Chapter 9

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"Nurse Kim Dal Hee?" I turned around, and to my surprise, it was Doctor Jeong, a chief surgeon that is responsible for reporting to the main city hospital about what happens in this hospital

"Yes," I said

"May I see you?" he said before walking away. I followed him into his office and saw the drunk driver's Mother along with the lawyer in his office.

"Nurse Kim, Did you threaten a patient today?" Doctor Jeong asked

"Pardon?" I asked, looking at the Mother who wasn't looking at me, and her chin was raised high. The lawyer was looking at me, waiting for my answer.

She doesn't want to sort this out. She wants to use the law as a sword. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time happening to me. It happened multiple times when I used to work in the city hospital.

"Why did you run into the patient's room and say unnecessary things, like they should feel sorry and that many people died because of him?" Doctor Jeong said. At this moment, I lost all the respect I had for him. Is he serious right now? Can he hear himself?

"A nurse should only do what a nurse should do. Stick to your job," Doctor Jeong said, and my blood immediately started to boil. My patience has run out. How can people like them still exist?

"Apologised to them right now," Doctor Jeong commanded

That's it. My patience is so close to being done. Why should I apologise for something that isn't worth apologising for? It's not like I'm the one who was drunk and driving then dragging more than ten people close to their death.

"What did you say?" I scoffed

"Didn't you hear me?" he said. "Apologise to them."

"I can't," I said. I could feel the Mother glared at me

"What?" Doctor Jeong glumped hard, and his eyes started to move between the Mother and me in a fast motion.

"Right. I was overly emotional, and I barged into their room and told them that people got hurt. I know I shouldn't have done that. BUT I will not apologise," I said

"Nurse Kim", Doctor Jeong yelled.

"Her son can walk out of here with pain relief patches right now, and he is totally fine. Because of the expensive car that his Mother got for him, released six airbags that saved his life. They are just in this hospital because they don't want the police to arrest the son," I said, and Doctor Jeong face fell as he secretly glanced at the Mother to see if she would talk. It seemed like he wanted to do what she asked for as he was scared of her.

"Hey, Miss. Are you done?" the Mother said. I finally looked at her.

"I'm not a miss. I'm Nurse Kim Dal Hee," I said

"Unbelievable, your hospital is a mess, Doctor Jeong," she said, looking at Doctor Jeong.

"Yah! where are your manners?" Doctor Jeong yelled at me, "Apologies to them right away. for what you said, for everything."

"As I said, I will not," I said

"Are you going against the chief surgeon orders?" he said, glaring at me

"Give me orders I can comply with," I said, "If you are done, I will get going."

With that, I left the office and walked away, hoping that they would leave me alone. but no, because I heard Doctor Jeong call my name

"Yah! Kim Dal Hee, Stop right there," he yelled, and I stopped. I heard his footsteps approach me, and he came around and stood in front of me.

"Look here, Nurse Kim, do you know what you just did right there?" he whispered, "she is the wife of the provisional assembly leader, who is a close friend of the governor."

So this is why he was scared of her? Because she is the wife of god knows who.

"So what?" I said with a flat tone, "What does he have to do with me, let alone his wife."

"You don't know the real world," Doctor Jeong said, pointing his finger at me while chuckling and looking around to see if anyone was around. Wow, now he assumes that I'm stupid and have no knowledge. what an ignorant dumbass

"What I mean is she is someone you should apologise to," Doctor Jeong said

"Why should I?" I asked, "I'm not a politician, just like you said. A nurse should only do what a nurse should do," I said, using his own words against him, making his face fall in realisation. "So why should I apologise to someone like her?"

"That's the order of this world", Doctor Jeong hissed quietly. "Nurse Kim, let's go inside and apologise and make things easier. I will talk to her and let her drop the charges against you."

"No. Let her sue me," I said and walked away. I started to walk towards the room that the drunk driver was in and got a wheelchair on the way there. I entered the room to see him playing on his phone again. I entered with the wheelchair and put it near his bed.

"Please come with me," I said, taking the IV bag that was connected to him and hanged it on the metal.

"Where?" he asked, confused. I grabbed his arm and made him sit on the wheelchair without answering his question and started to push the wheelchair and started walking towards the ICU where the two people who got their legs amputated because of the accident he caused. I made him face the ICU room, which had its door in glass so he could see inside.

"What are you doing? I already got a check-up," he said

"Look inside, sir. Those two people got their legs amputated because of the accident you caused," I said. "Look at what have you done. They are suffering because of you. They can't eat or drink anything because of the tubes that are in their lungs to help them breathe. You see the family members. They are crying at the state of those two patients. This is all because of you."

