Chapter 28

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"We can assume that after the phone call. He lured her into the factory, attacked her and put her into the barral. In order to make sure it would sink at the bottom of the river he filled it with pettle and closed it. But he underestimated the weight of it so he decided to keep it in the crawl space of the house. Case solved" Mister Hong said as we stood in my lab discussing what will be the next step

"This was the last note she left behind," Mister Hong said, pulling out a photo. I looked and it was a part of the address book

'Don't blame me, I told the truth'

"Now all we have to do is put her in the coffin transport her to the airport and get her back with her family in Colombia so they can do a proper burial" Jae said

"Sounds good" I said, with that Jae and Mister Hong left the lab leaving me to get ready to put Miss Valeria's corpse in the coffin. I finished putting her into the coffin and looked at the mummified body one last time

"Good news sweetheart, you are going back home" I said. I gently closed the coffin making sure it was secured. I removed my gloves and body suit. I opened the door and pushed the coffin out of the lab where the City Police Department was there to take her to the airport.

"Tell her mother that no matter what don't let her open the coffin," I said to the officer who nodded

It will just hurt even more

To know that a woman you once adored as your child, who had a beautiful smile had turned into nothing but skin and bones

With that Mister Hong, Jae and the city Police Department left the hospital with the coffin. Finally she gets to rest in peace now, sadly there is no arrest or justice being served but at least she gets to go back home.

I entered the staff room, which was dark and the only light was the desk light where I saw Kai sitting on one of the desks looking over the surgery notes, wearing his scrubs ready for operation. He looked nervous, he held his head between his hands as he rested his elbows on the desk, his eyes scanned the paper over and over again

I felt bad

Since our conversation yesterday he was locked up in his room trying to figure out how to do the surgery. The rare moments that I saw him, he was looking over surgery notes, or asking me for advice.

"Kai" I called out but that didn't seem to catch his attention. I walked up to him and rested my hip on the desk placing my hand over the notes, blocking his view. Finally he looked up

"Huh?" Kai asked

"Kai you will be okay, don't worry" I said but Kai rolled his eyes on me

"If you aren't gonna help, then leave me alone" Kai said as he grabbed my wrist trying to take it off the notes but I refused to move it. I grabbed his chin making me look at me

"You will be fine don't worry" I repeated, I leaned in to press my lips against his but he pulled away

"No. Junghae you don't understand. It took me so much work to convince the parents to accept the surgery and now if that child bleeds to death. All the blame will be on me. Not only the parents will hate me but I will blame myself to the depths of hell if something happens to that child" Kai said loudly as frustration filled his eyes but also a hint of fear

"Kai this is not your first surgery is it?" I asked

"No its not" Kai sighed

"You have done it before and you will do it again and again. I'm sure everything will be fine" I said but Kai just didn't seem to be happy about it. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it. He kicked the desk chair in frustration before storming out of the staff room.

Fucking hell

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"You shouldn't have said that" I heard a voice say in the darkness of the staff room. I looked up to see a man sitting on one of the beds wearing a white coat. He must be one of the doctors that work here

"How are you sure that everything will be fine? Just because he did it before doesn't mean each time will be successful" the man said

"Can I help?" I asked sarcastically

"I heard you work on dead bodies" the man said

"So?" I said

"Then you really aren't in the place to tell a surgeon who work-" the man said but I cut him off. I felt my blood boil from his words


"And how the fuck is that any of your buisness" I snapped

"I mean if you aren't gonna be any use you might as well shut the fuck up" the man said

"Beomgyu stop" I heard a feminine voice behind me. I looked back to see Doctor Min Eunha, who was wearing scrubs ready for operation

"No, I'm serious." Beomgyu said getting up as he approached me slowly looking straight into my eyes as if he was threatening to kill me any minute "I just want to understand. You are the one who refused to help with the surgery why come here and talk"

"Beomgyu" Doctor Min yelled, causing her voice to echo throughout the staff room and probably throughout the whole hospital. "You better go back to sleep and don't ever wake up" she hissed at him

What did Beomgyu do?

