Epilogue: Totally Not the End

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Epilogue (it can't be Ch 27, 'cause that's an odd number, and the old lady doesn't like odd numbers): Totally Not the End

Time: an entire three hours, two minutes, and eight seconds later

Place: the remains of Jerome's tree house

Sky's POV

"EEP, MORE WATER, NEED MORE WATER!" I shriek as I look down to find the bucket I'm holding is completely empty. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO PUT OUT THIS FREAKING FIRE IF WE CAN'T GET THE WATER HERE QUICKLY ENOUGH!?

"Ugh, we could really use the Skys' help right now!" Ty groans.

"What, am I not enough for you?" I ask, putting my hand on my hip and dropping my bucket.


"OW," I shout, peering down at my foot, which is, indeed, on fire. I'm not actually concerned, though, 'cause I'm practically immortal now that my Red Eyes are gone.

"PUT IT OUT," Jason yells, flipping out slightly.



"SO AM I, MY HOUSE IS ON FIRE!" Jerome exclaims.

"CAN WE FIX IT!?" I sing.

"YES WE CAN!" Ian and Quentin yell while everyone else either groans or replies with "NO, WE CAN'T!"


Three hours later, we have finally managed to put out the fire. The city is safe, Jerome's tree house has been rebuilt, and the server is still broken. But even if it wasn't broken, half the things in it don't work anyway because bukkit hasn't been updated to 1.8 yet and it really makes hghrules mad sometimes. In fact, she almost resolved to learn how to code for the sole purpose of updating bukkit, but then she realized she was incapable of doing anything but writing fanfictions and stressing about school work. So, yeah.

"You know, guys... This has been fun," I say as we lie down on the ground, holding ourselves up with our elbows as we stare at the setting sun in a very cheesy way.

"What's been fun?" Seto asks.

"This! All of this," I sigh. "Getting replaced by an evil double of myself, being exiled from the city for approximately ten minutes, being tortured by an evil double of Ty, blowing up an entire dimension, faking my own death by pretending to be my own double, befriending the other Ty, burning down Jerome's tree house, battling 90 other me's, and then watching the other Ty jump off a cliff right before I lost my Red Eyes. I'm glad I got to experience the majority of that stuff with you guys."

"You know, Sky, you're really weird sometimes," Ty observes, raising an eyebrow. Jason snorts as if Ty should know this by now, which he definitely should.

"Oh yeah? I'll bet I'll be even weirder in the prequel," I grin mischievously.

"What?" Jason asks, suddenly confused.

My grin widens.

"Wait, so- SO WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH AN ENTIRE OTHER BOOK OF YOU BEING AN IDIOT!?" Jerome screams. He's still not over the 'burnt-down-tree-house' thing.

I just smile.

"I like how the author kind of just put zero effort into the epilogue of this book," Ian comments casually, and I nod in agreement.

"I think it's because she's tired and should be sleeping instead of writing epilogues. Oh, and she's completely drained of ideas for this series."

"Then why is she making a third book?" Quentin asks.

"Oh, because she wants to. And because the Rulers want her to," I explain badly. "I heard she also made an IBMEC Twitter account when she was really, REALLY bored."

"I am so confused," Ty mutters.

I explain further, "And she also made her own website where all the Rulers can post their ideas for the next book."

"Oh." Ty is silent for a moment. "Yeah, I still don't get it."

"Yeah, well, you don't have to get it. We should probably stop breaking the fourth wall, anyways, the author and the Rulers are gonna rage at us for being 'immature.'"

"Wait, but isn't the author writing our words? If she doesn't want us to break the fourth wall, then-"

"No, just, ugh. No. You don't get it. You'll never understand, Ty."


"Kay, so apparently you have been rendered speechless by my brilliance. Please say goodbye to the Rulers before you make a bigger fool of yourself," I beg.

"Uh, bye?" Ty says, unsure.

"Erm, bye!" Jason repeats.

"BYE!" everyone else shouts.


"Can I just point out the fact that this is the worst epilogue ever?" Ty whispers to Jason.

"Most trilogies don't even have an epilogue until the last book, so I don't think it really matters," Jason replies, shrugging.

"Oh. Okay."

"SHUT UP AND SAY 'BYE,' TY," I demand.





Ermergersh, woah, crappy ending, applaud my skills, peasants.

Argh, I need a life.

(I ADDED THIS AFTERWARDS AND DIDN'T KNOW WHERE TO PUT IT SO I'LL JUST SHOVE IT IN RIGHT HERE: There is indeed an IBMEC twitter account! It's [first put the at sign (sorry, wattpad and fanfiction wont let me use it >.<)] IBMECtheTrilogy, and the name [at the moment] is Evil-Ty.

How 'bout them apples? :3)

ANYWAYS. As you can see by that stupid epilogue (which really wasn't needed, to be honest), there will indeed be a prequel to I Blame My Evil Clone. I've also made a simple little website with Wix for you guys to post your ideas (but remember to type in a username so I'll know who to credit!).

The website is: hghrulesthewriter DOT wix DOT com SLASH ibmecthetrilogy (but without the spaces, obviously, and the words in all caps should be symbols) (plus for wattpadders, the link is on the side).

If you can't see it, I'll be putting it on my profile, too.

The third book in this series will PROBABLY not be updated regularly until I can shove a few other things off my plate; I'm literally drowning in stress right now. Like, ugh. Life.

So, yeah! I don't know about you guys, but I'm excited to see what ideas YOU have in mind for Book Three (yeah, it doesn't have a name yet)!

Ah, I feel cheesy and stupid.

Did I mention I'm listening to Christmas music in November? And my mom and brother put our Christmas tree and lights up about a week ago.



Anyways, I will see you- er, talk to you- erm, talk at you- uh, type another thingy sometime soon! BAIIIII, MY BE-AY-YOO-TIFUL RULERS!

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