Sunpool/Shellear's POV

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Shellear woke up to the kicking in her belly and under her spine, "Kits - Coming - Now!" Jayfeather rushed to the nursery with Briarlight and Beavertail right behind him.

"Get out." Jayfeather ordered Beavertail. Beavertail nodded, right when Beavertail left the room the first kit came.  It was a tom, an all brown tom with green eyes. There was a she-kit with delicate light brown fur like feathers.She would look great with blue eyes thought Shellear. There was one more kit, a she-kit, an all black kit.

"Can I come in?" Asked a voice. When Jayfeather nodded, Beavertail came in. 

"Meet your new daughters and son."

Beavertail nodded, "Can I name a kit?" 

"If you want." Shrugged Shellear, "But I wanna name the she-kits. The black she-kit, Ravenkit (Ravenwing) and the she-kit with the soft fur, Featherkit (Featherfur)"

"And the brown tom, Bearkit (Bearstone).

Right as Beavertail said 'Bearkit', Sunpool started to wail. "I-Think-Kits-Coming!" Jayfeather rushed in with Foldear trailing behind. The first kit was coming and the last kit was coming, it was a    she-kit with a mixed coat of brown and yellow, with thick white whiskers.

"That's it." Jayfeather said. 

Foldear walked in, "I so sorry! I know you wanted more kits, we only have one-" Sunpool blurted out, but then got stopped by Foldear's tail.

"It's OK, I don't care how many kits we have. I just want a family."  Foldear put his muzzel. "I think we should name the kit Glasskit, Whitekit or Hailkit. You choose."

"I like Hailkit (Hailwhisker)."

Foldear nodded, "I will never stop loving you," he said looking at Whitekit then at Sunpool.

"DID YOU NAME HER?" asked Beekit


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