Ch 14: Realization

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Heeeeey! I feel like I'm late. Am I late? I can't remember if I posted last week or not. If I didn't, sorry for being a week late. If I did, ignore what I'm saying.

ANYWAYS. This server thing is so confusing. I seriously hardly ever have wifi, which means I can hardly ever put the server up, which completely sucks. :b

But whatever. Here's the story, folks.

Chapter Fourteen: Realization (Or, it could also be named "Skylox Kawaii Desu" :3)(Don't freak out, there's no legitimate Skylox, you lovely idiots)(Oh, but I wish there was)(Now I'm depressed, thanks a lot)

Time: three and a half seconds of awestruck silence later

Place: Seto's Front Yard

Ty's POV

"What!? What do you mean? He can't just not have a heart!" I protest, looking at Sky's body. "That's not how the human body works!"

Seto shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe that's why the Respawn Machine doesn't work for him. Like, if he did have a heart, there is a small chance that I would be able to recreate his heartbeat and assign it to his heart, causing him to continue living. That's how the Respawn Machine works, it creates a new heartbeat for you and reassigns it to your heart. Then again, I don't quite understand how the Respawn Machine could revive him in some situations, but not others..."

"Oh my goodness," Ian says, turning away and puking onto a bush.

"What did we miss!?" Jason, Mitch, and Bashur ask, running out of the right side of the small forest in front of Seto's house.

Jason sees Sky and his eyes widen. "D-Did... H-He... Wha-..."

"Sky is dead," I say, my voice surprisingly unwavering.

He sprints over to us, leaning over Sky's body. "No! No, he can't be dead, he- he-" Jason bursts into tears. That's when all my walls break down and I start sobbing as well, hugging Sky's bloody dead body.

"Oh, geez," Mitch whispers, walking over and staring at Sky's body. Bashur joins him, and, for once, he's speechless. "I... He's gone."

Everyone is silent.

"Guys! Is Evil-Sky still- Oh," Jerome trails off after bursting onto Seto's front yard and seeing us all crowded around Sky's body. "Is he-" His eyes widen. "No. He didn't seriously-"

"Y-Yeah," Jason chokes out. "He died. He's dead."

"He's really gone."

Evil-Ty's POV (Just go with it)

"But Sky!" I whine. "We have to do something to get back at them for destroying our dimension!"

"Nope. We're going home, Ty. We won – now let's leave while we're still in the lead," Sky says, pushing me toward this world's Seto's house. After everyone left, Sky and I came back out of the forest and Sky has been trying to get me inside Seto's house ever since.

"Oh, please! We could finish their Ty off completely, teach him a lesson for making your mission so hard!" I argue, holding onto the door frame to keep from being shoved inside.

"We've taught him enough of a lesson by killing his best friend," Sky says sternly, peeling my fingers off the door frame and dragging me inside. "Come on, his lab is downstairs, we can make the portal there."

"How do you even know how to make the portal?"

He shrugs. "I don't. But if we play around with all the potions, I'm sure we can do it."

"And how do you plan on rebuilding our dimension? I thought reviving me drained your powers!"

"Huh? O-Oh, uh, it did! We'll just use that command block to spawn different blocks, and then we'll build back the buildings the old fashioned way," he stammers.

"Command-blocking a bunch of blocks into your inventory is not exactly a step in the 'old fashioned' building way."

"Whatever. Geez, can you just walk down the stupid stairs, already?" Sky asks, sounding irritated.

"No! I will not leave this dimension until this dimension is Ty-less," I say, crossing my arms stubbornly and sitting down at the top of the stairs.

"You'd have to be gone, too, for it to be 'Ty-less,'" Sky points out.

"Well. I don't count. My point is, I'm not going to leave until you let me kill Ty."

Sky sighs. "Ty, can you just not-"

"Why?" I ask. "Why are you so against me killing him? You weren't against me killing him earlier!"

"I- I, I'm just worried, okay? What if he or one of his friends manages to get a hit on you and you end up dying? Like you said, my powers are basically non-existent at this point, so I couldn't revive you again," Sky says. At first I'm confused, because didn't he say earlier that his powers were fueled by negative emotions, or some jazz like that? I'm pretty sure there were lots of negative emotions in the air when he killed the other Sky. He should be charged at least a little by now, and if I did get killed by Ty, I wouldn't be dead long, and it wouldn't take much power for Sky to revive me. But, hey, maybe there's some magical thing about his powers that he hasn't told me about.

"Dude, why are you so worried? I'll be fine," I promise him.

"Uh... I just... Skylox kawaii desu?"

I groan and facepalm. "You idiot. Can I just have one chance to try to kill Ty? One chance, that's all. Then we'll go home."

"You aren't going to give up, are you?"


"... Fine. You have one chance, literally one. No more. Then we are going home," Sky agrees reluctantly. "H-How do you plan on killing him?"

"Well, I was thinking during the funeral we could..."

Ty's POV

"Guys, calm down," Bashur says jokingly a day later, watching Jason and I as we zip around the funeral site, making sure everything is absolutely perfect.

"Calm down?" Jason growls, stopping to glare at Bashur. "Sky died. He was our best friend, Bash. We are going to make everything perfect for his funeral, and you are going to let us. Got it?"

