You do not know how BADLY I wanted to end it there.)

Sky's POV

I shout-

Actually, I will end it there. The main chapter is like, 1,026 words. I guess that's enough. I'll just leave you guys with this cliffy and change what was going to be one chapter into two.

Yeah. You're welcome. :3


(Ha, actually, since I feel bad for very nearly forgetting to upload this today, I'll post Ch 4 in like, five seconds. Be grateful, Wattpad readers.)

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