Chapter 10: The Eyes On the Skies

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(Locus Here, before we begin I would like to apologize for the slow process. The stress is really strong, and the hate messages are still present. I had to temporarily give Becky a break so she won't see it. Hitman is encouraging me to retire and abandoned the account if it becomes overwhelming but I will try to see it through. That's all, thank you for listening, and enjoy.)

Location: Los Angeles, Confederate States of America

Confederate Civilians were seen Celebrating as Propaganda Made them think the war is over with them winning and the situation in London is Minimal Resistance. As Confederate Soldiers were seen marching down the street with Civilians Celebrating, marching, and singing Dixie.

Meanwhile, In a market, multiple POWs we're seen being sold as slaves. Only the colored ones as Confederate Civilians look down on their options.

A White Woman enters the market, wearing odd clothing for a lady as she looks around. She silently hands one of the POW's a Bolt cutter she got from her coat as the British POW Looks at her confused.

"They will be asleep for one hour at eight PM. Meet at the Santa Monica Beach, and free the others."

She says quietly before walking away.

Time skip
Santa Monica Beach.

A Priest can be seen as a lookout on the sandy beach as Multiple men can be seen hurriedly Helping the POWs inside vehicles like the Woman from before approaches the Escaped CS Marine Prisoner.

"Great job Lincoln, got them all. Thank God you manage to escape that POW Camp."

She says as Lincoln nods, looking around.

"Have you heard from the messengers from Alaska?"

Lincoln as the Woman as she nods.

"Yeah, before we leave they will arrive here via boat to give us a message."

The woman says as the Man was visibly confused.

"How did we steal a boat and manage to get through both the coast guard and Navy?"

He asks as the Woman shrugs.

"I don't know, although I heard five ships sunk mysteriously in the Pacific on route here. As if they were hit from above and below."

She says as a man approaches them.

"Lady Carter, are those your messengers?"

He asks as she turns to her right to see two people in resistance clothing approaching them.

"Yeah it's them, come on Lincoln."

The three of them approached the messenger as they give her a letter.

"From Kennedy, He said we are planning to attack Anchorage soon and wants other Resistance Elements across the countries to begin seizing small towns."

The Messenger said as both Lincoln and Carter look at them with confusion.

"Has he gone stark mad? We got mauled when we tried to capture the POW Camp, we don't have the numbers to fight."

Lincoln said as the Messenger pulls out a box of pictures.

"We thought so too, but when we were at the Base. Odd people showed up with massive tanks and stuff, here, O'Malley manage to picture some of them."

He says as Carter grabs the box and grabs the first picture. The first picture shows a black and white image of multiple odd men wearing odd clothing, and holding odd rifles with one seen shaking the hand of Patton.

"Who are these people?"

She asks as the Messenger shrugs.

"We didn't manage to get an explanation before we were sent here."

All of the sudden, sirens were heard as the resistance members turn to see Police cars and national guard trucks approaching.

"Shit! We've Been Caught!"

Lincoln says as he raises his Garand but stops in confusion. The vehicles just drove past them as they realize the sirens were air raid sirens.

"...When did he say the operation was gonna start?"

She asks the messenger in confusion.


The messenger was caught off as bright flashes were seen in the distance as they all turn towards it, to see the local Military base within the city in flames with spotlights being turned on.

"What's going on?!"

Carter says as the lights only keep getting a glimpse of a fast-moving gray object as one by one, they were engulfed in flames along with the AA Station.

Lincoln grabs his binoculars and looks up, as he spots an odd object in the sky, it looked like a dot.

"We need to get the POWs out, now!"

They quickly got in their vehicles and drove off, unaware of what was to come in the following months.

Coalition FOB "Unity", London, England.

In an Interrogation room, a Confederate Captain was seen in a chair, cuffs on the table as he looks around.

Just then the door opens as Johnny enters. Since he was from the south, he could easily break them for knowledge by playing good cop, if it didn't work, he would bring bad cop, MacArthur.

"Howdy Partner, here let me get those cuffs off you."

Johnny says, placing two cups of coffee on the table and a plate of donuts as he grabs the keys and uncuffs the Captain as the Captain had a shocked face.

"Your accent...Where-"

"Georgia, sweet home of Peaches and Grits."

Johnny says as he sits in an opposite chair, offering the captain the coffee as he takes it, drinking it.

"A Georgian boy from Texas...who are you serving?"

The captain asks in question as Johnny grabs a donut and takes a bite.

"We'll get on that later."

He says as he grabs a file while eating the donut.

"Now then, Captain...Liam Grant, huh. I read your file recovered from the camp we raided. You have a sister, missing, correct?"

The moment Johnny mentioned the sister, the Captain quickly perked up.

"You found her?!"

He asks, hope in his eyes as he nods.

"Yes, we recovered her. She's on one of our ships off your country, you get to see her...if you tell me everything you know."

Johnny says as the Captain turns quiet, a shameful look on his face.

"I never wanted to fight, but the draft forced me to. My sister wanted to join the Resistance the last time I saw her...I did many things I regret."

He says Johnny had a solemn look.

"I do not blame the people who were forced into their actions, only the ones who enjoy it."

Johnny says as he places the donut down.

"I give you my word, you tell me everything, and I'll reunite you with your sister."

Johnny walks out of the interrogation room.

"He's good, take him to the proper POW Holding."

He said to the two MP's guarding a door they nod as he joins MacArthur who was waiting for him.

"How'd it go Corporal?"

MacArthur asks Johnny.

"He's good, thank God I didn't give him to you."

Location: Atlantic Ocean


A Helicopter lands on the carrier as the two young resistance fighters were helped off the choppers by the SEALs and the Crew as Corpsmen arrive to check on them.

"Hey, did you notice their last names?"

One SEAL Member asks the team as the two were taken away in stretchers.

"Who didn't."

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