Chapter 29

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"Okay this heart surgery is the main aim to repair the coarctation of the aorta. We need to do it in the span of forty five minutes. We don't want him to slip away being under anaesthesia for too long" Doctor Min explained

{aorta: is the largest blood vessel of the body and carries blood from the heart to the circulatory system}

{coarctation of the aorta: is a birth defect in which a part of the aorta is narrower than usual. If the narrowing is severe enough and if it is not diagnosed, the baby may have serious problems and may need surgery or other procedures soon after birth}

"We will have  the infant on his side, with his heart facing towards us. What we will do is the resection with end-to-end anastomosis method. This method involves removing the narrowed area of the aorta, and then connecting the two healthy parts of the aorta." Doctor Min explained

"First we will have Doctor Kai help me until we reach the heart and remove the coarctation then you will step in. Just follow my lead and we will be done in no time" Doctor Min said and I nodded.

"We mainly need you when it comes to removing the aorta. We will block blood flow with forceps on both sides to stop blood spilling. You need to stitch the ends aorta together after we remove the coarctation. But you need to do it quickly, like I said it will stop blood flow to his arms and legs and now that he has a high possibility of bleeding to death you need to do it in under a minute or so." Doctor Min said "Can you do that?"

I mean there is no turning back now

"I will try my best" I said, but I instantly felt a heavy weight on my shoulders. I looked down at the small figure of a three week old infant sitting up with the support from Doctor Min.

"Okay start, Doctor Nam" Doctor Min said to the doctor who was standing where the heart monitor was. Who nodded and placed an anaesthesia mask over the infant's face. Who at first was awake but slowly started feeling drowsy. We laid him down and put him on his side, with both of his arms raised up,

"Anaesthesia administered. Ready for surgery" Doctor Nam said

"Scalpel" Doctor Min said and my mom handed her one. Doctor Min grabbed the scalpel and started to create a left posterolateral thoracotomy which is a cut through the rib space on the back of the infant.

"Suction" Kai said and my mom handed him one. He used it to suction out the blood that was created from the cut. I noticed that the infant was bleeding a lot and quickly, especially for a small cut for now

"Bovie" Doctor Min said and my mom handed her one. Kai held the skin apart as she started to gently burn the flesh to open up the flesh more

"Chest entrance through the fourth intercostal space" Doctor Min said

{fourth intercostal space: which is the space between the ribs, leading directly to the heart}

"Retractor" Kai said and my mom danded him one which he held the skin open with so that Doctor Min used the bovie to cut open between the ribs. Exposing the sac that the heart is in

"self retaining retractor" Kai said and my mom handed it to him. He used it to keep the bones of the ribs apart so that Doctor Min had a clear view of the heart

"How is he doing?" Doctor Min asked

"Stable," Doctor Nam replied. At this point I couldn't see what was going on but soon Doctor Min called my name and I stood next to Kai, and I looked at the surgical site to see exactly what Doctor Min planned.

There were two forceps holding the blood vessels on each side while in the middle there was the blood vessel that was narrower than the rest of the vessel. I watched Doctor Min as she cut the blood vessel and remove the narrow vessel

"Okay. go ahead" Doctor Min said. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I took a few deep breaths. Kai continued to suction out all the blood that was pooling into the surgical sight

"Needle holder and absorbable suture thread" I said and Kai placed it in my hand, for some reason the instruments felt heavy in my hand

{absorbable suture thread is used to for inner stitching like in organs because it dissolves into the body in two months while non absorbable are used for outer stitching like on the skin and require removal}

I looked at the surgical sight and planned quickly how I was going to do it. Even though all I had to do was stitch, I was dealing with a large vessel so it was tricky. Even though I knew what I had to do, I still couldn't bring myself to execute my plan

"Doctor Jeon?" I heard Doctor Min call me

"Huh?" I replied, snapping out of my thoughts

"We don't have much time," She said.

"It's okay, Junghae. Take your time" I heard Kai say. I saw Doctor Min shoot him a look but didn't say anything. I looked down at the patient

Just imagine he is dead

He is not alive

Its a normal case

Its okay

I kept repeating into my head. And I wish I could say it didn't help but it did help. If I can just imagine that this is a normal case and a dead patient where I don't have to worry about hurting them. Then I could get this done.

I tone out everything, even the beeping of the heart machine. I leaned in closely and started stitching

"Ah fucking hell" I cussed, since Im working on a live patient the muscles were moving, unlike a dead corspe nothing is moving.

Well only maggots if there were.

{maggots: Worms which are seen crawling in dead matter are in fact maggots or the larvae of flies}

"Is everything okay?" Kai asked

"Yeah" I said as I continued to stitch.

"Really thank you Junghae, it really means a lot" Kai said for the tenth time since we stepped out of the operation room an hour ago

"I said it's okay, don't worry about it," I said as we walked down the hallway after putting the patient back into the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Thankfully the operation went smoothly and the patient was stable throughout the operation.

{Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Newborn babies who need intensive medical care are often put in a special area of the hospital}

"It will be my last operation ever to help with" I said, that's when I saw Beomgyu appear in the hallway, when he saw me he stopped and turned his heels to walk the other way but not until Kai called his name

"Beomgyu hyung" Kai called out.

Ah shit. Fucking hell. The last thing I want to see right now is Beomgyu. I'm already thinking of ways on how to get away with murder. Beomgyu turned slowly towards us and we approached him.

