Ch 26: The End?

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PLEASE READ THE AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END, IT'S SEMI-IMPORTANT. (lol, nothing I do is ever legitimately important. :3)

BEFORE WE DO THIS, I just wanna say something: Someone recently commented asking how the heck Sky could tell the difference between Ty and E-Ty. And I hate this (I mean, I love you for pointing this out, but) because if I have to explain something to you guys, it means I didn't do a good enough job of doing it in the actual book. I can't really fix it, either, at this point in the story, so I'll just explain in this A/N: Since E-Ty no longer has to pretend to be someone else, he is almost constantly scowling; Regular Ty is not. Also, E-Ty is still carrying around an enchanted diamond sword, despite the danger it brings to Sky.

So, yeah.

Thanks for pointing that out, person! If I remember, I'll go look up your username so I can dedicate this chapter to you! (UPDATE: Okay i'm sorry I couldn't find it I skimmed through like four pages of reviews my bad uagh gha ahg)

Chapter Twenty-Six: The End?

Time: ten seconds later

Place: the clearing in the forest by Seto's house

Sky's POV

All at once, the Tys see their chance and hop down from various trees around the clearing. They attack the Skys, swinging their swords in a creepily perfect unison, and the Skys screech in terror before attempting to fight back.

There's a noticeably smaller amount of Skys left, and it's definitely affecting the battle – the Tys are going to win, no question.

Once E-Ty sees that Jason, Seto, Ty, and I are no longer in danger, he releases the Ty he was holding and gives him an apologetic smile. The Ty just shrugs with an understanding grin, and then he runs back into the battle.

"Here we go," Seto says quietly, gently touching a finger to the bloody flower on my cheek. In less than ten seconds, all the pain has disappeared, and I can move my mouth freely without trouble.

"Thanks," I breathe gratefully. I have wonderful friends.

"SKY!" all the Tys shout in unison, and my eyes widen.

Before I can even turn around, though, Jason is ordering me to "DUCK!" (and he's using caps lock, too, which makes me respond much faster), and then he's slicing his sword through the air above my head.

I stand up straight and spin around to see the Sky with the pink hair lying dead on the ground. A few seconds later, his body disappears in a puff of smoke.

"Thank you," I mumble, my eyes staying wide as I take in the fact that the other Sky was standing literally two inches behind me. I was so close to death.

"No problem," Jason shrugs.

"I think that's all of them," one of the Tys sighs in relief as he puts his sword away.

"Really? We won?" I ask.

"Yeah. We won," Ty confirms, smiling at me.

"So, now what?"

"Now we're going to kindly ask all of you to jump off a cliff," Seto says firmly.

"What!? They just helped us win, and now you want them to kill themselves?" Quentin shouts. (I almost forgot Quentin was here. O.O)

"Calm down," E-Ty says, rolling his eyes and glaring at him. "They'll be fine; they'll respawn quickly in their own dimension. They'll lose the stuff in their inventories, but all they have is an iron sword or two, and you can get that back pretty easily at home, right?"

Most of the Tys nod. Mitch and Jerome, who left a while ago to find a nice little cliff for the Tys to jump off of, burst into the clearing. "Guys! We found a cliff about two hundred blocks to the right of Seto's house!" Mitch shouts.

"Great! Are you guys ready to go home?" I ask the Tys. They smile and nod.

"Let's go see them off," Ian suggests, following the Tys as they make their way out of the forest and toward the cliff.

My friends and I all agree, so we walk to the cliff together in silence, just thinking about the past few wild weeks of our lives.

And they have been wild.

When we reach our destination, the Tys line up on the cliff edge together. "Jump on three?" one of them asks, and the others grin and nod.


"Two." At this point they all simultaneously throw their weapons off the cliff – wow, that was creepy, they didn't even plan that – and cheer loudly.

"Three!" The Tys leap off the edge of the cliff without any hesitation, and my friends and I peer over the edge to see them crashing onto the sand far below and then puffing away to be respawned.

Thank Notch that their bodies disappear when they die. Otherwise we'd have a huge pile of bodies down there next to the ocean since they were too stupid to get a running start so they could land in the water instead of on the sand.

"We're done," I say quietly, slowly raising my voice as the full majesticness of the situation hits me. "We're done! We're free! We can go back to our normal lives now, we're done with all of this!" E-Ty can stay with me or Ty or Jason while we build him a legit house, eventually Jerome will stop hating me and we'll rebuild his tree house, and then we will at some point put out the dangerous fires that are right next to the city-

"Not quite," E-Ty says sadly, walking over and standing between me and the edge of the cliff. He draws his enchanted diamond sword, the one that has traumatized me for life, and holds it out. At first I think he's going to try to murder me again, which really puts a damper on my mood, but then- "Take it, Sky."

My eyes go wide, and I stare at him in confusion. "W-Why? It's yours! I'd probably end up accidentally killing myself, anyways..."

He pushes it into my hands gently. "Just take it."

My hands automatically grip the handle of the sword despite the fact that I really don't want them to. "But-" I stop, seeing his sad eyes. "But why?"

"Now use it," he orders me quietly.

Several of my friends gasp, and I shake my head almost frantically. "No, no, I can't! You're one of my friends now, I can't kill you!"

"You have to, Sky. You have to fulfill the prophecy," E-Ty reminds me softly. "Besides, it won't hurt. You're not a Ty, so it won't hurt at all when you kill me."

"I- I... I can't, you're- just, I-" I let out a breath, trying to collect my thoughts before I start crying and rambling pointlessly. But I don't want to kill E-Ty. He's my friend, he's one of my best friends now, believe it or not, and I am emotionally unable to kill him.

