Chapter 9: Different Places

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Location: Washington D.C., Confederate States Of America

Heavy breathing was heard as two American Resistance Fighters were seen running, Both of them were injured with only one of them holding a weapon, and M1911.

Dogs were heard barking as they Quickly Hide inside the ruins of the White House. The Two Resistance fighters run down the abandoned halls of the former White House as they reach the Oval office and quickly shut the door.

Both Freedom fighters breathe heavily until they turn around to see men wearing odd black gear starting at them, all of them either carrying crates, holding files, or holding odd weapons as both groups stare at each other.

Both sides quickly dropped everything and aimed their weapons at each other as the Resistance fighters breathed heavily, obviously tired and scared as the fighter with the pistol, his hands were shaking.

One of the men in black clothing quickly motions to the other men to lower their weapons and motions to the patch of the resistance fighters, it was a mix of the old Union flag and an Eagle.

The men lower their weapons as the one who motioned about the patch let his weapons sling as he raised his hand.

"Put it down, we won't hurt you."

The Man said as the resistance fighters got nervous.

"H-How do I know you're not lying..."

The Resistance fighter says as the Man pauses.

"...Were not those monsters."

He says as he continues.

"Alright, both of you look injured and exhausted. We'll treat you and feed you, we won't hurt you, I give you my word."

The Man says, placing his hand on his chest, the area of the heart. The Fighter with the pistol slowly lowers the pistol. Barking was heard as the Man in gear quickly grabs them, making them get low on the ground as they did the same as a CU Patrol was seen out the window, passing by the White House. As the Patrol gets out of view, they all returned to their positions as the fighter hesitantly gave the man the pistol as he takes it and places it on the oval office table.


The Man says as one of the operators approaches the two resistance fighters. The Medic of the team helps them seat on a couch as the Medic begins treating them while the rest grabs the files.

"Found it...Dumped like fucking trash."

One of the men says as he pulls out the Constitution Of The United States, It was in a box. It was heavily worn and destroyed but it mainly remained intact as he slowly places it in a case.

"Heavy Malnutrition, Multiple bruises, The girl has a gunshot wound on her arm, exit wound, bandaged but ill try to make sure it's all good."

The Medic says as the two Fighters stayed quiet, staying at the men in wonder.

"Hey, can you take off your masks?"

The medic asked them as they comply slowly revealing it.

"Jesus fuck...Teenagers...Maybe fifteen to sixteen."

The Medic says as the medic continues to inspect them. The Medic grabs his canteen and offered it to the girl.

"Quill, give yours to the boy."

The medic says as another member gave his canteen to the boy as both of them drank it.

"Command, Olympus secured. Ready for pick up, we also have two Resistance fighters, friendly."

One of them says as the Medic wipes the dirt and blood off their faces.

"What are your names?"

The Medic asks the two.

"...M-Maynard Sherman."

"Cassie...Cassie G-Grant..."

Location: Alaska, Confederate States Of America

In the Resistance Base, The Base was now turned into a FOB as The Resistance Leaders were in a room where a live projection was seen as they reconnect with MacArthur.

"We manage to retake most of London, the Southies Are still unaware of the full extent of the American Forces from the other world with Their Allies. From what they told us, multiple nations are sending either troops or aid. It seems most nations there agreed to help. I am part of a small task force made up of multiple men, including AAF And the Coalition Forces. According to the Admiral of the fleet I met, we will receive training and weapons."

MacArthur Says as JFK Nods.

"Thank you General, it's great to be in contact with you once again."

JFK Says as MacArthur Nods.

"Indeed it Is."

The call disconnects as the Marine Major in the room turn to the leaders.

"Tell me...How does your technology work and THAT? Magic?"

Valentina asks the Major.

"Well it's pretty standard, I will let the head engineer explain later. But it's a miracle that somehow the portals also send the same effects here."

The Major says as the Projection changes to the world Map, Most of it red with some blue in Alaska and London. There was also blue dots across the world.

"As you can see here, the blue dots are either scattered resistance fighters we confirmed or our recon and spies. A Team of Specialized men is currently in DC Recovering sensitive material. We will continue our advance in London when we have proper placement and troops since the portals are in specified locations. Then Hopefully, we will have full control of the World in between eight months to two years. Depends on the outcomes but, your odds are good."

The Major says as Patton nods.

"That's good."

He says as the Major continues.

"We currently have medics treating your people, our scouts say that the Confederates don't suspect your base is here since we haven't been able to spot any patrols or any force in the area of this map."

The Major says, motioning around the Map.

"Major if I may...May I ask, can you show what your world looks like?"

Veronica Asks as the Major pauses.

"...Ill check if we can pull something up on the projection."

The Major motions to the Marine manning the projection. As the Marine types something on the laptop, the projection then shows Washington DC which immediately shocks the people.


Valentina says as she stares at the Lincoln Monument.

It then changes to New York, Los Angeles, Virginia, then across the world.

"...It isn't destroyed."

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