Ch 15: Playing with Fire (and TNT)

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Chapter Fifteen: Playing with Fire (and TNT)

Time: literally half a second later

Place: Sky's funeral site

Ty's POV

I jump off the platform and run after the man. He's wearing a trench coat and a fedora – exactly what I was wearing in the vision.

Well. Exactly what Sky was wearing, since I was in his body when I had the vision of his funeral.

"Ty!" Jason shouts. "Where are you going?"

"Sky!" I yell back, not bothering to offer any more information as I run into the forest.

Seto gasps. I guess he figured it out. I'm not gonna stop to ask him, though. I'm going to catch up to Sky. "Wait!" I call, stumbling over a mound of dirt. Suddenly, I feel a sort of... energy surrounding me, and I look down to see purple strands of light wrapping around my feet, increasing my speed. Thank you, Seto.

With the extra speed, it's not hard to catch up to Sky, and as soon as I'm close enough, I tackle him to the ground. "Eep! Ty!" he yelps, struggling to get away.

I shake my head and pin him to the ground. "What the nether your problem!?"

"W-What you do mean?"

"I mean, why in Minecraftia did you act like you were Evil-Sky!?"

"I had a reason, I swear."

"And that reason was...?"

"Evil-Ty would have killed you!

"So? You're my best friend, I thought-" I cut myself off with a sob. Darn it, Ty, don't cry. "We thought you were dead, Sky! Gone, forever! You could have at least given us a hint or something!"

"I thought your visions were enough of a hint!"

"Wait. You knew you were going to be alive at your funeral?"

"I figured it out a few minutes before I killed Evil-Sky."

I shake my head in disbelief. "I just can't believe that you're okay..," I cry, crawling off of him.

He slowly sits up and brushes himself off. Then he pulls me into a hug. "Hey, it's okay, Ty!" he comforts me. He quickly pulls away, though. "Oh, yeah. Forgot to tell you something. Evil-Ty wanted to kill you really badly."

"I-I know that," I sniffle.

"He wouldn't leave me alone about it," Sky continues.


"So I agreed to give him one chance."

"TO KILL ME!?" I screech.

"Woah, woah, calm down!" he says, holding up his hands in a defensive position. "Anyways, Evil-Ty decided to set a TNT trap for you. HE figured either you or Jason would open the casket first at the visitation, and either way you'd be close enough to get hurt. So, he put TNT beneath the casket while you guys were all planning at Seto's house. That way when you tried to open the double chest/casket thingy, it would blow up, killing you."

Wow. "And you allowed him to do this!?"

"Well- Yeah..," he says, scratching the back of his neck guiltily and refusing to make eye contact with me. "But you're okay now, aren't you? You saw me and chased me into the forest, away from the trapped chest. You're fine!"

"But... But what about the others?"

"Eh, they'll respawn."

"Oh, yeah. Wait, I would respawn, too, wouldn't I? You know, since technically, the TNT would be hurting me, not Evil-Ty..."

"Exactly. There is an extremely small chance that his plan would actually work, which was basically the only I approved it... But then he told me about his backup plan. He was going to hide near the edge of the forest during the visitation. That way, even if the TNT didn't permanently kill you, he could jump out of his hiding spot and stab you while your hearts were down."

"I love how you allowed him to do that," I say sarcastically, glaring at him.

"Hey, I didn't allow him to do that, not completely!" Sky argues. "I led you away from the TNT trap, didn't I?"

The sound of footsteps reaches our ears, and we both tense, probably expecting to see Evil-Ty pop out from behind a tree. But no, it's not Evil-Me, it's Jason.

"S-Sky!?" he asks with wide eyes, stumbling into the clearing. He scans Sky's body quickly. "Why are you wearing a fedora?"

Sky raises and eyebrow, and I roll my eyes. "Really? You see me alive after believing for two days that I am dead, and your first question is about my choice of headgear?"

"Yes. Now answer the question."

"I wore the fedora 'cause it covered my face in shadows and made me look mysterious enough to catch Ty's attention and make him follow me into the forest."

"Why'd you want him to follow you into the forest?"

"'Cause Evil-Ty was trying to blow him up. He trapped the casket with TNT."

Jason's eyes widened. "But I told the others they could go on without me, they're probably about to-"

Something explodes.

"ACK! THEY'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" Jason yells as smoke billows up from the area where we were holding the funeral.

"Chill out, they're fine," Sky assures him, standing up. "Ty was the only one in danger life-wise. Everyone else will just respawn."