Tuck his tail between his legs and backed away into the darkness and quietly layed on the bed

What a fucking coward

"Sorry about him, Doctor Jeon-" Doctor Min said but I raised my hand making her stop

"You better sleep with one eye open Beomgyu" I said before storming out of the staff room. I walked down the hallway and was about to pass Doctor Park's office when I stopped in my tracks.

Should I?

Ahhhh should I?

Ahhh Fucking hell, whatever

I turned my heel and placed my hand on the door handle, twisting it open to see Doctor Park sitting on his desk looking over some documents

Turn back, Junghae!

"Fine I will do it" I said entering his office and closing the door behind me

"Do... Do what?" Doctor Park asked tilting his head in confusion

"Kai asked me to help with a surgery. The three week old heart surgery" I said waving my hand in frustration trying to get the message across

"He asked you for help?" Doctor Park asked even more confused

What? Kai didn't talk to Doctor Park about this?

"Yeah" I said feeling puzzled

"What exactly did he ask for?" Doctor Park asked

"He needed someone who stitches fast, since the infant has blood clotting issue and the medication given to him may cause him to bleed fast" I explained

"Ohhh" Doctor Park said in realisation "Makes sense. Okay sure you can help. Yeah we were worried about the stitching and finishing the operation in the quickest time. We don't want to keep the infant under anaesthesia for too long"

"Okay" I said but didn't move from my place. A minute of silence passed with

"Do you need something else?" Doctor Park asked

"Write on a paper" I said

"What?" Doctor Park asked confused

"Have it as a written agreement. Since my speciality doesn't allow for me to perform of alive patients" I explained

"Fine" Doctor Park sighed, grabbing an empty piece of paper and a pen

"Is that good?" Doctor Park asked after finishing writing. I looked at the paper but was still not satisfied

"Add that medical licence cannot be suspended nor can I be arrested for anything related to this surgery" I said, I mean if we are going to do this we might go all the way.

"There" Doctor Park said after finishing writing and placed the paper in front of me. I read it few times making sure I was satisfied before signing the paper and Doctor Park signing it as well

"You better hurry, the operation will start in twenty minutes," Doctor Park said. I went back to the staff room where Beomgyu and Doctor Min were gone by now. I changed into my scrubs and rushed down to the emergency room where the operation rooms were next to.

I entered the lobby of the operating room where sinks were placed and I saw Kai scrubbing his hands and arms. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him in scrubs and wearing a surgical hat as the medical mask covered half of his face. The short sleeves of the scrubs exposed his toned arms which flexed as he was scrubbing his forearm.

"Junghae" I heard him call me, I looked up to see him surprised at my appearance.

Yeah I'm also surprised that I am still doing this

I approached the sink next to him and started scrubbing my arms.

"I thought you didn't want to do this" Kai said

"I changed my mind" I said, focusing on my arm

"Wait really? You are actually doing this?" Kai asked as relief filled his voice

"Yes I talked to Doctor Park and he approved" I said

"That's great. Doctor Min is already in with the patient" Kai said. Kai and I entered the operating room where an infant was sitting on the operation table very much awake, giggling at Doctor Min who played with him. My mom was also surprised by my arrival

"What are you doing here?" she asked

"Kai- Doctor Kai asked me to be here" I said, remembering that this is now a workplace and I should address him more formally.

"I see" My mom said as she helped me get ready for surgery, still seemed confused. She helped put on my gloves and the surgical apron for the surgery. As another nurse helped Kai get ready. When we both were ready we approached the operation table where the infant sat with the support of Doctor Min, wide awake as he looked at me with curiosity.

"Okay this heart surgery is the main aim to repair the coarctation of the aorta. We need to do it in the span of forty five minutes. We don't want him to slip away being under anaesthesia for too long" Doctor Min explained

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