𝐢𝐯. the new arrangement

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four | the new arrangement

(via twitter!)

321 Likes | 5 retweets | 23 replies

@USER1: anyways. stream 1989 taylor's version
     ↳ USER2: i think u mean steam doja cat purrr
          ↳ USER1: absolutely not. rat.

USER3: literally who cares?
     ↳ USER4: idk??? maybe their fans???

USER5: ugh why're all aussie influencers such whores
     ↳ USER6: literally!!! it's so embarrassing

USER7: power couple
     ↳ USER8: jelena outsold.

USER9: but i thought she was dating that myles guy??
     ↳ USER7: he cheated on her
          ↳ USER9: oh wtf, i knew there was something
                          off about him.

USER10: he could do so much better


(@aliannagreer via snapchat stories!)

"Alianna, what did we talk about?"

"It was an accident—"

"Look, I'm not here to go off at you—quite the opposite, really—"

"You aren't?"

"—this whole things generated quite a lot of buzz around both your names. Did you notice you've gained 10k Instagram followers since you guys were first spotted?"

"I hadn't. . ."

"Delete your story—why would you post that?"

"I hate rumours about myself!"

"Alianna, darling, rumours are what make people money in your line of work—that's what gets them to talk about you!"

"Fine. It's gone."

"Good, good. When are you planning to see him next? I could hire a photographer to get some clearer pictures of you together. . . under more wholesome circumstances—"

"I wasn't planning on seeing him again? It was just supposed to be a one night stand."

"Absolutely not. That won't do. You're texting him as soon as we get off the phone and you're setting up a lunch date—I'll look into finding a cafe that'll forfeit the bill for a few story posts—"

"Raquelle, I don't want to have lunch with him—I don't like him like that."

"It doesn't matter if you like him—this is business! You just need to go where I tell you, hold his hand a few times and laugh at some of his jokes. His manager and I have been discussing the big picture—"

"—You're planning this with his manager?"

"I think Riki was the one who actually suggested it and now it's flooded my inbox."

"I can't believe no one thought to ask me first."

"I did—right now."

"You're not asking, you're telling!"

"Alianna, don't waste this opportunity. . . and just think, the breakup will be everywhere. . ."

"T-the break-up?"

"We figure four-six months of 'dating' before the growth and interest dies down then BAM a very messy and public breakup."



@aliannagreer has unmuted @jordanriki!

i don't text back so you go crying
to your manager?

I made a suggestion.
Relationships sell.

my whole brand is being authentic
and real. i'm not going to fake
a relationship.

Haven't faked anything yet, sweetheart.

oh, you'd be surprised what
i've faked with you.

You're funny.

my manager says that there's a
cafe on Albert street that's literally
gonna pay us to eat there.
just gotta post it on insta & tag them.
tuesday, 12 sharp.

I like bossy girls

@aliannagreer has muted @jordanriki!


ALIANNA, SILVIA AND MIRA SAT AROUND A TABLE AT THE STATE LIBRARY. Instead of getting any study done, she'd been chatting her friends ears off for the last hour and a half. Mira had one earbud in as she listened to her friend's complaints while Silvia sipped from her pastel pink Frank Green.

"Like, how stupid is that?" She said for what seemed like the twelfth time.

Silvia nodded slowly, not taking the straw out of her mouth.

Mira twirled her Apple Pencil in her hand. "It could be worse," she mused. "He could be fat and ugly—like a comedian or something."

"Yeah, at least they're setting you up with an athlete," Silvia said, shuddering at the memory of a YouTube comedian she'd had to take as a date to event once. He had so much food in his six inch beard, it made her gag uncontrollably all night.

"One, might I add, you've already slept with. Twice!"

Alianna crossed her arms. "I don't want to date a guy that picks up random girls at the club every weekend and takes them back to his for the night."

Her two friends looked at each other before laughing. "And you're not a girl who picks up random guys at the club every weekend and takes them back to hers for the night?" Mira asked, raising a brow at her blonde friend.

"Not every weekend!" Alianna replied, pouting her full lips.

"Oh, my bad, every second weekend."

Ali rolled her eyes. "I want to be able to pick my own boyfriend."

"You literally chose him at the club?" Silvia responded.

"It's not the same," she whined. "If he'd been any random guy no one would be making such a big deal."

"Honestly?" Her tanned friend said, "I think the only one who's making this a big deal is you. It's not like you're fake-marrying him. Go on the dates they set up, pose for the pictures and live your life."

"Literally," Mira agreed, waving her Apple Pencil around.

Alianna sighed, clicking her pen. She hated when her friends said things that made logical sense.


day off work = grinding out these updates instead of doing my laundry. writing about real places i regularly go is so weird lol.

making the snap stories is such a pain cuz i only have social dummy on my ipad so i have to keep airdropping stuff back and fourth. i wish the chapters were longer but i don't wanna overcrowd with heaps of graphics in one.

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