Bashur smiles nervously and nods, backing away from Jason. Jason just rolls his eyes and jogs back over to where I am. "It's almost exactly what it was like in that vision I had," I whisper, glancing around at the plains biome. Jason and I are standing on a small platform made of spruce wood planks that we built yesterday while Sky's casket was made. At the front of the platform there's some soft red wool, and that's where we placed Sky's casket. It's a double chest engraved with budder ingots and sunglasses. It's... It's how Sky would have wanted it, I think.

It starts raining heavily, and dark clouds float across the sky. I sigh. "Okay, now it's exactly like it was in that vision."

"Well, Ty, are we ready, then?" Jason asks, looking around the funeral site for anything out of place. Folding chairs are set up in neat rows in front of the platform. Seto is trying to make a little canopy thing with his magic to block out the rain, but I don't think it's working. Oh, well. It's more funeral-like now.

"Yeah," I breathe. "I think we're ready." As I speak, a group of people open the City Gates and tromp outside, using their coats to shield their heads from the rain. Seto, Jason, Bashur, Jerome, Quentin, and I got here early to set things up. Mitch, Ian, Dawn, Alesa, Bodil, Kermit, and several others formed a flower-gathering committee. I think their goal was to gather 20 entire stacks of budder flowers. Judging by their filled-to-the-max backpacks, which have flowers sticking out of every pocket, I'm guessing they got pretty close.

"Hey, Ty!" one of them shouts as they walk up to our platform. "Where should we put these?"

"Uh, place a few of them in random spots around the biome, and keep the rest. When we're doing the open-casket visitation thingy at the end of the funeral, just spin in circles and throw them at everyone," I instruct.

"Got it," the person says.

"Hey, aren't visitations usually before the funeral?" Mitch asks, standing by Jason and I.

"Yeah, they are, but Sky was always completely random, and... We wanted his funeral to be extremely serious, but with little random touches of random, and... yeah. The after-funeral visitation thing happened," Jason explains. I nod.

"Ah, I see," Mitch says.

"SAYS THE BLIND MAN!" Jerome adds from all the way across the biome.

I smile. "See? Random bits of random, just like it was when Sky was here."

"Yeah," Mitch agrees, looking down at his feet. He sniffs. "Oh, geez. This completely sucks," he says, wiping his eyes.

I laugh quietly. "Yup. Something like that."

Mitch walks off to place flowers before taking a seat between Jerome and Louise. Bodil, Ian, Quentin, and Bashur all take seats in the middle on the left, and Alesa and Dawn take a seat at the base of a birch tree. They're soon joined by Ashley, and they all burst into tears before any of them can get out a word of greeting.

Rob and Preston sit behind Bash and Bodil, and Ethan and Kermit sit in front of Seto, who is standing behind all the chairs, still trying to make us a canopy to shield us from the rain. Several other people takes seats, while others just stand around, staring sadly at the casket or telling stories about good times they had with Sky. "I-I think everyone's here," I whisper to Jason. He nods and looks down, blinking tears out of his eyes.

He taps gently on the microphone in front of him while I wait for the microphone to short out from the rain. It doesn't, though. Seto must have protected it beforehand. Jason clears his throat, mostly just to knock any signs of crying from his voice, but also to get everyone's attention. Everybody quiets down and stares at Jason expectantly. He takes a deep breath and glances at Sky's casket before looking down at his feet again. "Sky was a wonderful friend. He will... He'll be very, very missed," Jason chokes out.

I nod as tears gather in my ears. Sky is gone. My best friend is gone. I will never see him again, I will never make stupid Skylox jokes with him again, I will never have another insult contest with him, I'll never hear him sing again, I'll never be able to talk to him again. I'll never be able to be his best friend again. He's gone. No more jump maps with him, no more Hunger Games with him, no more fighting Evil-Copies with him, no more learning about the Red Eyes with him and freaking out about anti-respawns and seeing visions, and-


Wait a second.

I think I just realized something, something I should have realized a long, long time ago. Something utterly important and life-changing.

I gasp and snap my head up, no longer looking at my feet because I now have something more important to look at. Several people (including Jason) send me quizzical glances as I scan the crowd, looking for one person in particular. I finally find the person I'm looking for, and I open my mouth to say something, but no words come out.

"Ty? You okay?" Jason whispers in my ear, sounding worried.

"I- I-" I can't get words out. How does one 'words'? Oh, geez, I- I-

I make eye contact with the person again, and the person bites his lip and then turns around, disappearing into the forest behind him.

Ha, I don't think so, buddy.


Next chapter I'll post a list (in order of realization) of the people who figured out that thing Ty missed in his vision from Chapter Seven. The first person was a guest, I think, but don't you dare go searching through the reviews for a guest who has a guess about what Ty missed. No, no, no. That's not allowed.

Ya know that spoiler I told you about, the one that I hid somewhere on the IBMEC map? Well, I apologize for hardly ever giving you a chance to look for it. I'm so, so sorry, but I think after this chapter I'll just stop apologizing because I think I've said a million times in different places that I hardly ever have internet access, meaning I can't put the server up very often. BUT I'M TRYING!

BUT. You may be able to guess what will happen just by the descriptions of the funeral site in this chapter combined with my warning from the last chapter to try your best not to damage the IBMEC map while looking for the spoiler.

I'm not gonna give you any more hints. ;3

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