"This is Doctor Jeon. I don't know if you met her yet" Kai said introducing me to him

"Oh yeah I seen her in the staff room" Beomgyu said nervously not daring to lay his eyes on me

"Yeah we did. We had a very pleasant conversation" I said sarcastically, gritting my teeth tightly

"Really? What about?" Kai asked looking between Beomgyu and I

"Beomgyu had an opinion that he wanted to share about how I had no right to say anything about the surgery" I said looking tensely at Beomgyu who glanced up at me clearly nervous

"What" Kai said looking at Beomgyu, waiting for him to confirm what he just heard

"Wait about that" Beomgyu said "I was politely telling her-"

"Politely? Oh really?!" I said cutting Beomgyu off, causing Beomgyu to look at me with fear in his eyes as he lightly shook his head "Then remind me who told me if you aren't gonna be any use you might as well shut the fuck up" I said repeating Beomgyu's words

I didn't even get a chance to blink my eyes and I saw Kai charging onto Beomgyu tackling him on the floor before seeing his fist lift up in the air and straight down on Beomgyu's jaw repeatedly

It took me a second to register that Kai was on top of Beomgyu and was punching him

"Kai" I gasped, I grabbed the back of his scrubs top trying to pull him off but it didn't work

"Kai" I yelled, tucking on his shirt harder but no, no luck.

"What is going on?" I heard my mom's voice say. I looked back to see her standing there with shock on her face

"Mom help!" I yelled still trying to pull away Kai. She approached us

"Stop it right now!" my mom yelled so loudly that I'm sure the whole hospital heard it. But it worked. Kai stopped punching Beomgyu who was bleeding from his nose and lip. But he still refused to get off Beomgyu

"Kai please. Please just get off" I whispered but it sounded loud in the quiet hallway. Thankfully he stood up slowly panting and Beomgyu sat up leaning against the wall.

"How dare you speak to her like that?" I heard Kai growl quietly at Beomgyu, who just chuckled

"Ahhh I see" Beomgyu said as he scoffed and rested his back on the wall. A smirk plastered on his face as he glanced between Kai and I rapidly "Why is she busy sucking you off?"

I felt fire shoot up my nerve at his words, I clenched my hand hard trying to control my temper so I don't make this situation even worse. But this time it wasn't Kai who attacked him. It was my mom who kicked Beomgyu straight on his head, making Beomgyu fall onto his side

"Ahhh" Beomgyu groaned, holding his head. He looked at my mom with shock in his face "What the fuck was that?"

"I suggest you watch how you speak to my daughter" My mom hissed at Beomgyu lifting her fist threatening to his him making him flinch.

"Mom. I told you to help break the fight, not join it" I whispered. This is not working

"Daughter?" Beomgyu looked at me as his face turned pale in realisation. "Wait so she is Jungkook hyung's daughter?"

"Do you think you would still be alive if he knew what you just said about his daughter?" my mom asked sarcastically

"I-Im sorry" Beomgyu said to my mom

"Apologise to her not me" my mom demanded

"I'm so sorry Doctor Jeon" Beomgyu said

"Its okay" I said starting to feel bad for Beomgyu

"And for Kai" my mom said

"What?" Beomgyu said in disbelief "He punched me first-"

"Apologise" my mom yelled

"I-Im sorry Kai" Beomgyu said as his face flushed.

"I suggest you watch your behaviour from now on, Beomgyu. This has really disappointed me and I didn't expect this from you" my mom started lecturing Beomgyu "Im sure your wife will not be happy if she heard about what just happened"

"Oh please dont tell Eunha" Beomgyu begged my mom.

No. don't tell me. Beomgyu and Doctor Min are married?!. Wow, I feel bad for her. Him out of all people?!

"Let's go" Kai said uninterruptedly as he grabbed my hand and left my mom and Beomgyu behind.  We entered Kai's office where he immediately embraced me between his arms making all my nerves relax under his touch welcoming his comfort and his scent.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kai asked

"About?" I asked

"Beomgyu. He shouldn't have talked to you like that. If anything like that happens again, tell me, okay?" he said

"So you can beat him up again" I chuckled but Kai didn't laugh

"Kai I'm okay don't worry" I said looking up at him. But he didn't reply, he simply leaned in and pressed his soft lips against my forehead pressing a comforting and protective kiss.

"I care about you, Junghae. You mean alot to me and it hurts me to know that someone disrespected you." Kai said, looking deeply into my eyes. I felt my heart beat hard against my chest

I care about you

Those words kept ringing in my head over and over again

"Really? You care about me?" I managed to whisper

"Of course I do," he chuckled. I could feel my cheek getting sore from my smile just hearing his words. I was about to say it back when Kai's phone rings and turns out to be an emergency

"Take Kian and go home. Get some rest" he said leaning in and pressing a quick kiss on my lips before leaving.

That's exactly what I do. Now that it is around midnight I put Kian to sleep in my bed. It became our routine where all three of us would sleep in my room. I finished showering and wore my PJs. I walked out of the bathroom to see Kai standing in the dark, I saw he was holding something but couldn't tell what it was

"Oh you are back" I said walking towards him about to pull him into a hug but he stepped away "Kai? Is everything okay?" I looked up to see his eyes but it was dark and I couldn't see much. Suddenly he stormed out of my room and i immediately followed him

"I cant fucking beleive this" I heard him say

"Kai what's wrong?" I said as I followed him into the living room. He slammed the documents on the coffee table and slumped on the sofa. He looked like he was in utter disbelief

"What the fuck is this?" he said with coldness filling his voice making chills run up my spine, as he pointed towards the folder on the coffee table.

I felt a heavy weight on my stomach. I instantly knew something was wrong. I looked at the documents and it was a picture of a dental x-ray.

"It's a dental x-ray-" I stopped


I gathered the document in my hands flipping through it.

It was the document that Yeonjun gave me. The whole report of the dental x-ray identification.

"How did you get this?" I asked

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