Jason nods, calming down slightly. "Oh. Alright then. Now, explain to me why you aren't dead."


Three minutes later, Jason has been filled in on everything. That's when we hear more footsteps. Just as I'm about to call out Mitch or Jerome's name, just to see who's coming, Sky slaps his hand over my mouth. I glare at him, but he just shushes me.

"Sky?" a voice calls. My voice, that's my voice. That's Evil-Ty. "Where are you?"

"Uh, be there in a second!" Sky shouts, shoving us toward a thicker patch of trees. "Hide here," he whispers. "I'll be right back."

Jason and I crouch behind a tree. Right before Evil-Ty walks into the area where Sky, Jason, and I were previously standing, Jason tucks his jet pack behind the tree, out of sight. Good Jason.

"Sky! There you are," Evil-Me says, sheathing his diamond sword. "Ty wasn't at the funeral site! Either he was killed instantly by the TNT, or he simply wasn't there."

"Hmm," Sky hums, sounding genuinely interested. "Well. Maybe you succeeded, and Ty's gone now."

"Maybe, but I doubt it. I really have no way of knowing whether or not he respawned without going to his house and checking."

"No. I told you that I'd give you one chance, and that was all. I never said you could randomly visit his house after your one chance. We're going back to our dimension, now," Sky says firmly.

Evil-Ty growls at him. "Who said you were in charge, anyways?" he asks, hand on the handle of his sword.

I'm impressed; Sky doesn't even flinch. In fact, he hardly reacts at all to Evil-Ty's threatening tone. He just continues the conversation. "It's my mission. There was never a question about who was in charge," he hisses.

Evil-Me glares at him, and Sky glares back. Neither of them break the eye contact, and they stay that way for a good forty-five seconds, just sizing each other up. Finally, Evil-Ty sighs, mumbling something like, "Hmph. I guess I wouldn't do well in a fight with you, considering you have freaking magical powers." He averts his eyes and stares at his feet for a moment before speaking up again. "Can we just do this one more thing before we leave? It doesn't even have anything to do with Ty, I swear."

Sky just stares at him. "Oh, yeah? What do you have in mind?"

"Uh... fire."


"Yup. Should be pretty fun. Come on, you've always liked fire! This should be fun for both of us!" Evil-Ty begs.

"U-Uh, yep, big fan of fire, that's me!" Sky stammers. Idiot, you were doing so well! "I, um, well, then, what's your plan? What's fire got to do with it?"

"I'll tell you somewhere else. I feel like we're being watched... I think one of the guys from that funeral thingy might have followed us. Come on, let's go back to the hideout," Evil-Ty suggests.

"What hideout? E-Er, I mean, sure! The hideout, let's go there. Uh, you lead."

Evil-Ty rolls his eyes and turns to the left, heading off across the plains biome. Sky hesitantly follows, waving to Jason and I.

"Um, Jason?" He looks up at me when I say his name.


"I think we're in big trouble."

"How could you tell?" he asks sarcastically, turning his head to stare after Sky and Evil-Ty.

"Well, it might have been Sky's horrible acting that clued me in on it. Or maybe the way Evil-Ty kept saying the word 'fire.'"

"Shut up, you idiot, that was a rhetorical question."


Darn it. I was planning on getting everything all fixed in this chapter. Ty was gonna jump on Evil-Ty after finding out about the TNT Trap, and then life would be good again. But then while I was on the server with a few other people, some brilliant person suggested we set Ty's house on fire for Halloween. Don't worry, we won't be setting his house on fire. At least, I don't think we will be.

BUT. It did give me an indomitably perfect idea involving fire.

Also, props to the person who managed to beat the void. :3 Can't remember if it was Opal, or Pedro, or someone else... I DON'T KNOW. TELL US IN THE REVIEWS.

SO. Here's a list, in order of realization, of the people who figured out the thing Ty missed in his vision. (Which, in case you didn't know by now, was the fact that he was in Sky's body at Sky's funeral, two observations which do not make sense together unless you consider the possibility that it was Evil-Sky that was killed, not Sky...)

A brilliant guest.

Uh... What else do I need to say? Well, congrats to everything who found the spoiler (which was the TNT hidden beneath Sky's double chest casket at the funeral site). And thank you for replacing the stuff it blew up, that was awesome of you. I love you all so much. Is that weird?

Pfft, it doesn't matter, I've never once said I was normal.


Actually, I'm done talking.


Pheniox89 suggested that I take a few scenes from Remind Me and the IBMEC series and turn them into Skylox one-shots for Don't Judge the Love, my one-shot book.


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