"Please, Sky?" he asks gently. "If it helps, I want to go. This is my choice. You deserve to have a full, Minecraftian life. I don't. It's better this way."

"I... I... But..." I stop suddenly and take a step back, setting the sword down on the ground in front of me. "No. I won't. I'm sorry, but I can't."

E-Ty looks disappointed, but also thoughtful. "Hmm... That lady, she said you just had to 'relieve the world of the Evil Dimension,' or something like that, right?"

"Uh... Yeah?"

He glances over his shoulder. "So you don't specifically have to kill me? I just have to die?"

"I-I guess, I- What are you doing!?"

He flashes me a grin. "I'm fulfilling the prophecy, you stupid qat!" he says in a friendly, joking manner.

But he wasn't joking.

My friends and I all lunge forward at once, but we aren't fast enough to save E-Ty. The stubborn boy sprints and then jumps off the cliff's edge, and we all stare down over the edge to watch as he falls.

He's still grinning when he falls into the water with a deadly splash.

Most of my friends pull back immediately after E-Ty hits the dark, murky water, but I stay in my position, practically glaring down at the water as I pray to Notch and Jeb and Dinnerbone and even Herobrine that he somehow survived the fall.

He doesn't resurface, though.

He doesn't swim back to the shore.

He doesn't climb back to the top of the cliff, laughing at our reactions.

He doesn't.

'Cause he's dead.

A choked sob escapes me, and Ty and Jason both hug me at the same time, causing me to cry even more.

"H-He's gone," I sniffle. "My a-qat-ance is gone. He'll never come back."

"But we'll always remember him," Jason whispers consolingly in my ear. "He'll never leave our memories."

"But- But-" I close my eyes and press my lips together, trying to stop myself from full-on bawling. "What is my problem!? I could have stopped him, I- I just stood there while he announced that he was going to commit suicide, and I- Dang it, I could have stopped him!"

Jason and Ty pull out of our hug, and Jason rubs my back while Ty commands most of my attention by looking right into my eyes. "Sky, it wasn't your fault – you couldn't have stopped it. He's stubborn, he would have found a way to- to die sooner or later. It isn't your fault."

I sigh. "But I still feel like it's my fault."

"Honestly? It is your fault," Jerome, who is still mad at me for burning down his home (along with all his childhood memories) says.

I glare at him, blinking back tears that threaten to fall from my eyes.

"He's actually right," Jason shrugs, standing in front of me again. "But at the same time, it's E-Ty's own fault. Yes, he did it for you – he did it to take away your Red Eyes. But it was his own choice. He knew he didn't have to do it, but he did it anyways."

"Did it work?" Seto asks.

"W-What?" I ask, slightly confused.

"Do you still have your Red Eyes?"

Ty gently tugs off my sunglasses, and then he and Jason both smile a little. "Did you know that your eyes are budder-colored?" Ty asks.

I laugh a little, and a small snot bubble forms at my nose. Seto hands me a tissue that he created out of thin air, and I quickly wipe my nose before tossing the tissue over the side of the cliff because pollution is not a thing in Minecraft.

"I almost forgot after all these years of having scary Red Eyes," I giggle.

"Well, now you're back to normal. And your normal is awesome," Jason says, grinning at me.

"Normal? Pfft, normal is for losers!" I shout, summoning the happiness I felt earlier, before E-Ty went and jumped off a cliff.

Everyone laughs, and I smile just a little, because even though I just lost a close friend, things really are finally starting to go back to normal.

And even though normal is boring and for losers (although it probably won't be that boring with me around considering I'm Skydoes-freaking-Minecraft), it's still nice to know that I can go home tonight and not be all paranoid about being murdered. It's nice to know that my friends and I can go be goofballs tomorrow and jump into tornadoes and then lava falls and then die from fall damage without worrying about permanent death.

It's nice to know there's only one Ty, one Jason, one me.

It's nice to be done with the doubles.


Well, wasn't that a nice ending?

Eh, not quite. After all, it wasn't titled "The End." It was titled "The End?"

Uh huh.

I still have an epilogue to write in which they all realize there is still a large fire burning right next to the city, but then this book will be – WOAH – over.

Or will it?

You see, as I was writing the suicide scene for E-Ty, I had an idea.

And it's a really legitimately, indomitably brilliant idea.

The thing is, I'm not sure if I'd be able to make an entire prequel out of it, considering it's just one idea. I mean, I had a crap-ton of ideas for this book, and I still ended up running out of plot around Chapter Seven. :3

But, hey, if you guys desperately wanted it, maybe we could make it work?

If not, I could maybe just make a one-shot, or possibly an alternate ending or something. I don't know.

I was honestly kind of looking forward to ending this book so I'd have one less thing to update every weekend, but now I've got this prequel idea, and... grr. Stupid ideas making me want to write more stupid books.

Anyways, HOW WOULD YOU GUYS FEEL ABOUT A PREQUEL (#ThisIsAsImportantAsItGetsHannah in the comments if you read all the way down here. [Okay, so, like, it's not QUITE as important as it gets, but whatever...])?

If we did make a prequel, this would be the description (probably):

"I'm back."

And that's all. :3

That sort of shows how many ideas I have for the prequel, if it ends up being a thing. (One. -.-)

But you guys could possibly help me out? We could write the prequel together! Sort of. We could make a little Google Hangouts thing, or a Skype thingy, or whatever the flip you guys would be up to, and you could all type in your ideas! Granted, they probably wouldn't all be used, but it's still a neat idea.


Tell me your thoughts on everything in this long, rambly author's note? That'd be nice. I like to read your comments and reviews, Rulers, they're awesomesauce and they're usually pretty funny. You guys have totally boss senses of humor. :3


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