Blossomfall's/ Diamondheart's POV

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Brickpelt heard a moan coming from the nursery, he ran off to the medicine cat den. "I think Blossomfall's kits are coming!" Brickpelt tried not to sound like a kit who lost it's mother.

"OK, coming." Jayfeather ran to then nursery. 

The first kit was coming, the first kit was a tom with a brownish-grayish fur and a light brown belly with brown spots on his belly. The last kit was a dappled black, brown, white and brown she-kit.  When the two kits were suckling at Blossomfall's belly, Brickpelt walked in "Can I name the tom?"

"Sure." Blossomfall shrugged.

"Can we name him Owlkit (Owlleaf) he's named for his belly and how it's spotted."

Blossomfall nodded, "The beautiful dappled black, brown, white and brown she-kit Dappledkit (Dappledfur)."

"What did you name them?" Asked a voice behind them, it was Shellear.

"Owlkit and Dappledkit." Blossomfall anwsered

"Those are beautiful names." Complemented  Shellear.

"Thanks!" Brickpelt said happily. 

Brickpelt curled up next to Blossomfall and their kits. "Their beautiful." He whispered and Blossomfall nodded and closed her eyes...

When Blossomfall woke up to the sound of moaning from Diamondheart. "What's wrong?"

"The." Diamondheart  took a breath, "The kits are coming!"

"I'll get Jayfeather." Offered Fawnstripe. A minute later Fawnstripe arrived with Jayfeather. Almost a once Diamondheart started kitting. The first kit was a tom who looked like Shatteredspike but with smooth fur, white paws and long claws. The next kit was an all black she-kit with amber eyes.  There was one more  tom, it was the runt of the litter. It was a kit with a ruffled white pelt.

"Can I come in?" asked Shatteredspike.

Jayfeather poked his head out of the nursery, then nodded, then walked to his den. Shatteredspike walked into the nursery. "Can I name the she-kit and the white tom?" Diamondheart nodded. "The she-kit should be Flowerkit (Flowerpetal.) And the white tom Cloudkit (Cloudfang)."

"And other tom, Longkit (Longclaw)."

"Welcome, Flowerkit, Longkit and Cloudkit to ThunderClan, you'll have a great time." He turned to Diamondheart, "I'm glad you came here."

"Me too."

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