4 | some very terrible news indeed (but necessary for plot advancement)

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Marienne treads lightly down the hallway of Hawthorne Manor. Oil paintings encased in gilded frames adorn the walls. She thinks to run her fingers over the gold carvings but then neatly folds her hands in front of her instead. Marienne supposes it is odd for her to walk so softly in her own home, but years of training to be ladylike has left their mark. No loud noises. No taking up space. No existing outside of someone else's narrative. 

And she has never felt like she truly belonged.

Loud voices sound from her father's study. Marienne's heartrate quickens as she draws near. Unlike her, Father fills Hawthorne Manor with his presence. He stomps down corridors. He shouts loud enough to be heard through closed doors. His anger seeps into the walls and the cracks on the floor until the house is haunted.

There are two voices coming from the study though, and with a sinking feeling Marienne recognizes the second voice as being her twin brother, James. It's not often that he stands up for himself, if ever. Marienne doesn't blame him; an altercation with Father can never go well. 

Marienne quickens her footsteps. Maybe she can knock on the door, come up with some mundane topic to distract them. Father would shout at her, but he wouldn't raise his hand. Her brother would not be allowed that same courtesy. 

Her fingers on the doorknob, she grips it tightly but it doesn't twist. Locked. She presses her ear to the door but the noises are muffled. James raises his voice but Father is louder. Marienne hears a crash and then a sickening thud. 

Bile rises to her throat, pain searing through her jaw like it was she who was beaten. Her stomach twists like it has made contact with a steel toed boot.

She jumps back as the door is flung open. James is curled against the wall but rises to his feet upon seeing her. His eyes are wild, dark brown hair in disarray over his sharp feature. An angry red gash runs down his jawline. 

Father barks out in his gruff voice. "Marienne! It is good you are here. I have some news for you." He rings a bell loudly and impatiently and then orders the maid who scuttles in to fetch her mother.

Marienne's eyes glance back to her brother and he throws her a look that can only be interpreted as apologetic. He opens his mouth to speak but then closes it again, trembling. His eyes shift over to their father and he presses his arms into his side.

The older Lord Cleremont goes back into his study and takes a seat behind his heavy mahogany desk. His two children stand before him, heads bowed. Marienne wants to reach out and hold her brother's hand, but she doesn't want to anger her father further.

Mother bustles into the room. "It has finally happened, hasn't it?" she gushes, her tone far more jovial than is fitting for the grim atmosphere. "I knew it would. Why, when he came here this morning, looking so handsome no less! I knew my daughter would manage to make a match worthy of our family name!"

A/n: if you're reading lots of onc stories, you might enjoy this novella by Brian! Find it on his profile right here—> BrianMullin0

A Disney Star pretends to be kidnapped, just to have some fun. Crazed fans, mad chases and mayhem ensue.

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