"You can't settle this with money," I said as I walked in front of him to see him looking at his lap, "LOOK AT THEM" I yelled, making him flinch and look up as I saw his hands shake violently "you will realise what you have done after you see it."

I lowered myself to his level to see his eyes, but he just avoided my gaze, "Money is everything you have. Your Mother is there to support you. That's great, but you should at least learn what consciousness is," I said. I saw his lips tremble and heard soft weeping. at least he has a bit of emotions

"What are you doing over there?" I heard the mothers voice. I looked up and saw her standing right there.

"Mom," the son cried, making the mother jaw drop at the state of her son.

"Yah," the Mother yelled as she approached, and I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. my blood ran cold as silence filled the hallways

"Did you just hit me?" I said, looking at her

"Yes, I did," the Mother said, glaring at me, "What will you do? Press charges against me? Go ahead. How dare you make my son cry? Who do you think you are?"

"Why are you so shameless? Don't you know what you have done?" I said

"What did you just say?" she asked

"you have no guilt nor shame," I said, "Since when did the world let people like you be powerful."

"How dare you-" she started, but I cut her off.

"Forget it," I shouted, "I will file a counter charge of your assault."

let her taste her own medicine

"There will be no settlement nor compromise whatsoever," I said, walking away.

It goes both ways, sweetheart.

As I was walking down the hall, I heard footsteps following me. Just as I was about to turn to see who it was, the person grabbed my wrist and dragged me inside of a room. Right off the bat, I knew it was Doctor Kang from his citrus scent. I looked around the room, and it was an office that had a lot of medical skeleton models and posters. it was probably Doctor Kang's office

"So this is why you were upset the whole day? Because of a Lawsuit?" he asked. I avoided his gaze because I was pretty sure I would start sobbing at any time.

"It's not," I said

"What do you mean? I heard everything that just happened. that's why you were looking for the drunk driver earlier," he said, trying to make me look at him, but I just pushed his hand away.

"Listen, I have to work. I should go-" I said, trying to leave, but he stopped me.

"You can't work in this state, Dal Hee," he said, grabbing my wrist

"What do you want me to do then?" I said, looking at him, "I barely have done anything since I came here, so let me work. All I have been doing is just causing trouble and nothing that helped the patient or the hospital."

He just stared at me with no emotions on his face. I rolled my eyes as he didn't give any response. I tried to pull my wrist away from his grip, but he just tightened.

"You know that's not true," he said. I looked at him, puzzled. "You did a lot since you came here. Don't think that you are useless. You even figured out my whole past. You even went a step further and went to my grandma. About the lawsuit, you have to trust Doctor Park with this"

"Listen, let her sue me, okay? I don't care anymore. I can't even be bothered. let her do it," I said, rolling my eyes

"But-" he started, but I cut him off.

"Leave it alone, Taehyun," I said. "Leave me alone. I want to be alone."

"Should I take you back home?" he asked as a slight frown was on his face. "Rest till tomorrow. I will talk to Doctor Park and try to sort things out."

"I told you there is nothing to sort out. Let her sue me. I don't care," I said. I pulled my hand out of his grip and walked out of the office. I started walking towards the emergency room, and I passed by the waiting area where the husband and the wife of the sick child were.

"Gosh, you idiot", the husband turned to the wife, threatening to hit her. Even though she was far from his reach, she flinched at his behaviour. The husband turned back around and sat properly on the bench. I got a glass of water before going and sitting next to the wife.

"Here, it will help calm down," I said, handing her the water as she took it quietly. That's when I saw a bruise on the back of her hand. I grabbed her wrist and pulled down the sleeve of her jacket to see a purple bruise on her forearm. It looked horrible.

"By any chance, is it your husband who did this?" I asked quietly. She avoided my gaze and just pulled her wrist away before covering it. That's when another bruise caught my eye. This time it was on her neck. I reached and pulled down the turtle neck to see another purple bruise.

"Hey", I heard the husband say, looking at the wife ", You don't deserve to be sitting there, after what you did to our child. Do you have consciousness?"

"Please stop," I said to the husband, making him look at me. "Do you want to get kicked out of here?"

He just sighed before looking away. That's when I saw Mister Koo coming out of the emergency room.

"Mister Koo," I said as I approached him, "Please keep a close eye on them, it might be a case of domestic abuse."

"Yes, Got it. Also, Doctor Park wants you in his office," Mister Koo said. I nodded and made my way there.

I hope there is something good out of this. Just anything that doesn't involve me being slapped

I already got slapped twice today.

Just as I entered Doctor Park's office, I knew there was nothing good. Doctor Park, the Mother of the drunk driver, her lawyer, Doctor Jeong and also Doctor Kang.

I already told him to leave it alone, but still, he is stubborn and decided to tell Doctor Park.

I never had someone wanting to defend me that badly.

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