𝐯. picture, picture, picture

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five | picture, picture, picture

(@aliannagreer via snapchat stories!)

(@jordanriki via snapchat stories!)

THE DATE WAS WHAT SHE'D EXPECTED. There was a hired photographer across the street taking their photo and occasionally texting them how he wanted them to pose. Between all the fake laughing and posing, there honestly hadn't been much room left for an actual date. At least the food was good.

Alianna stirred her iced-coffee slowly and fake smiled at Jordan as he told her the events of his last game—play by play. The blonde had no idea what anything he said meant. She just nodded occasionally and giggled at random points, praying this all looked natural on camera.

As he spoke, she memorised his face. (What else was she supposed to do?) His jawline was sharp enough to cut through bedrock. He had an almost mullet that curled slightly and fluffed out at the back—she hated to admit those attributes usually made her fold. She'd never met a man with teeth as white and straight as his—especially not one that played contact sport. It's not that she expected him to be missing all his front teeth but a few cracks here and there would've felt more realistic to her.

Thirty minutes in while she was still lost in thought, his arm snaked across the table and grasped her hand. It took her by surprise but she didn't pull away—they were too early in their fake relationship for pictures like that to be circulating. She knew he was just doing it for the camera but she couldn't help but be hyper-aware of his touch for the rest of their meal. Flashes of how he'd used those hands just last week flashed through her brain, making her shudder.

"You've barely said a word," he said eventually, smile faltering before a flash from across the road put him back in character.

Alianna shrugged. "Don't have anything I want to talk to you about—plus, you seem to talk enough for the both of us."

His picture-perfect smiled tensed as he absorbed her words. "I don't understand how you're the same girl from the other weekend, you're so. . ."

"Not blackout drunk?" She offered, raising her eyebrows at him.

"Alcohol doesn't completely change someone's personality," he pointed out before using his free hand to shove the rest of his sausage-roll in his mouth.

Alianna didn't respond. Her eyes darted towards her phone, sitting face up on the table. She tapped the screen: 12:53. Damnit, she'd agreed to stay for two hours.

She turned her attention back to Jordan. "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"Are you going to tell me another boring rugby story or not?" She huffed, accidentally squeezing his hand as she repositioned herself on her seat.

This time he actually let himself frown. "Didn't realise I'd been boring you for the last 45 minutes."

"While you talk, I'm in a completely different universe," she replied jokingly, not picking up on his genuine hurt.

"Right." He stared at the crumbs on his plates, counting them all individually.

"We can't just sit here in silence for the next hour—what's he gonna take photos of?" She blurted out, nodding her head in the general direction the photographer should be.

Jordan pulled his hand away from hers and leaned back his chair. She watched as he rested them behind his head. "You can talk, I'll go to another planet."

"Did I hurt your big, strong ego?" She retorted in mock-sympathy.

Jordan let out a big, theatrical laugh just as the flash went off again. "Why don't we just end this date early? I'm sure old mates got plenty of material for his article," he snapped, pushing his chair out and standing up.

"We're supposed to be here for at least two hours!" Alianna hissed, glaring up at him.

He shrugged, lifting his phone off the table and scrolling through his messages. "Sounds like a you problem. Being an influencer isn't really my job." And with that, he disappeared inside the cafe to pay their bill. At least chivalry wasn't completely dead.


(via twitter!)

103 likes | 3 retweets | 34 replies

USER2: now why was miss girl posting about being single if she's out doing this...
          ↳ USER4: maybe they're not exclusive yet?

USER5: irrelevant & more irrelevant. stream ariana grande instead.

liked by aliannagreer, katonistaggs & 45,354 others!

JORDANRIKI: Chin up. Always.

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     hehehe i love a little pinch of angst

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