Ch 16: We're All Idiots

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Kay, real quick: UmbreonRocks, OffreakingcourseIreadthatdude. ShiningOpal, You do not have a choice, dude. I will kill off the characters if I want to. :3

Chapter Sixteen: We're All Idiots

Time: ten minutes later

Place: the funeral site (Well... what's left of it, at least.)

Jason's POV

"Okay, just- Real quick, let me get this straight," Mitch says. "Sky actually killed Evil-Sky, and then he pretended to be Evil-Sky, just to trick Evil-Ty into leaving Ty alone?"

"Yes," I confirm.

"And then he agreed to let Evil-Ty have one chance at killing you," Ashley says to Ty, "but sabotaged it by getting you to chase him away from the TNT trap?"

Ty nods. "You got it."

"And now Sky and Evil-Sky are going to do... something that has to do with fire?" Jerome finishes.

Ty and I nod. "Yup. You guys understand now?"

"Yeah, I think so," they murmur. Only Ashley, Seto, Mitch, and Jerome survived the explosion. Apparently Seto figured out the trap at the last minute but only had time to warn those three. Everyone else was already standing by the casket.

Seto shakes his head. "Notch! Why didn't we see this sooner? It all makes sense together! I mean, obviously, Evil-Sky wouldn't have a heart, since in his dimension, there is no Respawn Machine. And we should have remembered that, if Ty was in Sky's body during the past and present visions, he would be in Sky's body in the future one, too. Augh, it was so obvious!" he says as he paces back and forth, playing with little strands of purple magic.

"Wait, if Evil-Sky doesn't have a heart, that would mean that Evil-Ty doesn't have one either. Right?" I ask slowly, putting the pieces together in my head.

"Uh, yeah," Seto agrees, stopping his movement to stare at me with a confused expression. "Why?"

"Because... if Evil-Ty doesn't have a heart, the Respawn Machine can't revive him. Right? Isn't that what you told me after I'd gotten over the initial shock of seeing Evil-Sky's dead body? That you need a heart to be revived by the Respawn Machine?"

"Yeah, that's right. What does that have to do with-" He pauses, and his eyes widen in realization. "Oh..."

"What? What is it?" Ty asks, glancing back and forth at Seto and me.

"Evil-Ty doesn't have a heart, Ty," I say. "So he can't respawn. Meaning, you don't have to be the one to kill him!"

Ty's eyes light up. "Oh! I get it! Since he can't respawn at all, it doesn't matter who kills him, 'cause he'll end up permanently dead either way."

"But why didn't Evil-Ty look hurt when Sky hit him if anyone would be able to kill him?" Jerome asks.

"The whole 'I-can-hurt-you-if-I-am-you' thing was still in effect. Evil-Ty only felt pain when Ty hit him, but he lost just as many hearts from Sky's hit as he did from Ty's," Seto explains. "I could walk up to Evil-Ty and kill him, and he'd die, but he wouldn't feel any pain. You know, just like life normally is in Minecraft. There's no pain, we just lose all our hearts and we die. Only, Evil-Ty wouldn't respawn."

"So, basically, there's really no reason to make Ty risk his life fighting his double unless we just want Evil-Ty to have a painful death," Mitch says, glancing at Seto for confirmation.

Seto nods. "Exactly. So, as long as we keep Ty away from Evil-Ty, the only two still at risk of permanent death are Evil-Ty and Sky. And since we don't really give a rip about Evil-Ty's health, our main goal should be to find Sky and get him far away from Evil-Ty."

Ty groans and facepalms. "I can't believe we didn't put this together sooner."

I sigh. "Yeah, we're all idiots."

"Huge idiots," Ty repeats.

I shrug. "But at least we know now."

"Well, I guess we'd better find Sky now," Mitch says.

"Yeah, but we don't know where he is," Ty points out. "He and Evil-Ty went to some secret hideout... Any ideas where that might be?"


Sky's POV

"Wait. This is the hideout?"

"Um, yeah. You're the one who suggested we make it our hideout, Sky, so don't go acting like I'm the one who picked it out," Evil-Ty responds. "Anyways, it's a pretty good hideout. It's far away from the city, but not too far. Plus, the jungle keeps it hidden. It works."

"Well, yeah, but Sky's friends know where it is," I tell him. "This is the building where you kept Sky after kidnapping him."

He raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean, 'you?' I'm not the only one who kidnapped him. You helped. In fact, the kidnapping was completely your idea. Mostly."

"Oh, right. Well, this is the building where we kept Sky after kidnapping him. So Sky's friends all know where it is."

"But why does it matter?" Evil-Ty asks. "They all think we're back in our dimension by now."

Oh, yeah. I forgot. "But don't you think they'll be kind of suspicious? I mean, who do you think they're blaming the TNT casket trap on?" I ask. Good save, Sky.

"Hmm... That Bodil40 guy, probably. If he likes TNT in this dimension as much as he used to in ours, then it would make sense that he'd randomly blow up his friend's funeral."

"... No it wouldn't. He might blow up someone's house, but not someone's funeral. He's not heartless."

"Hmph. Well, I don't know, maybe this dimension's Bodil is different than ours. Maybe he would blow up someone's funeral."

"I'm pretty sure he wouldn't."

"Dude, just chill out, okay? It doesn't matter, they aren't going to look here. They won't find us," Evil-Ty insists. I sigh. Well, I guess it doesn't really affect me, anyways. I'm just disappointed in Evil-Me for being so stupid.

"Alright, fine. Just tell me about this fiery plan of yours," I say, walking inside the building where I was held captive back in Chapter Five. (AHH! FOURTH WALL BREAKAGE! SKY, NO! PLZ STAHP!)

"Alright. So, I'm thinking we can get some fire from Seto's lab, and then-"

"Wait, what? Why do we need fire? Can't we just get flint and steel to make fire?"

"No. It's not the same. I want to be holding the fire in my hand, Sky."

Well. That's not creepy. (Note the sarcasm. -.-)

"Uh, alright. We'll break into Seto's lab, that's fairly easy. Then what?" I ask, wondering if Seto has any traps set around his lab.

"Then we put the fire everywhere!"

"Woah. Everywhere!?"

"Okay, not everywhere. But I do want to place it in some certain places..."

"Uh... Which 'certain places?'"

"Kay, so you know that big, open, grassy area by this dimension's Jerome's treehouse?"




Sorry for the short-ish chapter. So sorry, but I really wanted to end it here. Next chapter, Evil-Ty's gonna gain possession of the fire (oh, boy...) and THEN it'll get interesting. (As if the main character dying and then getting his funeral blown up isn't interesting enough. -.-)

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